Access) (報表物件
Report 物件是指特定的 Microsoft Access 報表。
Report物件是Reports集合的成員,這是所有目前開啟之報表的集合。 Reports 集合內個別報表是從零開始編製索引。 參照Reports 集合中的個別Report物件,方法是依名稱參照報表,或參照集合內的索引。 如果報表名稱包含空格,名稱必須圍繞括號 ([])。
語法 | 範例 |
報表!reportname | 報告!OrderReport |
報表![報表名稱] | Reports![OrderReport] |
報 表 (「reportname」) | 報告 (「OrderReport」) |
報 表 (索引) | Reports(0) |
[!注意事項] 報表 的每個物件已 Controls 集合,其中含有報表上的所有控制項。 透過隱含或明確參照 Controls 集合,在報表上參照 控 件。 如果您隱含地參照 Controls 集合,則程式碼會執行地更快速。 下列範例顯示兩個可能會參考 NewData控制項 用在報表上的方式。
' Implicit reference.
' Explicit reference.
下列範例示範如何使用報表的 NoData 事件,防止報表在沒有顯示任何資料時開啟。
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
'Add code here that will be executed if no data
'was returned by the Report's RecordSource
MsgBox "No customers ordered this product this month. " & _
"The report will now close."
Cancel = True
End Sub
下列範例會示範如何將浮水印新增至報表會在列印之前使用 Page事件。
Private Sub Report_Page()
Dim strWatermarkText As String
Dim sizeHor As Single
Dim sizeVer As Single
#If RUN_PAGE_EVENT = True Then
With Me
'// Print page border
Me.Line (0, 0)-(.ScaleWidth - 1, .ScaleHeight - 1), vbBlack, B
'// Print watermark
strWatermarkText = "Confidential"
.ScaleMode = 3
.FontName = "Segoe UI"
.FontSize = 48
.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'// Calculate text metrics
sizeHor = .TextWidth(strWatermarkText)
sizeVer = .TextHeight(strWatermarkText)
'// Set the print location
.CurrentX = (.ScaleWidth / 2) - (sizeHor / 2)
.CurrentY = (.ScaleHeight / 2) - (sizeVer / 2)
'// Print the watermark
.Print strWatermarkText
End With
#End If
End Sub
下列範例會示範如何將其值為基礎的控制項的 BackColor屬性設定。
Private Sub SetControlFormatting()
If (Me.AvgOfRating >= 8) Then
Me.AvgOfRating.BackColor = vbGreen
ElseIf (Me.AvgOfRating >= 5) Then
Me.AvgOfRating.BackColor = vbYellow
Me.AvgOfRating.BackColor = vbRed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' size the width of the rectangle
Dim lngOffset As Long
lngOffset = (Me.boxInside.Left - Me.boxOutside.Left) * 2
Me.boxInside.Width = (Me.boxOutside.Width * (Me.AvgOfRating / 10)) - lngOffset
' do conditional formatting for the control in print preview
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Paint()
' do conditional formatting for the control in report view
End Sub
下列範例會示範如何設定報表以顯示進度列的格式。 此範例使用兩個矩形控制項、 boxInside及 boxOutside、 建立 AvgOfRating的值為基礎的進度列。 只有當報表在 預覽列印] 模式中開啟或列印時的進度列是可見的。
Private Sub Report_Load()
If (Me.CurrentView = AcCurrentView.acCurViewPreview) Then
Me.boxInside.Visible = True
Me.boxOutside.Visible = True
Me.boxInside.Visible = False
Me.boxOutside.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
' size the width of the rectangle
Dim lngOffset As Long
lngOffset = (Me.boxInside.Left - Me.boxOutside.Left) * 2
Me.boxInside.Width = (Me.boxOutside.Width * (Me.AvgOfRating / 10)) - lngOffset
' do conditional formatting for the control in print preview
End Sub
- Activate
- ApplyFilter
- Click
- Close
- 目前
- DblClick
- Deactivate
- 錯誤
- Filter
- GotFocus
- KeyDown
- KeyPress
- KeyUp
- 負載
- LostFocus
- MouseDown
- MouseMove
- MouseUp
- MouseWheel
- NoData
- Open
- Page
- Resize
- 計時器
- Unload
- ActiveControl
- AllowLayoutView
- AllowReportView
- 應用程式
- AutoCenter
- AutoResize
- BorderStyle
- Caption
- CloseButton
- ControlBox
- Controls
- 數目
- CurrentRecord
- CurrentView
- CurrentX
- CurrentY
- 循環
- DateGrouping
- DefaultControl
- DefaultView
- Dirty
- DisplayOnSharePointSite
- DrawMode
- DrawStyle
- DrawWidth
- FastLaserPrinting
- FillColor
- FillStyle
- Filter
- FilterOn
- FilterOnLoad
- FitToPage
- FontBold
- FontItalic
- FontName
- FontSize
- FontUnderline
- ForeColor
- FormatCount
- GridX
- GridY
- GroupLevel
- GrpKeepTogether
- HasData
- HasModule
- Height
- HelpContextId
- HelpFile
- Hwnd
- InputParameters
- KeyPreview
- LayoutForPrint
- Left
- MenuBar
- MinMaxButtons
- 強制回應
- 模組
- MouseWheel
- 可移動
- MoveLayout
- 名稱
- NextRecord
- OnActivate
- OnApplyFilter
- OnClick
- OnClose
- OnCurrent
- OnDblClick
- OnDeactivate
- OnError
- OnFilter
- OnGotFocus
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyPress
- OnKeyUp
- OnLoad
- OnLostFocus
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- OnNoData
- OnOpen
- OnPage
- OnResize
- OnTimer
- OnUnload
- OpenArgs
- OrderBy
- OrderByOn
- OrderByOnLoad
- Orientation
- Page
- PageFooter
- PageHeader
- Pages
- Painting
- PaintPalette
- PaletteSource
- Parent
- Picture
- PictureAlignment
- PictureData
- PicturePages
- PicturePalette
- PictureSizeMode
- PictureTiling
- PictureType
- PopUp
- PrintCount
- 印表機
- PrintSection
- Properties
- PrtDevMode
- PrtDevNames
- PrtMip
- RecordLocks
- Recordset
- RecordSource
- RecordSourceQualifier
- 報表
- RibbonName
- ScaleHeight
- ScaleLeft
- ScaleMode
- ScaleTop
- ScaleWidth
- ScrollBars
- Section
- ServerFilter
- 圖形
- ShortcutMenuBar
- ShowPageMargins
- Tag
- TimerInterval
- 工具列
- Top
- UseDefaultPrinter
- Visible
- Width
- WindowHeight
- WindowLeft
- WindowTop
- WindowWidth
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