
Submission Validator messages

This topic provides advisory, failure, and warning message-type output from Submission Validator (SubmissionValidator.dll) when it validates a package that was created with the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK). These messages are organized in tables by message type.

Message type: Advisory

Name Description
ILI_CannotCheckNonRetailDependencies Failed to scan for non-retail dependencies in file %ws.
ILI_ChunksContainsMixedDataTypes Note: You can ignore this warning if you are using /updcompat 2. The following Chunks contain a mixture of files with executable data and files without executable data: %s. To optimize for future Content Updates to executables, you are advised to place files with executable content into their own chunks. If you are packaging an update to an existing title ignore this warning for any chunks which you are not adding/modifying in this update.
ILI_DefaultTitleMemory You do not have a 'TitleMemory' entry in your manifest. Your title will have access to a default amount of memory as specified by the system. This default may change in the future. Please check the XDK documentation for information on how to populate this in your manifest.
ILI_DefaultTitleMemoryFinal You do not have a 'TitleMemory' entry in your manifest. Your title will only have access to the default value of 5 GB of memory on all consoles unless you specify this value. Please check the XDK documentation for information on how to populate this in your manifest.
ILI_DoesNotFullyUseIntelligentInstall Package does not take full advantage of intelligent install. Consider adding recipes and features to improve user experience and download sizes.
ILI_DoesNotUseIntelligentInstall Package does not take advantage of intelligent install. Consider adding recipes and features, and tagging chunks, to improve user experience and download sizes.
ILI_ErrorParsingXmlLayout Error parsing XML layout file. Check that you have set XML_Cert_Layout to the full path and filename. Cannot continue validation.
ILI_GameConfigVersionIsZero The MicrosoftGame.config file is using configVersion set to '0'. We recommend that the configVersion be updated to version '1' when using this version of the packaging tools to ensure the latest required fields are respected.
ILI_GameOsVersionUpdatesOnly The GameOS included in this package is not approved for new title submissions. This GameOS version is allowed only for Content Updates where the original release used this GameOS version. Use only supported GameOS versions according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal.
ILI_KinectFaceFiles Title includes the Microsoft.Kinect.dll and specifies the 'kinectFace' capability but does not include required NUI databases (FaceAlignment.bin, FaceDetector.bin, FaceOrientation.bin) for Kinect face tracking. If your title uses other face tracking features in Microsoft.Kinect.dll, this warning can be ignored.
ILI_LaunchChunkSizeCheckLargest The largest launch set on a %ws device is %llu bytes (%0.3f GB) for %ws.
ILI_LaunchChunkSizeCheckSmallest The smallest launch set on a %ws device is %llu bytes (%0.3f GB) for %ws.
ILI_LogoFileFallingBackToDefault %s: Using default image for language %s (%s)
ILI_NeedsCertException File found which possibly matches a component requiring an XR-12 exception. Please work with your DAM to ensure you have approval to ship this file: %ws.
ILI_NonContiguousBlocks Found non-contiguous blocks in region: 0x%x
ILI_NonLocalizedApp Non-localized app: 'resources.pri' is missing in the title root.
ILI_OutOfDatePCTooling PC submissions may experience update performance problems if built with tools prior to the October 2110 GDK. For more information, contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_RequiresXboxLive The RequiresXboxLive element is set to true in the MicrosoftGame.config file. This element will require the console to be online to launch and play your title. This element does not need to be set to true for your title to utilize Xbox services.
ILI_SingleChunkContainsMixedDataTypes Note: You can ignore this warning if you are using /updcompat 2. Chunk %s contains a mixture of files with executable data and files without executable data. To optimize for future Content Updates to executables, you are advised to place files with executable content into their own chunks. If you are packaging an update to an existing title ignore this warning for any chunks which you are not adding/modifying in this update.
ILI_SymbolBundlingDisabled Symbol bundling disabled. Ensure the command line to MakePkg does not specify /skipsymbolbundling and verify the environment variable SUBMISSION_VALIDATION_NO_SYMBOL_BUNDLING does not exist or is set to 0 to enable symbol bundling
ILI_SymbolBundlingNotNeeded Symbol bundling is not needed for ADK applications.
ILI_UpdateOnlyBinaryVersion %ws included in this package is not approved for new title submissions. This version is allowed only for Content Updates where the original release used this version. Use only supported component versions according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal.
ILI_XvcPrintLaunchSize The total size of the chunks in the entire package launch set is %llu bytes (%0.3f GB). See the Package Specifier Check below for details on the largest and smallest launch sizes a user will experience.

