ADOX code examples in Microsoft Visual C++
Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013
These topics provide sample code to help you understand how to use ADOX. All code examples are written using Microsoft Visual C++.
Paste the entire code example, from beginning to end, into your code editor. The example may not run correctly if you use partial examples or if paragraph formatting is lost.
- Columns and Tables Append methods, Name property example (VC++)
- Connection Close method, Table Type property example (VC++)
- Create method example (VC++)
- GetObjectOwner and SetObjectOwner methods example (VC++)
- GetPermissions and SetPermissions methods example (VC++)
- Groups and Users Append, ChangePassword methods example (VC++)
- Indexes Append method example (VC++)
- Keys Append method, Key Type, RelatedColumn, RelatedTable, and UpdateRule properties example (VC++)
- Attributes property example (VC++)
- Catalog ActiveConnection property example (VC++)
- Clustered property example (VC++)
- Command and CommandText properties example (VC++)
- Command property, Parameters collection example (VC++)
- DateCreated and DateModified properties example (VC++)
- DefinedSize property example (VC++)
- DeleteRule property example (VC++)
- IndexNulls property example (VC++)
- Key Type, RelatedColumn, RelatedTable, UpdateRule properties, Keys Append method example (VC++)
- Name property, Columns and Tables Append methods example (VC++)
- NumericScale and Precision properties example (VC++)
- ParentCatalog property example (VC++)
- PrimaryKey and Unique properties example (VC++)
- Table Type property, Connection Close method example (VC++)