

The XboxGameUI APIs allow titles to bring up pre-defined user interface displays on the Xbox One Console. These pre-defined UI include user pickers, profile cards, and game invites among other interfaces.


Function Description
XGameUiSetNotificationPositionHint Sets the preferred position for toast notifications to be shown on the current title.
XGameUiShowAchievementsAsync Displays UI presenting the requesting player's achievements for the specified title.
XGameUiShowAchievementsResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUiShowAchievementsAsync.
XGameUiShowErrorDialogAsync Displays UI for an error dialog with a service defined error string for the specified error code.
XGameUiShowErrorDialogResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUiShowErrorDialogAsync.
XGameUiShowMessageDialogAsync Displays UI for a customizable message dialog.
XGameUiShowMessageDialogResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUiShowMessageDialogAsync.
XGameUiShowMultiplayerActivityGameInviteAsync TBD
XGameUiShowMultiplayerActivityGameInviteResult TBD
XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync Displays a picker UI that allows a person playing the game to select players from a presented list of people.
XGameUiShowPlayerPickerResult Gets the results from a XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync call.
XGameUiShowPlayerPickerResultCount Gets the count of results from a XGameUiShowPlayerPickerAsync call.
XGameUiShowPlayerProfileCardAsync Displays UI for the profile card of the specified player.
XGameUiShowPlayerProfileCardResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUiShowPlayerProfileCardAsync.
XGameUiShowSendGameInviteAsync Shows a picker UI populated from the selected player's friend list and suggested friend list.
XGameUiShowSendGameInviteResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUIShowSendGameInviteAsync.
XGameUiShowStateShareAsync Displays UI for sharing a state with other players
XGameUiShowStateShareResult Gets the result of a call to XGameUIShowStateShareAsync
XGameUiShowTextEntryAsync Displays a text entry UI for a user to enter information.
XGameUiShowTextEntryResult Gets the results from a XGameUiShowTextEntryAsync call.
XGameUiShowTextEntryResultSize Gets the size of the return buffer from a XGameUiShowTextEntryAsync call.
XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationAsync Displays a web UI that allows the user to delegate access to external web sites and services without directly providing their credentials to the running title.
XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationResult Gets the results from a XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationAsync call.
XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationResultSize Retrieves the size of the buffer needed to contain the results of an authentication request.
XGameUiShowWebAuthenticationWithOptionsAsync Displays a web UI, with the option of showing it fulll screen, that allows the user to delegate access to external web sites and services without directly providing their credentials to the running title.
XGameUiTextEntryClose Closes the virtual keyboard and frees up the corresponding resources.
XGameUiTextEntryGetExtents Gets the screen extents of the virtual keyboard.
XGameUiTextEntryGetState Gets the current state of the open virtual keyboard.
XGameUiTextEntryOpen Opens up a virtual keyboard where the title is responsible for rendering the text.
XGameUiTextEntryUpdatePositionHint Updates the preferred positionining of the virtual keyboard.
XGameUiTextEntryUpdateVisibility Updates whether to show the full virtual keyboard or only the candidate list.


Structure Description
XGameUiWebAuthenticationResultData Contains the response from a web authentication request.
XGameUiTextEntryExtents Describes the relative positioning of the virtual keyboard.
XGameUiTextEntryOptions Initial set of options for the virtual keyboard used by XGameUiTextEntryOpen.


Enumeration Description
XGameUiMessageDialogButton Enumerates buttons in a customizable message dialog box.
XGameUiNotificationPositionHint Describes the preferred position for toast notifications to be shown on the current title.
XGameUiTextEntryChangeTypeFlags Flags indicating what has changed since the last call to XGameUiTextEntryGetState.
XGameUiTextEntryInputScope Enumerates types of information expected in text entry.
XGameUiTextEntryPositionHint Hint for where to best position the virtual keyboard.
XGameUiTextEntryVisibilityFlags Flags indicating the visibility state of the virtual keyboard.
XGameUiWebAuthenticationOptions Enumerates options for presenting the web authentication flow.

See also

System API reference