Sub程式是由Sub和End Sub語句所括住的一系列 Visual Basic語句,這些語句會執行動作,但不會傳回值。 Sub程式可以接受引數,例如呼叫程式所傳遞的常數、變數或表達式。 如果 Sub 程式沒有引數, Sub 語句必須包含一組空的括弧。
下列 Sub 程式有說明每一行的批註。
' Declares a procedure named GetInfo
' This Sub procedure takes no arguments
Sub GetInfo()
' Declares a string variable named answer
Dim answer As String
' Assigns the return value of the InputBox function to answer
answer = InputBox(Prompt:="What is your name?")
' Conditional If...Then...Else statement
If answer = Empty Then
' Calls the MsgBox function
MsgBox Prompt:="You did not enter a name."
' MsgBox function concatenated with the variable answer
MsgBox Prompt:="Your name is " & answer
' Ends the If...Then...Else statement
End If
' Ends the Sub procedure
End Sub
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