Message type: Failure

Name Description
ILI_AdkOnlyComponent %ws included in this package is an ADK only component. GDK/XDK titles should only use supported GDK/XDK components according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal
ILI_BackgroundAudio Manifest includes Background Audio, generally not allowed. Contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_BadExtensionFoundSevere File with suspect extension. Ensure this file is intentionally included: %ws
ILI_BadNamespaceQualifier Namespace qualifier mx: not needed for internetClientServer or privateNetworkClientServer.
ILI_BadXimVersion %ws included in this package has known issues and is no longer accepted for title certification. Update to the latest QFE for your XDK to get the required fixes for this component.
ILI_BatCheckFailed Bat check failed, size: %.02f MB. This can result in installation failures on retail devices. Try disabling Virus Scanning and Indexing software and try again or install the XDK Tools or GDK Tools from August 2015 or later. Contact your Development Account Manager for additional assistance.
ILI_BlockedFileFound %ws
ILI_BothMBAndGBForMaxTitleMemory Use of both 'Size' and 'SizeInMegabytes' for 'TitleMemory' is not allowed. The number of bytes must be specified using only one of these attributes.
ILI_CannotCheckNonRetailDependencies Failed to scan for non-retail dependencies in file %ws
ILI_CannotDetermineGameOsVersion Version identifier of GameOS for this title cannot be determined. Set environment variable XDK_Cert_GameOS before calling MakePkg
ILI_CannotIdentifyEmbeddedGameOsVersion Version identifier of embedded GameOS cannot be determined. Package: %ws.
ILI_CannotIdentifyGameOsVersion Version identifier of GameOS cannot be determined. GameOS: %ws
ILI_ConfigMissingLogoFile The %s attribute in the ShellVisuals element is required before submitting this package to certification.
ILI_ConfigMissingShellVisuals The ShellVisuals element is required before submitting this package to certification.
ILI_ConnectedStorageParseFailure Unexpectedly failed to parse the MaxMegabytesPerUser from the mx:ConnectedStorage element. Ensure this element is the number of megabytes of requested storage.
ILI_DefaultMSAAppId The MicrosoftGame.config file has the default value for the MSAAppId element. Please correct this to the real value for your application from Partner Center or by running the Store Association Wizard in the MicrosoftGame.config Editor tool before submitting to certification.
ILI_DefaultTitleId The MicrosoftGame.config file has the default value for the TitleId element. Please correct this to the real value for your application from Partner Center or by running the Store Association Wizard in the MicrosoftGame.config Editor tool before submitting to certification.
ILI_DeprecatedPCEntries The MicrosoftGame.config file contains deprecated DesktopRegistration entries. Please remove 'modFolder', 'enableWritesToPackageRoot', 'disableRegistryWriteVirtualization' and 'disableFilesystemWriteVirtualization' entries before submitting to certification.
ILI_DlcAllowedProductMissing <mx:AllowedProduct> is required for DLC package.
ILI_DlcCannotHaveTitleId A DLC package should not specify the TitleId element in the MicrosoftGame.config file. Please remove this element before packaging your DLC content.
ILI_DlcFinalChunkMustBeLaunchChunk Content Packages require final layout chunk to include attribute Marker="Launch"
ILI_DlcInvalidApplicationElement <application> is not valid for DLC package.
