ADOX code examples in Microsoft Visual Basic
Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013
These topics provide sample code to help you understand how to use ADOX. All code examples are written using Microsoft Visual Basic.
Paste the entire code example, from Sub to End Sub, into your code editor. The example may not run correctly if you use partial examples or if paragraph formatting is lost.
- Columns and Tables Append methods, Name property example (VB)
- Connection Close method, Table Type property example (VB)
- Create method example (VB)
- GetObjectOwner and SetObjectOwner methods example (VB)
- GetPermissions and SetPermissions methods example (VB)
- Groups and Users Append, ChangePassword methods example (VB)
- Indexes Append method example (VB)
- Keys Append method, Key Type, RelatedColumn, RelatedTable, and UpdateRule properties example (VB)
- Procedures Append method example (VB)
- Procedures Delete method example (VB)
- Procedures Refresh method example (VB)
- Views Append method example (VB)
- Views Delete method example (VB)
- Views Refresh method example (VB)
- Attributes property example (VB)
- Catalog ActiveConnection property example (VB)
- Clustered property example (VB)
- Command and CommandText properties example (VB)
- Command property, Parameters collection example (VB)
- CommandText property, Views collection example (VB)
- DateCreated and DateModified properties example (VB)
- DefinedSize property example (VB)
- DeleteRule property example (VB)
- IndexNulls property example (VB)
- Key Type, RelatedColumn, RelatedTable, and UpdateRule properties, Keys Append method example (VB)
- Name property, Columns and Tables Append methods example (VB)
- NumericScale and Precision properties example (VB)
- ParentCatalog property example (VB)
- PrimaryKey and Unique properties example (VB)
- SortOrder property example (VB)
- Table Type property, Connection Close method example (VB)