

Use the Profile API in Microsoft Graph to retrieve information about yourself or another user

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Microsoft Graph applications can use the Profile API to retrieve the profile of the signed-in user or another user with a valid Microsoft Entra ID or Microsoft account. This information can be used in applications to help contextualizing another user, providing a richer experience for the user within the application or as a mechanism for storing extended information about the user that can also be used within Microsoft 365.


To call the People API in Microsoft Graph, your app needs the appropriate permissions:

  • User.Read - Use to make general Profile API calls; for example, https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/profile/. User.Read requires end user consent.

View my profile

The requests in this section get the people most relevant to the signed-in user (/me). These requests require the User.Read permission to be present for the signed-in user.

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/profile/

The following example shows the response. By default, each response returns 10 records. You can change this by using the $top query parameter. This example uses $top, to limit the response to three records.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

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