

plannerTaskRecurrence resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Represents recurrence for a Planner task in Microsoft 365, allowing clients to define and edit recurrence for a Planner task. To add or edit recurrence, clients specify the schedule. For details, see plannerRecurrenceSchedule. To cancel recurrence, clients set the same schedule to null. The plannerTaskRecurrence resource also provides system-generated and read-only properties that are useful for tracking and understanding recurrence. For a Planner task, after recurrence has been defined, it can't be set to null. For tasks that have never had recurrence defined, recurrence is null.

Given a non-recurring task, a client can make it into a recurring task by specifying schedule. When the schedule is added, Planner populates the seriesId and occurrenceId properties, as well as other properties. An occurrenceId of 1 indicates that this is the first task in the series. The second task in the series has an occurrenceId of 2. The seriesId is a unique new string, created for the first task. The second task and all future tasks in the series inherit the seriesId from the first task, indicating that they are part of the same recurring series.

When a task with active recurrence is marked complete (percentComplete set to 100), a new task is created to continue the series. Alternately, if a task with active recurrence is deleted without cancelling recurrence, a new task is also created to continue the series. If the series should be discontinued, the schedule should first be set to null, then the task can be deleted and recurrence stops.

For more details, see Configuring task recurrence in Planner.


Property Type Description
nextInSeriesTaskId String The taskId of the next task in this series. This value is assigned at the time the next task in the series is created, and is null prior to that time.
occurrenceId Int32 The 1-based index of this task within the recurrence series. The first task in a series has the value 1, the next task in the series has the value 2, and so on.
previousInSeriesTaskId String The taskId of the previous task in this series. null for the first task in a series since it has no predecessor. All subsequent tasks in the series have a value that corresponds to their predecessors.
recurrenceStartDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time when this recurrence series begin. For the first task in a series (occurrenceId = 1) this value is copied from schedule.patternStartDateTime. For subsequent tasks in the series (occurrenceId >= 2) this value is copied from the previous task and never changes; it preserves the start date of the recurring series. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
schedule plannerRecurrenceSchedule The schedule for recurrence. Clients define and edit recurrence by specifying the schedule. If nextInSeriesTaskId isn't assigned, clients may terminate the series by assigning null to this property.
seriesId String The recurrence series this task belongs to. A GUID-based value that serves as the unique identifier for a series.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type. For real-looking examples that include this resource, see Configuring task recurrence in Planner.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerTaskRecurrence",
  "nextInSeriesTaskId": "String",
  "occurrenceId": "Int32",
  "previousInSeriesTaskId": "String",
  "recurrenceStartDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "schedule": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerRecurrenceSchedule" },
  "seriesId": "String"