ILI_DlcMatchingParentProduct AllowedProduct ID cannot match the Product ID of the DLC being packaged. It should match the Product Id of the parent title.
ILI_DlcMissingVisualElements <mx:ContentPackageVisualElements> is required for DLC package.
ILI_DlcNullProduct AllowedProduct ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000 is not valid for submission.
ILI_DuplicateActivatableClassId Manifest contains duplicate ActivatableClassId entries, which will cause deployment problems. ActivatableClassId: %ws.
ILI_DuplicateSystemResourceElement mx:XboxSystemResources element appeared more than once. Please consolidate duplicate elements.
ILI_EmptyAgeRating Age rating element in this package is not valid, it must be completely removed or specify valid ratings (Age ratings are allowed only for Content Updates where the original release declared age ratings). Additional guidance can be found in XR-017 or by contacting your Microsoft representative.
ILI_ExtendedVideoPlayback Manifest specifies resourceConfiguration value extendedVideoPlayback which requires a certification exception. Contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_GameConfigCtrlCharacters String '%s' contains one or more invalid characters. Try converting to ASCII if the character is not visible.
ILI_GameOsAndMsComponentMismatch The GameOS version does not match the version of other Microsoft components included in this package. Use only components from the same GDK/XDK release. Refer to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal
ILI_InvalidWindowsOsVersionRelationship The WindowsOsVersion element violates the requirement that the RequiredMinimum value must be less than or equal to the SuggestedMinimum value which must be less than or equal to the Recommended value.
ILI_GameOsVersionNotApproved The GameOS included in this package is not an approved version. Use only supported GameOS versions according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal
ILI_HasMissingDependency %ws: Binary file has a dependency on a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Redistributable package (%ws). This must be specifically listed as a framework dependency in your MicrosoftGame.config file. It can be listed using a KnownDependency element with the name '%ws'.
ILI_ImageDimensionsIncorrect %ws: image dimensions incorrect (%d x %d). Requires %d x %d (%ws)
ILI_ImageDimensionsIncorrectAlternate %ws: image dimensions incorrect (%d x %d). Requires %d x %d or %d x %d (%ws)
ILI_ImageDimensionsIncorrectAlternateForLanguage %ws: image dimensions incorrect for language %ws (%d x %d). Requires %d x %d or %d x %d (%ws)
ILI_ImageDimensionsIncorrectForLanguage %ws: image dimensions incorrect for language %ws (%d x %d). Requires %d x %d (%ws)
ILI_ImageIncorrectBitPerPixel %ws: bit-per-pixel value incorrect (%ws). Requires 24 bpp + Alpha (%ws)
ILI_ImageIncorrectBitPerPixelForLanguage %ws: bit-per-pixel value incorrect for language %ws (%ws). Requires 24 bpp + Alpha (%ws)
ILI_ImageMissing %ws: required, referenced in manifest, but file not found (%ws)
ILI_ImageMissingFromLayout %ws: required, referenced in manifest, but file not found in layout (%ws)
ILI_ImageMissingFromManifest %ws: required, but not referenced in manifest.
ILI_IncompatibleKinectPipelines Specified Kinect Pipeline versions are incompatible: mx:AudioPipeline = %ws, mx:SpeechPipeline = %ws, mx:VisionPipeline = %ws. See standard out for more information.
ILI_InvalidAgeRating Invalid rating specified: %ws
ILI_InvalidBinary Invalid: %ws
ILI_InvalidBinaryManaged Managed: %ws
ILI_InvalidBinaryNoDynamicBase %ws: Binary file was compiled with /DYNAMICBASE:NO which disables address space layout randomization. Please remove this compiler flag to meet the requirements of the platform.
