

CChkSGFiles.ErrCheckLogs function

Applies to: Exchange Server 2003 | Exchange Server 2007 | Exchange Server 2010 | Exchange Server 2013

Validates the log files of all the database files that were specified in the ErrInit function. The validated logs are those that exist in the path, and that have the three-letter base log file name passed to ErrInit.

Vitual ERRErrCheckLogs 
        BOOL  * const pfOnlyUnnecessaryLogsCorrup,
    Const ULONGulFlags = NO_FLAGS



Output parameter. When true, this parameter indicates that errors were found in the transaction log files, but those errors were all found in log files that are not needed to bring the database to a clean-shutdown state without data loss. A true value returned in this parameter is valid only when ErrCheckLogs returns errSuccess.


Optional input parameter. This value is reserved for future use. The value passed by this parameter should be 0 (zero).

Return value

An error code from the ERR enumeration.

It's important to remember that this function can return errSuccess even when errors are found in the log files. Therefore, when ErrCheckLogs returns errSuccess, the application should also check the pfOnlyUnnecessaryLogsCorrupt return parameter. If pfOnlyUnnecessaryLogsCorrupts is true when ErrCheckLogs returns errSuccess, this indicates that one or more errors were found, but only in log files not needed to bring the database up-to-date.


The ErrCheckDbHeaders function must be called before the ErrCheckLogs function can be called.

When Exchange database transaction log files are being checked, some of the log files will be necessary to bring the databases in the storage group to a clean-shutdown state without data loss, whereas other log files might not be needed. The ErrCheckLogs function determines both the oldest and the newest log files that are needed to bring the databases up to date.

The ErrCheckLogs function verifies all the log files in the specified paths that also have the specified three-letter base file name, as passed to the ErrInit function.

If no errors are found in the log files, ErrCheckLogs returns errSuccess.

If any of the required log files are found to be corrupted, ErrCheckLogs returns an error.

If errors are found only in log files that are older than the earliest ones needed, the function returns errSuccess and sets the return parameter pfOnlyUnnecessaryLogCorrupt to true. The application should recognize that there are errors in some of those old log files, and if so, it will possibly alert the user. In any case, those errors should not affect the overall integrity of the database or affect whether playing the logs forward will succeed.

If errors are found in any log file created after the earliest log that ErrCheckLogs determines is needed, the function returns an error. The error will be returned even if the log file error was found in a log file that was generated later than what is needed to bring the database up to date. Although it would be possible to bring the databases to a clean-shutdown state by using the identified log files, transactions specified in the later corrupted log files would not be applied, resulting in data loss when the database is restored.

The CChkSGFiles object determines whether all of the log files registered with the ErrInit function were actually checked. If not all of the logs were not successfully checked, the ErrTerm function returns an error.

If you're using CHKSGFILES in a multithreaded application, you can call the ErrCheckLogs function in the multithreaded portion of the application, but you can call it only once for each CCheckSGFiles object.


Exchange 2013 only includes a 64-bit version of the CHKSGFILES API.

The account that the application is running under must have read access permissions to the database and log files that are to be checked.