


Enumeration Description
XblReputationFeedbackType Defines values used to identify the type of reputation feedback.
XblSocialNotificationType Defines values used to identify the type of social notification.
XblSocialRelationshipFilter Defines the relationship filters available for social groups.


Function Description
XblSocialAddSocialRelationshipChangedHandler Registers an event handler for notifications of social relationship changes caused by the registering user.
XblSocialGetSocialRelationshipsAsync Gets a list of people that the caller is socially connected to.
XblSocialGetSocialRelationshipsResult Get the result handle from an XblSocialGetSocialRelationshipsAsync API call.
XblSocialRelationshipResultCloseHandle Closes the XblSocialRelationshipResultHandle.
XblSocialRelationshipResultDuplicateHandle Duplicates the XblSocialRelationshipResultHandle.
XblSocialRelationshipResultGetNextAsync Gets the next page of a list of people that the caller is socially connected to.
XblSocialRelationshipResultGetNextResult Get the result from an XblSocialRelationshipResultGetNextAsync API call.
XblSocialRelationshipResultGetRelationships Get a list of the XblSocialRelationship objects from an XblSocialRelationshipResultHandle.
XblSocialRelationshipResultGetTotalCount Gets the total number of results for an XblSocialRelationshipResultHandle.
XblSocialRelationshipResultHasNext Checks if there are more pages of social relationships to retrieve from the service.
XblSocialRemoveSocialRelationshipChangedHandler Removes a social relationship change handler.
XblSocialSubmitBatchReputationFeedbackAsync Submits reputation feedback on the specified user.
XblSocialSubmitReputationFeedbackAsync Submits reputation feedback on the specified user.
XblSocialSubscribeToSocialRelationshipChange Subscribes to the social service for people changed events. DEPRECATED. Calling this API is no longer required and it will be removed in a future release. RTA subscription will be managed automatically by XSAPI as XblSocialRelationshipChangedHandler are added and removed.
XblSocialUnsubscribeFromSocialRelationshipChange Un-subscribes a previously created social relationship change subscription. DEPRECATED. Calling this API is no longer required and it will be removed in a future release. RTA subscription will be managed automatically by XSAPI as XblSocialRelationshipChangedHandler are added and removed.


Handle Description
XblSocialRelationshipResultHandle A handle to a social relationship result.


Structure Description
XblReputationFeedbackItem Represents the parameters for submitting reputation feedback on a user.
XblSocialRelationship Represents the relationship between the user and another Xbox user.
XblSocialRelationshipChangeEventArgs Event arguments for a social relationship change.