ILI_InvalidBinaryNoHighEntropy %ws: Binary file was compiled with /HIGHENTROPYVA:NO which disables high-entropy 64-bit ASLR. Please remove this compiler flag to meet the requirements of the platform.
ILI_InvalidBinaryNotAmd64 Not AMD64: %ws.
ILI_InvalidCapability Invalid capability: %s. Check for correct case and namespace.
ILI_InvalidCharactersInManifestString String %ws contains one or more invalid characters.
ILI_InvalidGpuAvailability Manifest specifies invalid value (%ws) for mx:GpuAvailability. Value must be either 'fixed' or 'variable'.
ILI_KinectCapMissing kinectAudio and kinectGamechat capabilities must both be specified if either are specified.
ILI_LogoFileBadBpp %s: bit-per-pixel value incorrect (%s). Requires 24 bpp + Alpha (%s)
ILI_LogoFileBadBppForLanguage %s: bit-per-pixel value incorrect for language %s (%s). Requires 24 bpp + Alpha (%s)
ILI_LogoFileBadDimensions %s: image dimensions incorrect (%dx%d). Requires %dx%d (%s)
ILI_LogoFileBadDimensionsForLanguage %s: image dimensions incorrect for language %s (%dx%d). Requires %dx%d (%s)
ILI_LogoFileBadDimensionsForLanguageWithAlts %s: image dimensions incorrect for language %s (%dx%d). Requires %dx%d or %dx%d (%s)
ILI_LogoFileBadDimensionsWithAlts %s: image dimensions incorrect (%dx%d). Requires %dx%d or %dx%d (%s)
ILI_LogoFileNotFound The %s file was not found (%s)
ILI_LogoFileNotInLayout The %s file is not found in the layout for this package (%s)
ILI_LogoFileNotInLayoutForLanguage The %s file for language %s is not found in the layout for this package (%s)
ILI_MissingAppDataBin Required AppData.bin file is not found. Use the 'MakePkg appdata' command to generate AppData.bin.
ILI_MissingAudioPipeline mx:Kinect is specified without specifying mx:AudioPipeline
ILI_MissingIgnorableNamespaces Package must have an IgnorableNamespaces attribute with value set to 'mx'
ILI_MissingLanguage The language %ws was specified in the layout but not present in the manifest. Please add this language to the manifest.
ILI_MissingLanguageGameCore The language %ws was specified in the layout but not present in the game config. Please add this language to the game config.
ILI_MissingNamespaceQual Missing required namespace qualifier. %s must be mx:%s.
ILI_MissingNamespaceQualifier Missing required namespace qualifier. %ws must be mx:%ws.
ILI_MissingSpeechPipeline mx:Kinect is specified without specifying mx:SpeechPipeline
ILI_MissingVisionPipeline mx:Kinect is specified without specifying mx:VisionPipeline
ILI_MoreThanOneRetailExecutable Multiple shipping executables specified in the MicrosoftGame.config file. Please use the IsDevOnly attribute to mark all executables not intended to ship in the retail package.
ILI_MsComponentMismatch Mismatched component versions. Use only components from the same GDK/XDK release. Refer to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal.
ILI_MultipleApplications Multiple applications detected in AppXManifest. Only single application packages are supported.
ILI_NoMSAAppIdOrTitleId The MicrosoftGame.config file does not contain both a TitleId and MSAAppId element. If one of these values is specified, then they must both be specified when using configVersion >= 1. Please provide the value for your application from Partner Center or by running the Store Association Wizard in the MicrosoftGame.config Editor tool before submitting to certification.
