
UpdateState type

Defines values for UpdateState.
KnownUpdateState can be used interchangeably with UpdateState, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

NotStarted: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that has not been started.
Running: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that is running.
Stopping: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that is being stopped.
Stopped: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that has stopped.
Skipped: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that has been skipped.
Failed: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that has failed.
Completed: The state of an UpdateRun/UpdateStage/UpdateGroup/MemberUpdate that has completed.

type UpdateState = string