
Fine-Grained Rate Limiting

This article provides an overview of Xbox services fine-grained rate limiting (FGRL). In addition to summarizing what rate limiting is, this paper also intends to help you determine if you are being limited, and if you are, what tools and resources are at your disposal.

Fine-Grained Rate Limiting was commissioned to promote fair usage of shared Xbox resources among different titles. This solution is like most traditional limiting systems which have a service keeping a count of the number of requests an entity has made in a given period of time.

Entities that reach the services specified limit are then moved to a rejecting state where all incoming requests from the entity will be turned away. Entities are only able to exit this state when the given period of time expires causing the entities associated count to reset.

Fine-Grained Rate Limiting uses the same core mechanics mentioned above however instead of tracking one entity FGRL tracks the combination of user and title and compares the associated count to two different limits as oppose to one. FGRL dual limits are enforced on each service meaning the request count for GameClips will not affect the request count for Presence.

The following sections will go into more detail about the user and title pairing, dual limiting, and the HTTP 429 limiting response object.

Terminology for Fine-Grained Rate Limiting

Term Definition
FGRL Fine-Grained Rate Limiting
XSAPI Xbox Services Application Program Interface
CU Content Update
Burst Represents a volume of requests received in a short period of time
Sustain Represents a high volume of calls received constantly over a period of time
User + Title Represents the pairing of a user and title as one entity
XSTA Xbox services Trace Analyzer tool, used for determining if your title is being rate limited

Fair Usage

Xbox believes that each user should have the same high-quality experience no matter what game (or app) the user is playing. Fine-Grained Rate Limiting (FGRL) solves the following scenario:

Developer A has just released a title that follows all the Xbox services best practices ensuring optimal use of services while Developer B has also just released a title however this one has an unknown bug. This bug causes the title and each user to spam presence which results in the service going under heavy load. The service slows and eventually halts breaking the experience for developer A's users even though it was developer B's bug that caused the issue.

If FGRL was implemented, the service would have been able to stop receiving requests from the misbehaving title, allowing it to serve Developer A's title its fair slice of the resource pie.

Title and User granularity

Title and User were chosen as the key to ensure fair usage of Xbox resources.

Tracking just the user would create a scenario in which the user experience would be at the mercy of each title's integration. For example, most titles use the people service already so for the sake of this example, suppose Fine-Grained Rate Limiting was set up on the people service allowing no more than 100 requests in 5 minutes.

If a user were to play a game that made 100 requests in 1 minute, the limit would be exceeded, and the user would not be able to make any more requests to the people service; imagine that in the same period the user then goes back to the home screen and clicks his friends list: since the user would already have exceeded the limit, that friend's list call would fail until the 5-minute interval has passed, even though the home screen was not responsible for putting the user in the limited state.

Alternatively, limiting based only on the title would produce an equally unfair result. Setting a limit per title would ignore the popularity of the titles, and the requests would just be first-come first-served until a limit is reached.

The pairing of User and Title ensures that no title uses more resources than what is appropriate given the number of active users, while also giving each user a consistent slice of the resource pie.

Rate limiting request and response flowchart

The diagram above shows a high-level view of how the request is handled. First the request is generated and then received by the desired service. Upon receiving the request, the system checks to see how many times the user and title together have accessed the service:

  • If the request is under the limit, then it will be processed as normal.
  • If the request is found to be at or above the limit, the services will drop it and instead return a 429 response.

The response will indicate how long until the period rolls over and the user and title requests can be handled.

Burst and Sustain Limits

Traditionally, rate limiting consists of one limit per endpoint which is tracked over a given period of time. This period represents the amount of time that an entities request count is tracked. At the end of the period the entities count is reset to 0 to begin tracking again.

This approach works for most APIs; however, this approach was not resilient enough for games and apps that call Xbox services. The solution above assumes that people are calling in a consistent steady predictable manner. In the Xbox services case, depending on the service and requesting title, the calling patterns are drastically different.

Choosing just one limit in this case would require compromising on both ends of the call pattern spectrum. The Xbox services solution uses two periods and limits. The smaller period is called the Burst period while the bigger longer one is known as the Sustain period.

The burst time period for FGRL is always 15 seconds, whereas the sustain is always 300 seconds (5 minutes). So during a 5 minute sustain period, there are 20 burst periods.

Both burst and sustain limits are tracking at the same time, and as such, count requests at the same time. Both the burst and the sustain limit are set on the service, meaning each service has its own burst and sustain count.

To help you understand how these two limits work together, the table below shows a user playing a title which is making a number of requests of a service that has implemented FGRL. In this case, the burst limit is 30 requests in 15 seconds, and the sustain limit is 100 requests over 5 minutes.

Time Period (seconds) Requests per burst period Requests per sustain period # of throttled Requests within the 15 sec interval Which Limit? (burst, sustain, or both)
0-15 35 35 5 Burst
15-30 28 63 0 N/A
30-45 21 84 0 N/A
45-60 36 120 20 Both
60-75 24 144 24 Sustain
285-300 4 148 Sustain

The table shows that in the first 15 seconds the user trips the burst limit by making 35 requests. Those 5 extra requests are dropped and 5 429 Responses are sent.

Those 5 requests, though throttled, still count towards the sustain limit. Once either limit is tripped, no requests are let through, as shown when both limits trip at the 45 second mark, and again when only 4 requests are made at the 285 second mark.

HTTP 429 Response object

When the associated user and title count is at or above either the burst or sustain limit the service will not handle the request and will instead return a HTTP 429 response. When using XSAPI, this is equivalent to an HRESULT of 0x801901AD. The HTTP 429 code stands for "too many requests" will be accompanied by a header containing a "retry after X seconds" value.