ILI_NonRetailExecutableInCertPackage One or more developer executables are specified in the MicrosoftGame.config file. If planning to submit this package, please remove any executable elements with the IsDevOnly="true" attribute from the MicrosoftGame.config file and create a new package before submitting to certification.
ILI_NoRetailExecutable No executable found without the IsDevOnly attribute set to true. The built retail package will have no executables.
ILI_NotApprovedBinaryVersion %ws included in this package is not an approved version. Use only supported component versions according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal.
ILI_NoVersionForMsComponentCritical Failed to extract version information for: %ws.
ILI_NullRelatedProduct RelatedProduct ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000 is not valid for submission.
ILI_OnlineSubValUnsupportedGDK A required update to Submission Validator is available. The latest version can be downloaded from https://aka.ms/subval_gdk. Download and install the update, then rebuild the package. Contact your Developer Account Manager for assistance.
ILI_OnlineVersionFileIncomplete Submission Validator version information file is missing from the server or invalid. Version check could not be completed.
ILI_OnlineVersionFileInvalid Submission Validator version information file is missing from the server or invalid. Version check could not be completed.
ILI_PEContainsTextBssSection %ws: Binary file contains a .textbss section which will prevent this file from being loaded in a retail scenario. Please review how this file is being compiled to avoid this section. Most likely, this file was compiled with the /ZI flag which is not supported for retail binaries.
ILI_PlsInvalidUsage mx:PersistentLocalStorage is only allowed for use in XDK titles.
ILI_PlsParseError Unexpectedly failed to parse the SizeInMegabytes from the mx:PersistentLocalStorage element. Ensure this element is the number of megabytes of requested storage.
ILI_ReceiveDebug mx:SecureDeviceSocketUsage Type='ReceiveDebug' is not supported and must be removed from the manifest.
ILI_RelyingParty mx:RelyingParty is not supported and must be removed from the manifest
ILI_SendDebug mx:SecureDeviceSocketUsage Type='SendDebug' is not supported and must be removed from the manifest.
ILI_SimplifiedUserModelNotSupported PC submissions built with your version of the GDK cannot use the Simplified User Model. Please set the AdvancedUserModel element to true in your MicrosoftGame.config file. For more information, contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_SpecifierCheckFailed The specifier check unexpectedly failed (0x%08x). Verify the package was created as expected.
ILI_SuppressPartyChat Use of the CanSuppressPartyChat capability requires adherence to strict user experience practices and requires an XR-72 exception. Please work with your Developer Account Manager to get an exception or remove the capability from your manifest.
ILI_ToastCapable Manifest includes ToastCapable, generally not allowed. Contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_UnexpectedContentPackageNode A Non-DLC package cannot have a ContentPackage node.
ILI_XboxFission mx:XboxFission is not supported and must be removed from the manifest
ILI_XcapiNotFound Update required for XCAPI.dll. Contact your Developer Account Manager for assistance.
ILI_XcapiVersionFailure Unable to determine XCAPI version information. Contact your Developer Account Manager for assistance.
ILI_XdkOnlyComponent %ws included in this package is an XDK only component. ADK titles should only use supported ADK components according to the Approved Libraries page on the Developer Network Portal.

