

Update state on all streaming clients that touch layouts can use to alter their behavior. Any visual changes to the touch control set that is currently being displayed will be done after ALL the variables are updated.


HRESULT XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsState(  
         size_t operationCount,  
         const XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation* operations  


operationCount   _In_
Type: size_t

Size of the array of operations being passed.

operations   _In_reads_opt_(operationCount)
Type: XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation*

Array of all the state variable updates that are being requested.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.

Potential Errors

Error Code Error Value Reason for Error
E_GAMESTREAMING_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x89245400 The XGameStreaming runtime has not been initialized. Call XGameStreamingInitialize before calling other APIs.
E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 A specified operation does not have data that matches the data type specified in the operations XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind


Touch layouts used by streaming clients can depend on state, whose initial values are embedded into the touch layout bundle. The game can update the state, which can cause the layout that is currently being displayed to the player to change.

The game can use XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsState to update the state for all connected clients or XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsStateOnClient to update a specific connected client.

If the game would needs to update the state AND make a layout change at the same time, it can utilize XGameStreamingShowTouchControlsWithStateUpdate or XGameStreamingShowTouchControlsWithStateUpdateOnClient.


// In this example, after the player has switched their active weapon - update the image of the fire
// button to match the current weapon and set the enabled state of reload based on whether the player has
// extra magazines.  
// Assumes passing in game structure that includes the active weapon with appropriate state.  
// Assumes a game speciic GetImageName function which returns a constant string for the specified weapoon

void GameStreamingClientManager::UpdateStateAfterWeaponChange(const playerWeapon& playerWeapon)
    // create an update for the active weapon's image
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation weaponImage;
    weaponImage.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    weaponImage.path = "/ActiveWeaponImage";
    weaponImage.value.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::String;
    weaponImage.value.stringValue = GetImageName(playerWeapon.activeWeapon.id);

    // create an update for whether the reload button should be enabled
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation reloadEnabled;
    reloadEnabled.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    reloadEnabled.path = "/ReloadEnabled";
    reloadEnabled.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::Bool;
    reloadEnabled.booleanValue = playerWeapon.activeWeapon.reloadClips > 0;

    // combine all the updates into the update state call and make the call
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation[2] updateOperations = {weaponImage, reloadEnabled};
    XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsState(updateOperations, _countof(updateOperations));
// In this example, after the player has gone to their inventory screen and had the ability to apply items
// to two active slots. Update the state for layouts to have layouts match the player's current
// loaded items from inventory (may or may not be the current layout being displayed).
// Assumes passing in game structure that includes the player's active inventory

void GameStreamingClientManager::AfterInventoryScreen(const PlayerInventory& playerInventory)
    std::vector<XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation> updateOperations;
    // check the first inventory slots, if empty hide that button from the layout
    // if item is placed in that slot, update the image to match the inventory items
    XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation slot1Visible;
    slot1Visible.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
    slot1Visible.path = "/Slot1IsVisible";
    slot1Visible.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::Boolean;
    slot1Visible.boolValue =  playerInventory.slot1 != nullptr;

    if (playerInventory.slot1 != nullptr) 
        // create an update for the active weapon's image
        XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperation slot1Image;
        slot1Image.operationKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateOperationKind::Replace;
        slot1Image.path = "/Slot1Image";
        slot1Image.value.valueKind = XGameStreamingTouchControlsStateValueKind::String;
        slot1Image.value.stringValue = GetImageName(playerInventory.slot1.id);        

    // ... 
    // do the same for the second inventory spot
    // ...

    // Update the state so that layouts will be updated correctly
    XGameStreamingUpdateTouchControlsState(updateOperations.data(), updateOperations.size());


Header: XGameStreaming.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib
Supported Platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