An FGRL 429 response object contains a "retry after" header, which specifies the amount of time the calling entities should wait before trying again. Developers that use XSAPI will not have to worry, as XSAPI honors and handles the Retry-After header.

The actual response will contain the following fields:

Field Name Value Type Example Definition
Version Integer "version":1
currentRequests Integer "currentRequests":13 Total number of requests sent
maxRequests Integer "maxRequests":10 Total number of requests allowed
periodInSeconds Integer "periodInSeconds":15 Time window
Type String "type":"burst" Throttle limit type

Implemented limits

The following services have implemented FGRL limits, with enforcement of these limits in place since May 2016. These limits are the same across all sandboxes and titles.

Any title that was published via Xbox Developer Platform or Partner Center and shipped prior to May 2016 will be considered Legacy and therefore exempted.

Name Burst Limit (15 seconds per user per title) Sustain Limit (300 seconds per user per title) Certification Limit (10x Sustained, 300 seconds per user per title)
Stats Read 100 300 3000
Profile 10 30 300
MPSD 30 300 3000
Search Handle (MPSD) Read 1, Write 1 Read 20, Write 20 Read 20, Write 20
MPA Recent Players 3 50 50
MPA Invites 7 50 50
MPA Activity Create/Delete 10, Read/Query 20 Create/Delete 100, Read/Query 200 Create/Delete 100, Read/Query 200
Presence Read 10, Write 3 Read 100, Write 30 Read 1000, Write 300
Social 10 30 300
Leaderboards 30 100 1000
Achievements 100 300 3000
Smart Match 10 100 1000
User Posts 100 300 3000
Stats Write 100 300 3000
Privacy 10 30 300
Clubs 10 30 300
Authentication (S2S only) 15 50 500

The table above represents the current list of services that were selected for FGRL. This list is not final, as new services and existing services can be added. When a service is going to be added, this table will be updated and an announcement will be made.

The limits in the table can be subject to change. As services change and evolve, so will the limits; however, you will be notified and the necessary legacy exemptions will be made.

Service Mapping and Title Effects of Rate Limiting

Name Service Endpoint Anticipated Game Impact of FGRL
Stats Read userstats.xboxlive.com Achievements or Leaderboards entries not updated or retrieved.
Profile profile.xboxlive.com Player's data not updated or displayed correctly.
MPSD sessiondirectory.xboxlive.com Joins/invites would not complete correctly, sessions not created or updated properly which can cause title failures.
MPA multiplayeractivity.xboxlive.com Joins/invites would not complete correctly, recent player information would not function correctly.
Presence presence.xboxlive.com Player's in-game presence would not be accurate.
Social social.xboxlive.com Impacts all friends writes (e.g. adding a friend, making someone favorite etc.) and may impact friend reads (e.g. fetch my friend list). Developers are encouraged to call the peoplehub for read rather than social.xboxlive.com.
Leaderboards leaderboards.xboxlive.com In-game UX for leaderboards would not populate/update.
Achievements achievements.xboxlive.com In-game UX for achievements unlocked would not be updated.
Smart Match momatch.xboxlive.com Matches would not be successfully set up.
User Posts userposts.xboxlive.com User posts would not appear.
Stats Write statswrite.xboxlive.com Achievements or Leaderboards entries not updated.
Privacy privacy.xboxlive.com Privacy failures may result in blocked access for all callers.
Clubs Clubhub.xboxlive.com Player may not be able to see their in-game clubs.
Authentication (S2S only) title.mgt.xboxlive.com Service-to-service call authentication will fail.

NOTE: The latest API mapping is regularly updated and can be found under Live Trace Analyzer API Mapping.


How can I determine I am being throttled and what steps can I take?

See Best practices for calling Xbox services, which contains steps for improving your call pattern, as well as an explanation of how the XSAPI assertion and XSAPI Social and Multiplayer managers can be used to notify you of throttling issues and mitigate those throttling issues.

Another option is to record a trace of the Xbox service calls, and then analyze that trace using the Xbox services Trace Analyzer tool. To record a trace, you can either use Fiddler to record a .SAZ file, or use the built-in trace logging of XSAPI.

To turn on and use traces in XSAPI, see Trace Analyzer for reviewing service calls. Once you have a trace, the Xbox services Trace Analyzer tool will warn upon detecting throttled calls.

Can limits change?

The intent is that the published limits will not change over time. However, if the need were to arise, it is possible that some of the limits could be made stricter; in that case, titles already released to RETAIL would be made exempt from the updated limits.

Are more services going to get limits?

Yes, more services and new services can and will be creating limits. Though just like this first FGRL release you will be notified and the proper precautions will be taken.

When will these changes take effect?

Rate limits have been enforced since May 2016. As of April 2018, titles exceeding the specified sustained limits by 10x or more will not pass the Xbox Certification process.

What if we can't adhere to the limits?

See Best practices for calling Xbox services and ensure you are following these steps. If you are being rate-limited with any of the social services, also consider using Social Manager

If after following these steps, you are still unable to remain under the limits, please reach out to your Developer Account Manager.

NOTE: Titles at or above the specified limits will not be allowed to pass cert after April 2018. For example, if the sustained limit is set to 300 calls in 300 seconds as specified in the table above, titles at or above 3000 calls in 300 seconds will fail certification. For detailed information including test cases, please refer to XR-132 Service Access Limitations.

What about my existing Title?

Any titles in RETAIL before April 2018 are considered Legacy and are exempt.

Content Updates?

For a legacy or exempted title, content updates will also be exempt, though we strongly encourage you to leverage the tools and assets to optimize the service integration aspects of your game.

Can I get an exemption for my game until I can make a content update?

Please speak with your Developer Account Manager.