team resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
A team in Microsoft Teams is a collection of channel objects. A channel represents a topic, and therefore a logical isolation of discussion, within a team.
Every team is associated with a Microsoft 365 group.
The group has the same ID as the team - for example, /groups/{id}/team
is the same as /teams/{id}
For more information about working with groups and members in teams, see Use the Microsoft Graph REST API to work with Microsoft Teams.
Method | Return Type | Description |
Create | teamsAsyncOperation | Create a team from scratch. |
Create team from group | team | Create a new team, or add a team to an existing Microsoft 365 group. |
Get | team | Retrieve the properties and relationships of the specified team. |
Update | team | Update the properties of the specified team. |
Delete | None | Delete the team and its associated group. |
List members | conversationMember collection | Get the list of members in the team. |
Add member | conversationMember | Add a new member to the team. |
Add members in bulk | actionResultPart collection | Add multiple members to the team in a single request. |
Get member | conversationMember collection | Get a member in the team. |
Get primary channel | channel | The general channel for the team. |
Update member | conversationMember | Change a member to an owner or back to a regular member. |
Remove member | None | Remove an existing member from the team. |
Remove members in bulk | actionResultPart collection | Remove multiple members from a team in a single request. |
Archive team | teamsAsyncOperation | Put the team in a read-only state. |
Unarchive team | teamsAsyncOperation | Restore the team to a read-write state. |
Clone team | teamsAsyncOperation | Copy the team and its associated group. |
List your teams | team collection | List the teams you're a member of. |
List your associated teams | associatedTeamInfo collection | Get the list of teams in Microsoft Teams that a user is associated with. |
List all teams in an organization | team collection | List all teams in an organization. |
Complete migration for team | team | Removes migration mode from the team and makes the team available to users to post and read messages. |
List all channels | channel collection | Get the list of channels either in this team or shared with this team (incoming channels). |
List channels | channel collection | Get the list of channels in a team. |
List incoming channels | channel collection | Get the list of incoming channels (channels shared with a team). |
Remove incoming channel | None | Remove an incoming channel (a channel shared with a team) from a team. |
List apps in team | teamsAppInstallation collection | List apps installed in a team. |
Add app to team | None | Add (install) an app to a team. |
Get app installed in team | teamsAppInstallation | Get the specified app installed in a team. |
Upgrade app installed in team | None | Upgrade the app installed in a team to the latest version. |
Remove app from team | None | Remove (uninstall) an app from a team. |
List permission grants | resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection | List permissions that were granted to apps to access the team. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the team. The group has the same ID as the team. This property is read-only, and is inherited from the base entity type. |
classification | string | An optional label. Typically describes the data or business sensitivity of the team. Must match one of a preconfigured set in the tenant's directory. |
classSettings | teamClassSettings | Configure settings of a class. Available only when the team represents a class. |
createdDateTime | dateTimeOffset | Timestamp at which the team was created. |
description | string | An optional description for the team. Maximum length: 1,024 characters. |
displayName | string | The name of the team. |
firstChannelName | String | The name of the first channel in the team. This is an optional property, only used during team creation and isn't returned in methods to get and list teams. |
funSettings | teamFunSettings | Settings to configure use of Giphy, memes, and stickers in the team. |
guestSettings | teamGuestSettings | Settings to configure whether guests can create, update, or delete channels in the team. |
internalId | string | A unique ID for the team that was used in a few places such as the audit log/Office 365 Management Activity API. |
isArchived | Boolean | Whether this team is in read-only mode. |
memberSettings | teamMemberSettings | Settings to configure whether members can perform certain actions, for example, create channels and add bots, in the team. |
messagingSettings | teamMessagingSettings | Settings to configure messaging and mentions in the team. |
specialization | teamSpecialization | Optional. Indicates whether the team is intended for a particular use case. Each team specialization has access to unique behaviors and experiences targeted to its use case. |
summary | teamSummary | Contains summary information about the team, including number of owners, members, and guests. |
tenantId | string | The ID of the Microsoft Entra tenant. |
visibility | teamVisibilityType | The visibility of the group and team. Defaults to Public. |
webUrl | string (readonly) | A hyperlink that goes to the team in the Microsoft Teams client. You get this URL when you right-click a team in the Microsoft Teams client and select Get link to team. This URL should be treated as an opaque blob, and not parsed. |
Instance attributes
Instance attributes are properties with special behaviors. These properties are temporary. They either define behavior the service should perform or provide short-term property values, such as a download URL for an item that expires.
Property name | Type | Description |
@microsoft.graph.teamCreationMode | string | Indicates that the team is in migration state and is currently being used for migration purposes. It accepts one value: migration . Note: In the future, Microsoft might require you or your customers to pay extra fees based on the amount of data imported. |
For a POST request example, see Request (create team in migration state).
Relationship | Type | Description |
allChannels | channel collection | List of channels either hosted in or shared with the team (incoming channels). |
channels | channel collection | The collection of channels and messages associated with the team. |
incomingChannels | channel collection | List of channels shared with the team. |
installedApps | teamsAppInstallation collection | The apps installed in this team. |
members | conversationMember collection | Members and owners of the team. |
operations | teamsAsyncOperation collection | The async operations that ran or are running on this team. |
photo | profilePhoto | The profile photo for the team. |
primaryChannel | channel | The general channel for the team. |
schedule | schedule | The schedule of shifts for this team. |
tags | teamworkTag collection | The tags associated with the team. |
template | teamsTemplate | The template this team was created from. See available templates. |
permissionGrants | resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection | A collection of permissions granted to apps to access the team. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
Note: If the team is of type class, a classSettings property is applied on the team.
"classSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamClassSettings"},
"classification": "String",
"createdDateTime": "DateTimeOffset",
"description": "String",
"displayName": "String",
"firstChannelName": "String",
"funSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamFunSettings"},
"guestSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamGuestSettings"},
"internalId": "String",
"isArchived": "Boolean",
"memberSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamMemberSettings"},
"messagingSettings": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamMessagingSettings"},
"specialization": "String",
"tenantId": "String",
"visibility": "String",
"webUrl": "String (URL)"