Defines the end of a user-defined event.
void PIXEndEvent(
void* context
Type: void*
Context for the event, accepts ID3D12GraphicsCommandList\*
, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList\*
, and ID3D12XboxDmaCommandList\*
(Xbox only).
The context associates the PIX marker with the D3D12 object it is set on.
Return value
Type: void
Each call to PIXEndEvent
must be paired with a corresponding call to PIXBeginEvent. The paired calls to PIXBeginEvent and PIXEndEvent
must occur on the same thread. In the event of mismatched markers, PIX will throw a warning in a timing capture. Mismatched markers will cause an unexpected or unusable rendering of the PIX timeline.
In a worst case scenario, mismatched event calls may cause PIX to crash.
Header: pix3.h
Library: pixevt.lib
Supported platforms: Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles