


Queues an asynchronous operation to configure the audio manipulation render stream.


PartyError ConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStream(  
    PartyAudioManipulationSinkStreamConfiguration* configuration,  
    void* asyncIdentifier  


configuration   PartyAudioManipulationSinkStreamConfiguration*

The stream configuration.

asyncIdentifier   void*

An optional, app-defined, pointer-sized context value that can be used to associate the completion state change with this call.

Return value


c_partyErrorSuccess if the call succeeded or an error code otherwise. The human-readable form of the error code can be retrieved via PartyManager::GetErrorMessage().


If the configuration is non-null, an audio manipulation render stream will be created for this chat control. Such a stream acts as the render pipeline for audio that will be rendered to this chat control. If the configuration is null, and a stream has previously been configured, the stream will be destroyed.

Upon completion of the asynchronous operation, when a non-null configuration was specified, a render stream for this chat control can be queried via PartyLocalChatControl::GetAudioManipulationRenderStream(). Completion is indicated by a PartyConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStreamCompletedStateChange.

Platform support and supported formats

This function is only supported on Windows, Xbox, and PlayStation® 5. Calls on other platforms will fail.

The following format options are supported for Windows and Xbox.

Format option Supported value(s)
Samples per second Any value between 8 kHz and 48 kHz, inclusive.
Channel mask Any value
Channel count Any value between 1 and 64, inclusive.
Bits per sample If sample type is PartyAudioSampleType::Float, 32. If sample type is PartyAudioSampleType::Integer, 16 or 32.
Sample type PartyAudioSampleType::Float or PartyAudioSampleType::Integer
Interleaved true or false

For a list of supported format options for PlayStation® 5, please refer to the README-RealTimeAudioManipulation.md document distributed with the Party library package.


Header: Party.h

See also
