
GET (/serviceconfigs/{scid}/sessiontemplates/{sessionTemplateName}/sessions/{sessionName})

Gets a session object.

This URI method requires a header element of X-Xbl-Contract-Version: 104/105 or later on every request.


This HTTP/REST method reads a session document for the specified name and retrieves the session. On success, it returns the session object, with all its attributes, obtained from the server. This method can be wrapped by Microsoft.Xbox.Services.Multiplayer.MultiplayerService.GetCurrentSessionAsync. The parameters for the GET method directly parallel those specified in the MultiplayerSessionReference object for the session, passed in the sessionReference parameter of GetCurrentSessionAsync.

The wire format for the GET method is shown below.

GET /serviceconfigs/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/sessiontemplates/quick/sessions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
scid GUID Service configuration identifier (SCID). Part 1 of the session identifier.
sessionTemplateName string Name of the current instance of the session template. Part 2 of the session identifier.
sessionName GUID Unique ID of the session. Part 3 of the session identifier.

HTTP status codes

The service returns an HTTP status code as it applies to MPSD.

Request body

No objects are sent in the body of this request.

Response body

See the response structure in MultiplayerSession (JSON).

See also

