Click 事件、CommandButton 控制項、Accelerator、Caption 屬性範例
這個範例會在每次使用者使用滑鼠或快速鍵按一下按鈕時,變更CommandButton的Accelerator和Caption屬性。 Click 事件包含改變 Accelerator 和 Caption 屬性的程式碼。
若要嘗試此範例,請將程式碼貼到表單的宣告區段中,該表單包含名為 CommandButton1 的 CommandButton 。
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CommandButton1.Accelerator = "C"
'Set Accelerator key to COMMAND + C
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click ()
If CommandButton1.Caption = "OK" Then
'Check caption, then change it.
CommandButton1.Caption = "Clicked"
CommandButton1.Accelerator = "C"
'Set Accelerator key to COMMAND + C
CommandButton1.Caption = "OK"
CommandButton1.Accelerator = "O"
'Set Accelerator key to COMMAND + O
End If
End Sub
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