
interface ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders

interface ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders
  : public IUnknown

HTTP request headers.


Members Descriptions
Contains Checks whether the headers contain an entry matching the header name.
GetHeader Gets the header value matching the name.
GetHeaders Gets the header value matching the name via an iterator.
GetIterator Gets an iterator over the collection of request headers.
RemoveHeader Removes header that matches the name.
SetHeader Adds or updates header that matches the name.

Used to inspect the HTTP request on WebResourceRequested event and NavigationStarting event. Note, you can modify the HTTP request headers from a WebResourceRequested event, but not from a NavigationStarting event.



Checks whether the headers contain an entry matching the header name.

public HRESULT Contains(LPCWSTR name, BOOL * contains)


Gets the header value matching the name.

public HRESULT GetHeader(LPCWSTR name, LPWSTR * value)


Gets the header value matching the name via an iterator.

public HRESULT GetHeaders(LPCWSTR name, ICoreWebView2HttpHeadersCollectionIterator ** iterator)


Gets an iterator over the collection of request headers.

public HRESULT GetIterator(ICoreWebView2HttpHeadersCollectionIterator ** iterator)


Removes header that matches the name.

public HRESULT RemoveHeader(LPCWSTR name)


Adds or updates header that matches the name.

public HRESULT SetHeader(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR value)