

CChkSGFiles.ErrTerm function

Applies to: Exchange Server 2003 | Exchange Server 2007 | Exchange Server 2010 | Exchange Server 2013

Provides an overall status of the database and log verification, which indicates whether all the database pages and logs were successfully verified.


Storage groups are not available in Exchange 2013. For backward compatibility with databases and storage groups in versions of Exchange earlier than Exchange Server 2010, the CHKSGFILES API enables you to specify storage groups. When you run CHKSGFILES against Exchange 2013 databases, you should set parameters that specify a storage group identifier to an empty string.

Vitual ERRErrTerm 
    Const ULONGulFlags = NO_FLAGS



Optional input parameter. This value is reserved for future use. The value passed by this parameter should be 0 (zero).

Return value

An error code from the ERR enumeration.


The CChkSGFiles object determines whether all the databases registered with the ErrInit function were actually checked. This object uses the ErrCheckDbPages function to verify that the same number of database pages identified by the ErrCheckDbHeaders function were actually verified. If the correct number of pages in each database are not successfully checked, the ErrTerm function returns an error.

If the number of database pages checked with ErrCheckDbPages is less than that indicated by ErrCheckDbHeaders, this function creates an error in the Windows Event log, and ErrTerm returns an error.

If the number of database pages checked with ErrCheckDbPages is greater than that indicated by ErrCheckDbHeaders, this function creates a warning in the Windows Event log to indicate that the application might be unnecessarily checking some database pages more than once. In this case, however, the ErrTerm function succeeds.

The CChkSGFiles object also determines whether the log files registered with ErrInit were actually checked. If not all the logs were successfully checked, the ErrTerm function returns an error.

When ErrTerm returns an error, it will be the first error it finds, even though it checks the verification status for all databases registered with ErrInit.

If you're using CHKSGFILES in a multithreaded application, you must call the ErrTerm function in the single-threaded portion of the application, and you can call it no more than once for each CCheckSGFiles object.


Exchange 2013 only includes a 64-bit version of CHKSGFILES.

The account that the application is running under must have read access permissions to the database and log files that are to be checked.