
Outlook) (AppointmentItem.End 屬性

會傳回或設定 Date,指出 AppointmentItem 的結束日期和時間。 讀取/寫入。



表達 代表 AppointmentItem 物件的 變數。


這個 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 範例會使用 CreateItem 來建立 AppointmentItem 物件。 RecurrencePattern是使用AppointmentItem.GetRecurrencePattern方法針對這個專案取得。 在設定 RecurrencePattern 屬性、RecurrenceTypePatternStartDatePatternEndDate 後,這些約會現在成為一系列每日發生且為期一年的週期性約會。

使用GetOccurrence方法取得此週期性約會的一個實例,且更改這個實例的屬性時,就會建立Exception物件。 使用 GetRecurrencePattern 方法來存取與此系列相關聯的 Exceptions 集合,即可取得這一系列約會的例外狀況。 訊息方塊會顯示此例外狀況的原始 AppointmentItem.SubjectException.OriginalDate ,以及此例外狀況的目前日期、時間和主旨。

Public Sub cmdExample() 
 Dim myApptItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
 Dim myRecurrPatt As Outlook.RecurrencePattern 
 Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace 
 Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder 
 Dim myItems As Outlook.Items 
 Dim myDate As Date 
 Dim myOddApptItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
 Dim saveSubject As String 
 Dim newDate As Date 
 Dim myException As Outlook.Exception 
 Set myApptItem = Application.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) 
 myApptItem.Start = #2/2/2003 3:00:00 PM# 
 myApptItem.End = #2/2/2003 4:00:00 PM# 
 myApptItem.Subject = "Meet with Boss" 
 'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment 
 'and set it so that this is a daily appointment 
 'that begins on 2/2/03 and ends on 2/2/04 
 'and save it. 
 Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern 
 myRecurrPatt.RecurrenceType = olRecursDaily 
 myRecurrPatt.PatternStartDate = #2/2/2003# 
 myRecurrPatt.PatternEndDate = #2/2/2004# 
 'Access the items in the Calendar folder to locate 
 'the master AppointmentItem for the new series. 
 Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
 Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) 
 Set myItems = myFolder.Items 
 Set myApptItem = myItems("Meet with Boss") 
 'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment 
 'and obtain the occurrence for 3/12/03. 
 myDate = #3/12/2003 3:00:00 PM# 
 Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern 
 Set myOddApptItem = myRecurrPatt.GetOccurrence(myDate) 
 'Save the existing subject. Change the subject and 
 'starting time for this particular appointment 
 'and save it. 
 saveSubject = myOddApptItem.Subject 
 myOddApptItem.Subject = "Meet NEW Boss" 
 newDate = #3/12/2003 3:30:00 PM# 
 myOddApptItem.Start = newDate 
 'Get the recurrence pattern for the master 
 'AppointmentItem. Access the collection of 
 'exceptions to the regular appointments. 
 Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern 
 Set myException = myRecurrPatt.Exceptions.item(1) 
 'Display the original date, time, and subject 
 'for this exception. 
 MsgBox myException.OriginalDate & ": " & saveSubject 
 'Display the current date, time, and subject 
 'for this exception. 
 MsgBox myException.AppointmentItem.Start & ": " & _ 
End Sub


AppointmentItem 物件

如何:將約會 XML 資料匯入 Outlook 約會物件


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