

CChkSGFiles.ErrCheckDbHeaders function

Applies to: Exchange Server 2003 | Exchange Server 2007 | Exchange Server 2010 | Exchange Server 2013

Validates the headers of the database files that were specified by the ErrInit function. This function also returns the page size and number of pages in each of the specified databases.

Vitual ERRErrCheckDbHeaders  
        ULONG  * const pcbDbPageSize,
        ULONG  * const pcHeaderPagesPerDb,
        ULONG   const piDbErrorEncountered,
    Const ULONGulFlags = NO_FLAGS



Output parameter. The page size of each of the specified databases, in bytes.


Output parameter. The number of pages at the beginning of each specified database that are reserved by the database engine for internal use. Note that you should not pass header pages to the ErrCheckDbPages function for validation.


Output parameter. If the return value of the function indicates an error, this parameter will be an index into the rgwszDb[] array passed to the ErrInit function. The indexed array element represents the database in which the error was encountered. If the function does not return an error value, this parameter value is invalid.


Optional input parameter. This value is reserved for future use. The value passed should be 0 (zero).

Return value

This function returns an error code from the CChkSGFiles.ERR enumeration.


ErrCheckDbHeaders verifies that all databases registered with ErrInit have the same log signature and database page size. You can also use the lowest genMin parameter value and the highest genMax parameter value to determine the set of log files that are necessary to bring all of the registered databases to a clean-shutdown state.

The piDbErrorEncountered parameter is set only when an error is detected, as indicated by a non-zero ErrCheckDbHeaders return value.

When an error occurs in this function, an error event will be added to the Windows Error event log.

You can call ErrCheckDbHeaders only after calling ErrInit, and you must call it before calling ErrCheckDbPages and ErrCheckLogs.

If you're using CHKSGFILES in a multithreaded application, you must call the ErrCheckDbHeaders function in the single-threaded portion, and you can call it only once for each CCheckSGFiles object.


Exchange 2013 only includes a 64-bit version of the CHKSGFILES API.

The account that the application is running under must have read access permissions to the database and log files that are to be checked.