Message type: Warning

Name Description
ILI_ArchitectureAmd64Mismatch File with an x64 architecture detected while the ProcessorArchitecture of the package is marked as x86: %ws. Ensure your ProcessorArchitecture matches the architecture of the runtime components of your game.
ILI_BadAchievements2017 If your title is using the Achievements 2017 architecture, users may not be able to unlock achievements when the console is offline. Update to the latest QFE for your XDK to get the required fixes for this component.
ILI_BadExtensionFoundSuspect File with suspect extension. Ensure this file is intentionally included: %ws.
ILI_BadGen8Dependency %ws: Binary file appears to have a dependency on the Xbox One graphics stack (d3d12_x.dll). If this is an Xbox One family package ensure the primary executable specifies the TargetDeviceFamily attribute as "XboxOne" in the MicrosoftGame.config file.
ILI_BadScarlettDependency %ws: Binary file appears to have a dependency on the Scarlett graphics stack (d3d12_xs.dll). If this is a Scarlett package ensure the primary executable specifies the TargetDeviceFamily attribute as 'Scarlett' in the MicrosoftGame.config file.
ILI_CannotCheckNonRetailDependenciesForPC Failed to scan for non-retail dependencies in file %ws. This may be expected if the file is protected with anti-tampering software. If this is the case, this safety check cannot be performed but this will not impact your title at certification time.
ILI_ChunkSizeCheckFailed The size of chunk %d is larger than %llu bytes (%0.3f GB), which could restrict options for creating a multi-disc product. Consider breaking this chunk into two or more smaller chunks.
ILI_ConnectedStorageQuotaRequest mx:ConnectedStorage element specifies a change in Connected Storage quota limit to %ws MB. This requires a certification exception. Contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_ContainsAgeRatings Age rating element included in this package is not approved for new title submissions. Age ratings are allowed only for Content Updates where the original release declared age ratings. Additional guidance can be found in XR-017 or by contacting your Microsoft representative.
ILI_GameOsVersionMismatch The extracted GameOSVersion of the GameOS included in this package does not match the expected GameOSVersion matching the GUID from Partner Center. This is unexpected and you should contact your Microsoft representative.
ILI_GameOsVersionMismatchWithCompiledBinaries The GameOS included in this package does not match any GameOS version used in compilation of the game binaries: %ws.
ILI_GameOsVersionNotReleased Because of the GameOS used, this package has a dependency on an Xbox recovery which will not be available to retail consumers until a future date.
ILI_GetXvdInformationFailure Failed to parse header information from the built package (0x%08x)
ILI_HasOldMissingDependency %ws: Binary file has a dependency on an older Microsoft Visual Studio C++ DLL (%ws). This file must be included in the layout for your package.
ILI_ImageSpecifiedButNotFound Logo file in the Properties element not found: '%ws'.
ILI_InvalidLayoutFileSpecified Layout filepath points to a file that does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'. Check not performed
ILI_InvalidValueMaxTitleMemory Your value for 'TitleMemory' for 'ConsoleType=Xbox_One_X' may not allow additional memory for system use. You can use a value of 9216 MB (9 GB) or a value of less than or equal to 8704 MB (8.5 GB) to avoid this.
ILI_LaunchChunkSizeCheckDiscrepency The size of your smallest launch set on %ws devices is less than half the size of your largest launch set. Please verify your usage of the "Devices" and "Languages" specifiers to ensure this is intentional.
ILI_LayoutParsingError Error parsing XML layout file.
ILI_LegacyFalQfe3Warning You are building a package using XDK QFE3, and the layout xml file provided does not contain a 'Registration' chunk. There is a known issue in this XDK release which may cause your title to fail to install on console recoveries starting with build version 10158.0.131008-1234. Please validate your package installs successfully on that recovery or later, and consult with your Developer Account Manager if your package fails to install.
ILI_LongDestFilePathFound Destination file found with a long path (greater than 255 characters) that is not supported with your XDK/GDK tools. This file may be silently omitted from the package or may cause packaging to fail: %ws.
ILI_LongSourceFilePathFound Source file found with a long absolute path (greater than 260 characters) that is not supported with your XDK/GDK tools. This file may be silently omitted from the package or may cause packaging to fail: %ws.
ILI_NoLayoutFileSpecified The path and name of the title layout XML file must be set before calling makepkg. Check not performed.
