如果發生中斷或連線失敗,Microsoft Entra 網際網路存取,您的使用者仍會受到保護。 不過,您可能想要執行「打破玻璃」作業:暫時停用流量轉送配置檔,並停用符合規範的網路條件原則,可協助使用者重新取得其Microsoft應用程式的存取權,以利於生產力。
您可以在下方檢視範例腳本,以協助您快速停用流量轉送,並使用 符合規範的網路 條件將條件式存取原則切換為僅限報表模式。
PowerShell 腳本會有效停用任何使用相容網路條件的條件式存取原則。 在緊急情況下,此腳本可用來暫時重新取得使用者的存取權。
此範例需要 Microsoft Graph Beta PowerShell 模組 2.10 或更新版本。
# gsabreakglass.ps1 places the Compliant Network Conditional Access Policies for a given tenant using Microsoft Entra Internet Access into Report-Only mode.
# Version 1.0
# This script requires following
# - PowerShell 5.1 (x64) or beyond
# - Module: Microsoft.Graph.Beta
# Before you begin:
# - Make sure you are running PowerShell as an Administrator
# - Make sure your Administrator persona is an leveraging an Entra ID emergency access admin account, not subject to Microsoft Entra Internet Access Compliant Network policy, as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/entra/identity/role-based-access-control/security-emergency-access.
# - Make sure you run: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta -AllowClobber -Force
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.SignIns
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Policy.Read.All,Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess,NetworkAccess.ReadWrite.All"
$result = @()
$timeRun = Get-Date
$result += "Script was run at $($timeRun)"
$count = 0
# Search for any Conditional Access policies leveraging the Compliant Network condition.
$allCAPolicies = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy
$allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies = @()
foreach ($policy in $allCAPolicies)
if ($policy.conditions.locations.excludeLocations -Contains "3d46dbda-8382-466a-856d-eb00cbc6b910" -or $policy.conditions.locations.includeLocations -Contains "3d46dbda-8382-466a-856d-eb00cbc6b910")
$allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies += $policy
$compliantNetworkCount = $allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.Count
$result += "Total count of Compliant Network Conditional Access policies: $($compliantNetworkCount)"
# List + Save the list of Compliant Network Conditional Access policies to the C:\BreakGlass folder for use in .\breakglass.ps1
foreach ($policy in $allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies)
$current = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id
$currentState = $current.state
$currentTime = Get-Date
$policyContent = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}" -f $policy.displayName, $policy.id, "Current State: $($currentState) at $($currentTime)", $policy.CreatedDateTime, $policy.ModifiedDateTime
$result += $policyContent
Write-Host "Conditional Access Policy with ID: $($policy.id) (state: $($current.state)) uses the Compliant Network Condition. Policy name: $($policy.displayName)"
$result += " "
$path = "C:\BreakGlass\ListCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.txt"
if (Test-Path $path)
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
} else {
New-Item -Force -Path $path -Type File
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
Write-Host "`nList of Compliant NW policies has been exported to C:\BreakGlass\ListCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.txt`n"
$result = @()
$timeRun = Get-Date
$result += "Script was run at $($timeRun)"
$count = 0
$result += "Total count of Compliant Network Conditional Access policies: $($allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.Count)"
# Based on admin input, disable either all or some Conditional Access policies leveraging the Compliant Network Condition.
$action = Read-Host "Do you want to put all enabled compliant network Conditional Access policies in Report-Only mode (type 'all') or just specific policy IDs (type 'ids')?"
if ($action -eq "all")
foreach ($policy in $allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies)
if ($policy)
#only BreakGlass if policy is already enabled
if ($policy.state -eq "enabled")
$params = @{
state = "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced"
$current = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id
$currentState = $current.state
$currentTime = Get-Date
Update-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id -BodyParameter $params
$updatedTime = Get-Date
$check = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id
$updatedState = $check.state
if ($updatedState -eq "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced")
$policyContent = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}" -f $policy.displayName, $policy.id, $policy.CreatedDateTime, $policy.ModifiedDateTime, "Before BreakGlass: $($currentState) at $($currentTime)", "After BreakGlass: $($updatedState) at $($updatedTime)"
$result += $policyContent
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) is now in Report-Only mode"
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) could not be put in Report-Only mode"
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) is already Disabled or Report-Only."
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) was not found."
} elseif ($action -eq "ids") {
$policyIds = Read-Host "Enter the IDs of the policies you want to put in Report-Only mode (separated by commas)"
$policyIds = $policyIds -split ","
foreach ($id in $policyIds)
$policy = $allCompliantNetworkCAPolicies | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $id }
if ($policy)
if ($policy.state -eq "enabled")
$params = @{
state = "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced"
$current = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id
$currentState = $current.state
$currentTime = Get-Date
Update-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id -BodyParameter $params
$updatedTime = Get-Date
$check = Get-MgBetaIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy -ConditionalAccessPolicyId $policy.id
$updatedState = $check.state
if ($updatedState -eq "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced")
$policyContent = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}" -f $policy.displayName, $policy.id, $policy.CreatedDateTime, $policy.ModifiedDateTime, "Before BreakGlass: $($currentState) at $($currentTime)", "After BreakGlass: $($updatedState) at $($updatedTime)"
$result += $policyContent
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) is now in Report-Only mode."
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) could not be put in Report-Only mode"
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $($policy.id) is already Disabled or Report-Only."
} else {
Write-Host "Policy with ID $id not found."
} else {
Write-Host "Invalid action. Please type 'all' or 'ids'."
# Save the list of Compliant Network Conditional Access policies that were moved to Report-Only mode to the C:\BreakGlass folder for use in .\breakglass.ps1
$result += "Number of policies placed in Report-Only mode: $($count)"
$path = "C:\BreakGlass\ReportOnlyCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.txt"
if (Test-Path $path)
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
} else {
New-Item -Force -Path $path -Type File
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
Write-Host "`nCA policy disablement results have been exported to C:\BreakGlass\ReportOnlyCompliantNetworkCAPolicies.txt`n"
# Disable Traffic Profiles
$forwardingResult = @()
$timeRun = Get-Date
$result = "Script was run at $($timeRun)`n"
$forwardingProfiles = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/networkaccess/forwardingprofiles"
foreach ($profile in $forwardingProfiles.value)
if ($profile.state -eq "enabled") {
$body = @{ state = "disabled" } | ConvertTo-Json
$check = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method PATCH -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/networkaccess/forwardingprofiles/$($profile.id)" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
if ($check.state -eq "disabled") {
$profileContent = "{0},{1},{2}`n" -f $profile.name, $profile.id, $profile.lastModifiedDateTime
$result += $profileContent
Write-Host "$($profile.name) is now disabled."
} else {
Write-Host "$($profile.name) can't be disabled."
} else{
Write-Host "$($profile.name) is already disabled."
# Save the list of disabled Forwarding profiles to C:\BreakGlass folder
$path = "C:\BreakGlass\DisabledForwardingProfiles.txt"
if (Test-Path $path)
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
} else {
New-Item -Force -Path $path -Type File
$result | Out-File -FilePath $path
Write-Host "`nDisabled Forwarding Profiles have been exported to C:\BreakGlass\DisabledForwardingProfiles.txt`n"