Fabricating hierarchical Recordsets
Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013
The following example shows how to fabricate a hierarchical Recordset without an underlying data source by using the data shaping grammar to define columns for parent, child, and grandchild Recordsets.
To fabricate a hierarchical Recordset, you must specify the Microsoft Data Shaping Service for OLE DB (MSDataShape), and you may specify a Data Provider value of NONE in the connection string parameter of the Connection object's Open method. For more information, see Required Providers for Data Shaping.
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsCustomers As New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open "Provider=MSDataShape;Data Provider=NONE;"
strShape = _
"SHAPE APPEND NEW adInteger AS CustID," & _
" NEW adChar(25) AS FirstName," & _
" NEW adChar(25) AS LastName," & _
" NEW adChar(12) AS SSN," & _
" NEW adChar(50) AS Address," & _
" ((SHAPE APPEND NEW adChar(80) AS VIN_NO," & _
" NEW adInteger AS CustID," & _
" NEW adChar(20) AS BodyColor, " & _
" ((SHAPE APPEND NEW adChar(80) AS VIN_NO," & _
" NEW adChar(20) AS Make, " & _
" NEW adChar(20) AS Model," & _
" NEW adChar(4) AS Year) " & _
" AS Vehicles RELATE CustID TO CustID) "
rsCustomers.Open strShape, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, -1
After the Recordset has been fabricated, it can be populated, manipulated, or persisted to a file.