

QueryDef.MaxRecords property (DAO)

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

Sets or returns the maximum number of records to return from a query against an ODBC data source.


expression .MaxRecords

expression A variable that represents a QueryDef object.


The default value is 0, indicating no limit on the number of records returned.

Once the number of rows specified by MaxRecords is returned to your application in a Recordset, the query processor will stop returning additional records even if more records would qualify for inclusion in the Recordset. This property is useful in situations where limited client resources prohibit management of large numbers of records.


The MaxRecords property can only be used with an ODBC data source.


This example uses the MaxRecords property to set a limit on how many records are returned by a query on an ODBC data source.

Sub MaxRecordsX() 
 Dim dbsCurrent As Database 
 Dim qdfPassThrough As QueryDef 
 Dim qdfLocal As QueryDef 
 Dim rstTemp As Recordset 
 ' Open a database from which QueryDef objects can be 
 ' created. 
 Set dbsCurrent = OpenDatabase("DB1.mdb") 
 ' Create a pass-through query to retrieve data from 
 ' a Microsoft SQL Server database. 
 Set qdfPassThrough = _ 
 ' Set the properties of the new query, limiting the 
 ' number of returnable records to 20. 
 ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to 
 ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to 
 ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server. 
 qdfPassThrough.Connect = _ 
 qdfPassThrough.SQL = "SELECT * FROM titles" 
 qdfPassThrough.ReturnsRecords = True 
 qdfPassThrough.MaxRecords = 20 
 Set rstTemp = qdfPassThrough.OpenRecordset() 
 ' Display results of query. 
 Debug.Print "Query results:" 
 With rstTemp 
 Do While Not .EOF 
 Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1) 
 End With 
End Sub