Configuration Manager報表的 WMI 命名空間和類別Configuration Manager
安裝Configuration Manager時,會建立數個 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 命名空間,而且根據命名空間,可以在每個命名空間下建立數百個類別。 此外,每個月臺可能會有其他月臺可能沒有的類別,視特定網站設定、追蹤的清查等而定。
Configuration Manager建立的 WMI 命名空間
下列 WMI 命名空間是由 Configuration Manager 所建立:
- root\ccm
- root\ccm\CCMPasswordSettings
- root\ccm\CIModels
- root\ccm\CIStateStore
- root\ccm\CIStore
- root\ccm\CITasks
- root\ccm\ClientSDK
- root\ccm\ContentTransferManager
- root\ccm\DataTransferService
- root\ccm\dcm
- root\ccm\DCMAgent
- root\ccm\evaltest
- root\ccm\Events
- root\ccm\InvAgt
- root\ccm\LocationServices
- root\ccm\Messaging
- root\ccm\NetworkConfig
- root\ccm\PeerDPAgent
- root\ccm\Policy
- root\ccm\PowerManagementAgent
- root\ccm\RebootManagement
- root\ccm\ScanAgent
- root\ccm\Scheduler
- root\ccm\SMSNapAgent
- root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent
- root\ccm\SoftwareMeteringAgent
- root\ccm\SoftwareUpdates
- root\ccm\StateMsg
- root\ccm\VulnerabilityAssessment
- root\ccm\XmlStore
- root\cimv2\sms
- root\smsdm
- root\sms
- root\sms\site_< site code >
如何使用 Visual Basic 腳本擷取Configuration Manager WMI 命名空間和類別
列出已在您網站上建立之Configuration Manager相關類別的簡單方式,是執行Microsoft Visual Basic 腳本。 下列腳本會掃描上述每個 WMI 命名空間內的所有類別,並將結果輸出至文字檔。
若要執行腳本來掃描 WMI 命名空間和類別
'======================================================================================= ' ' NAME: WMIScan.vbs ' ' AUTHOR: Microsoft Corporation ' DATE : 10/24/2013 (Revised for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager by Rob Stack) ' ' COMMENT: Script to scan Configuration Manager WMI classes. ' '======================================================================================= Dim SearchChar Dim TotChar Dim RightChar Dim ClassName Dim Computer Dim strComputer Dim strUser Dim strPassword Dim strSiteCode Dim strNameSpace Dim strFolder Dim strFile Dim strLogFile Dim strFullFile Dim strFullLogFile Dim isError Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Const adOpenStatic = 3 Const adLockOptimistic = 3 Const adUseClient = 3 set colNamedArguments=wscript.Arguments.Named If colNamedArguments.Exists("Sitecode") Then strSiteCode = colNamedArguments.Item("Sitecode") Else WScript.Echo "Invalid Command Line Arguments" & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & "Usage: WMIScan.vbs /Sitecode:<sitecode> " & _ "/Computer:<computername>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Example1: WMIScan.vbs /Sitecode:PS1" & vbCrLf & _ "Example2: WMIScan.vbs /Sitecode:PS1 /Computer:Computer1" WScript.Quit(1) End If If colNamedArguments.Exists("Computer") Then strComputer = colNamedArguments.Item("Computer") Else strComputer = "." End If 'Define the values for files and folders. strFolder = "c:\WMIScan" strFile = "WMIScan.txt" strLogFile = "WMIScan.log" strFullFile = strFolder & "\" & strFile strFullLogFile = strFolder & "\" & strLogFile isError = 0 'List of Configuration Manager namespaces are put into an array. arrNameSpaces = Array("root\ccm","root\ccm\CCMPasswordSettings","root\ccm\CIModels",_ "root\ccm\CIStateStore","root\ccm\CIStore","root\ccm\CITasks",_ "root\ccm\ClientSDK","root\ccm\ContentTransferManager","root\ccm\DataTransferService",_ "root\ccm\dcm","root\ccm\DCMAgent","root\ccm\evaltest",_ "root\ccm\Events","root\ccm\InvAgt","root\ccm\LocationServices",_ "root\ccm\Messaging","root\ccm\NetworkConfig","root\ccm\PeerDPAgent",_ "root\ccm\Policy","root\ccm\PowerManagementAgent","root\ccm\RebootManagement",_ "root\ccm\ScanAgent","root\ccm\Scheduler","root\ccm\SMSNapAgent",_ "root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent","root\ccm\SoftwareMeteringAgent","root\ccm\SoftwareUpdates",_ "root\ccm\StateMsg","root\ccm\VulnerabilityAssessment","root\ccm\XmlStore",_ "root\cimv2\sms","root\smsdm","root\sms",_ "root\sms\site_"& strSiteCode) 'Creates the folder and files for the scan output and log file. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Does strFolder Folder exist? If not, it's created. If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strFolder) then Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strFolder) End If 'Creates the WMIScan.txt and WMIScan.log files. Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFullFile) Set objLogFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFullLogFile) objFile.close objLogFile.close 'Opens the WMIScan.log file in write mode. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objLogFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFullLogFile, ForWriting) objLogFile.WriteLine "********************************************" objLogFile.WriteLine " WMIScan Tool Executed - " & Now() objLogFile.WriteLine "********************************************" 'Opens the WMIScan.txt file in write mode. Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFullFile, ForWriting) objLogFile.WriteLine "--------------------------------------------" Computer = strComputer If Computer = "." Then Computer = "Local System" objLogFile.WriteLine " Scanning WMI Namespaces On " & Computer objLogFile.WriteLine "--------------------------------------------" WScript.echo "Starting WMI scan on " & Computer 'Create a collection of Namespaces from the array, and ' call the EnumNameSpaces subroutine to do the scan. For Each strNameSpace In arrNameSpaces Call EnumNameSpaces(strNameSpace, strComputer) Next objLogFile.WriteLine "---------------------------------------------" objLogFile.WriteLine " Done scanning WMI Namespaces on " & Computer objLogFile.WriteLine "---------------------------------------------" 'Close the WMISscan.txt file. objFile.close If isError = 1 Then WScript.Echo "WMI Scan has Completed with Errors!" & vbCrLf & _ "Check the " & strLogFile & " file for more details." & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & strFile & " & " & strLogFile & " have been written to "_ & strFolder & "." Else WScript.Echo "WMI Scan has Completed without any Errors!" & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strFile & " & " & strLogFile & _ " have been written to " & strFolder & "." End If '*************************************************************** '*** Subroutine to do the classes scan on the namespace. *** '*************************************************************** Sub EnumNameSpaces(strNameSpace, strComputer) Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") On Error Resume next Set objSWbemServices= objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer (strComputer,_ strNameSpace) objLogFile.Write "Connecting to the \\" & strComputer & "\" &_ strNameSpace & " WMI NameSpace...." If Err.number = 0 Then objLogFile.WriteLine "Success!!" objLogFile.Write " Scanning for Classes in "&strNameSpace _ & "..." 'Create a collection of all the subclasses of the namespace. Set colClasses = objSWbemServices.SubclassesOf() 'Scan all WMI classes, and write them to the scan1.txt file. objFile.WriteBlanklines(1) objFile.WriteLine "\\" & strComputer & "\" & strNameSpace For Each objClass In colClasses SearchChar = instr(objClass.Path_.Path, ":") TotChar = len(objClass.Path_.Path) RightChar = TotChar - SearchChar ClassName = right(objClass.Path_.Path,RightChar) objFile.WriteLine " " & ClassName Next objLogFile.WriteLine "Success!!" ElseIf Err.Number = -2147024891 Then objLogFile.WriteLine "Error " & Err.Number & _ "! Connection to "& strComputer & " Failed!" isError = 1 Elseif Err.Number = -2147217394 Then objLogFile.WriteLine "Error " & Err.Number & "!! Namespace "&_ strNameSpace & " NOT Found!!" isError = 1 Else objLogFile.WriteLine "Error " & Err.Number & "!!" isError = 1 End If End Sub
建立名為 C:\WMIScan 的資料夾。
將腳本儲存為 C:\WMIScan 資料夾中的WMIScan.vbs。
開啟 [命令提示字元] 視窗。
輸入 C:\WMIScan\WMIScan.vbs /sitecode:ABC ,然後按 Enter 鍵。 請務必將 ABC 取代為適當的月臺碼。
上述命令列假設腳本是從Configuration Manager月臺伺服器執行。 若要連線到遠端月臺伺服器上的 WMI,請使用 /computer: < computername 自變 > 量來指定遠端電腦。 例如,若要連線到 Computer1 上的月臺碼 ABC,您會在命令列中輸入 C:\WMIScan\WMIScan.vbs /sitecode:ABC /computer:Computer1。
當在Configuration Manager主要月臺伺服器上執行時,腳本會在 C:\WMIScan) 中建立文字檔 (,其中包含每個 WMI 命名空間中的所有 WMI 類別,以供Configuration Manager使用。 也會建立記錄檔,其中列出所有掃描的命名空間,以及掃描是否成功。 請注意,某些月臺伺服器上不會有某些命名空間,視已設定的選項而定。