Office) (MsoEnvelope.Item 屬性
取得 MailItem 物件,可用來以電子郵件傳送檔。 唯讀。
需要 expression。 代表 MsoEnvelope 物件的 變數。
下列範例會將使用中的 Microsoft Word 檔以電子郵件傳送至您傳遞至副程式的電子郵件地址。
Sub SendMail(ByVal strRecipient As String)
'Use a With...End With block to reference the msoEnvelope object.
With Application.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope
'Add some introductory text before the body of the email message.
.Introduction = "Please read this and send me your comments."
'Return a MailItem object that you can use to send the document.
With .Item
'All of the mail item settings are saved with the document.
'When you add a recipient to the Recipients collection
'or change other properties these settings will persist.
.Recipients.Add strRecipient
.Subject = "Here is the document."
'The body of this message will be
'the content of the active document.
End With
End With
End Sub
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