
Tools for Xbox services

In this section

Development tools for Xbox services
Tools to help develop and test an Xbox services-enabled title.

Config as Source tools (XblConfig.exe)
Enables advanced users to integrate their tools with Xbox configuration services.

Xbox Connected Storage tool (XblConnectedStorage.exe)
The connected Storage tool enables developers to download save data from their titles.

Global Storage tool (GlobalStorage.exe)
GlobalStorage.exe is used to manage title global storage in test sandboxes, before publish to RETAIL.

Multiplayer Session History Viewer (MultiplayerSessionHistoryViewer.exe)
Shows a historical timeline of all changes over a multiplayer session document's history.

Player Data Reset tool (XblPlayerDataReset.exe)
Resets a player's data in test sandboxes.

Test Account tool (XblTestAccountGui.exe)
Sets up existing test accounts for testing game scenarios.

Developer Account tool (XblDevAccount.exe)
Manages authentication of a developer account and saves the credentials to be used across other Xbox services executables.

PC Sandbox Switcher (XblPCSandbox.exe)
Command-line tool that helps manage the Xbox Live sandbox on PC.

Trace Analyzer (XblTraceAnalyzer.exe)
Reviews the service calls made by a title.

Using Fiddler to inspect web service calls
Using Fiddler to log and troubleshoot Xbox Live service calls.

Store Development Entitlement Tool (DevEntitlementTool.exe) Command-line tool to query, add, and remove Microsoft Store entitlements to/from Xbox test accounts in sandbox.