

filePlanReference resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.security

Represents a file plan descriptor that specifies a unique alpha-numeric identifier for an organization’s retention schedule. Used to supplement a retention label for record management purposes.

To create, get, or delete a filePlanReference descriptor, use the filePlanReferenceTemplate resource.

This resource is one of a set of file plan descriptors that an administrator can choose to supplement a retention label. To find out more about these optional descriptors, and how to get the descriptors that have been chosen for a retention label, see file plan descriptor.

Inherits from microsoft.graph.security.filePlanDescriptorBase.


Property Type Description
displayName String Unique string that defines a reference ID. Inherited from microsoft.graph.security.filePlanDescriptor.



JSON representation

Here's a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.filePlanReference",
  "displayName": "String"