
POST (/users/xuid({xuid})/outbox)

Sends a specified message to a list of recipients. The domain for these URIs is msg.xboxlive.com.


The only content type this API supports is "application/json", which is required in the HTTP headers of each call.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
xuid unsigned 64-bit integer The Xbox User ID (XUID) of the player who is making the request.


You must have your own user claim and a valid gold subscription to send a user message.

Effect of privacy settings on resource

Successfully sending a user message to a player, whether that player is a friend or not, results in a result code of 200. However, if you send a message to someone who has blocked you, the recipient will not receive the message, and you will not receive any indication that your message wasn't successful.

There are also limits on how many messages can be sent per day and to how many friends and non-friends, as follows.

  • 20 strangers per message
  • 200 strangers per 24 hours
  • 250 total messages per 24 hours
  • 2500 total recipients per 24 hours
Requesting User Target User's Privacy Setting Behavior
me - As described.
friend everyone 200 OK
friend friends only 200 OK
friend blocked 200 OK
non-friend user everyone 200 OK
non-friend user friends only 200 OK
non-friend user blocked 200 OK
third-party site everyone 200 OK
third-party site friends only 200 OK
third-party site blocked 200 OK

Request body

Property Type Maximum Length Consumers Remarks
header Header All User message header
messageText string 250 All platforms except Windows 8 User message text (UTF-8)
Property Type Maximum Length Consumers Remarks
recipients User[] 20 All List of message recipients


Property Type Maximum Length Consumers Remarks
xuid ulong All Recipient's XUID. Not used if gamertag is sent.
gamertag string 15 All Recipient's gamertag. Not used if XUID is sent.

Sample Request Body

          "messageText":"random user text"

HTTP status codes

The service returns one of the status codes in this section in response to a request made with this method on this resource. For a complete list of standard HTTP status codes used with Xbox Live Services, see Standard HTTP status codes.

Code Description
200 Success.
400 List of recipients is empty or exceeds maximum length; or both gamertag and XUID were specified; or messageText is too long.
403 XUID cannot be converted.
404 Gamertag is invalid or user cannot be found.
409 User has reached daily limit imposed by the system.
500 General server-side error.

Response body

No objects are sent in the body of the response.

See also



Reference Standard HTTP status codes