ILI_NonRetailDependencyFound Non-retail dependency in file %ws: %ws.
ILI_NoOnline Submission Validator was unable to connect to the internet resource to check it is the most recent version. Error: 0x%08X
ILI_NoOnlineVersionDownload Submission Validator was able to connect to the internet resource for the version check but could not complete the check for other reasons. Error: 0x%08X
ILI_NoOnlineVersionFile Submission Validator either was unable to connect to the internet resource or was able to connect for the version check but could not complete the check for other reasons. Error: 0x%08X
ILI_NoVersionForMsComponent Failed to extract version information for: %ws. If you built your own version of this DLL then this is expected and this warning can be ignored.
ILI_OldAppDataBin AppXManifest.xml appears to be newer than AppData.bin. Consider using the 'MakePkg appdata' command to regenerate AppData.bin
ILI_OnlineSubValPendingExpirationGDK An update to Submission Validator is now available. Version %ws will expire soon. Update to version %ws from https://aka.ms/subval_gdk as soon as possible.
ILI_OutOfDatePCTooling PC submissions may experience update performance problems if built with tools prior to the October 2110 GDK. For more information, contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_PlsQuotaRequest mx:PersistentLocalStorage element specifies more than 4 GB of requested storage (%s MB). This requires a certification exception. Contact your Developer Account Manager.
ILI_ProtocolLinkRegistration Manifest contains link protocol registration, generally not allowed. Contact your Developer Account Manager. Protocol name: %ws.
ILI_RegionCheckFailed Region check failed: 0x%x
ILI_RegionSize Region size: %.02f MB
ILI_RequestAdditionalMaxTitleMemory Requesting additional memory for Xbox One consoles requires approval. Please ensure you work with your Developer Account Manager for approval to use %d MB of memory.
ILI_SkippingBinaryScan Skipping Binary Scan due to environment variable SUBMISSION_VALIDATION_SKIP_BINARY_SCAN
ILI_SpecifierCheckSkipped Package specifier check not run (package was not found).
ILI_SymbolHandlingDirectoryCreationError Failed to create the directory structure for the symbol cache: %s (0x%08x).
ILI_SymbolHandlingFileCopyError Failed to copy the file %s to the temporary cache folder (0x%08x).
ILI_SymbolHandlingFilePathTooLong The file path is too long to be bundled and this file will be skipped: %s.
ILI_SymbolHandlingInitCachePathError Failed to find a temporary path for creating the cache folder (0x%08x).
ILI_SymbolHandlingInitError Failed to initialize symbol handling (0x%08x).
ILI_SymbolHandlingLookupError Failed to find matching symbols for %s (0x%08x).
ILI_SymbolHandlingLookupFileNotFound Symbol file not found for %s. Try specifying a semicolon delimited list of paths where symbols can be found for this file to /symbolpaths via MakePkg (October 2016 and later GDKs/XDKs) or setting the environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH. The GUID for this PDB is %s.
ILI_SymbolHandlingLookupPdbInfoMissing Symbol information is not available in the PE header for %s. If this is unexpected, ensure this file was compiled with symbol information.
ILI_SymbolHandlingNoFilesToBundle No symbol files found to bundle. Bundle will not be created.
ILI_SymbolHandlingZipCreationError Failed to create symbol cache compressed folder (0x%08x).
ILI_UsedExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttribute '%s' with value '%s' may require a certification exception. Contact your Development Account Manager for more information.
ILI_UsingDirectoryStructureForSearch The path and name of the title layout XML file should be set before calling MakePkg, this check will instead be based on directory structure starting at the following directory: %ws.
ILI_UsingOfflineVersionList Could not validate the MS component versions against the online approved library list. Using the offline fallback version check.
ILI_XvcLaunchSizeQueryFailed Failed to get the package launch set size (0x%08x).
ILI_XvcPackageSizeExceeded The size of this package exceeds the maximum allowed size for mastering to a disc. If you intend to produce physical disc media, you should create a DiscLayout.xml file and test individual optical disc image layouts using the SplitPkg.exe tool. Please refer to the GDK/XDK documentation for further details.
ILI_XvcSizeCheckSkipped Package size check not run (package was not found).
ILI_XvcSizeQueryFailed Failed to get the package size (0x%08x).

See also

Submission Validator (SubmissionValidator.dll)

Submission Validator quality checks

Make package (makepkg.exe)

Title packaging, content updates, and streaming-installation testing

Xbox Requirements (XRs) (Xbox Developer Downloads > Partner, Publishing, and Release Management Information > XGD Partner Documentation)