

Customer information management for Italy

This article describes how you can handle customer information, such as the customer's lottery code, in the Commerce point of sale (POS) for Italy.

You can specify the customer information, such as the fiscal code or lottery code, when you create or edit a customer master record in POS. You can also specify the lottery code for a sales transaction by copying it from the transaction customer or entering it manually. The lottery code can then be printed on both regular and fiscal receipts, and it can be used for the national lottery. Personal fiscal codes can also be used to search for a customer in POS.


It isn't possible to specify a lottery code for a customer in POS when Create customer in async mode is enabled in the POS functionality profile. Support for the async customer creation mode may be added in future updates.


You must complete the following configuration to use this functionality:

  • Set up a registration type for the lottery code.
  • Add the Add customer information operation to screen layouts.
  • Activate the inquiry for customer information.
  • Set up receipt formats.
  • Add a customer search criterion.
  • Configure channel components.


For Commerce version 10.0.38 and earlier, you must enable the (Italy) Customer information management in Retail POS feature in the Commerce headquarters Feature management workspace.

Set up a registration type for the lottery code

Before lottery codes can be specified in POS, you must create an appropriate registration type for the lottery code and link it to the Lottery code registration category. For more information about how to work with registration types and registration IDs, see Registration IDs.


If a registration type isn't created or isn't linked to the Lottery code registration category, an error will be generated in POS when the lottery code is filled in for a customer address.

Add the Add customer information operation to screen layouts

The Add customer information operation can be used to add customer information, such as the lottery code, to a sales transaction. This information can be copied from the customer that is specified for the transaction, or it can be manually entered.

On the Button grids page, select the button grid where the operation should appear, and open the Button grid designer. Add a new button, and then, in the Action field, select Add customer information. For more information about how to work with screen layouts and button grids, see Screen layouts for the point of sale (POS).

Activate the inquiry for customer information

If the customer information isn't specified for a sales transaction, an inquiry for that information can be triggered automatically after the transaction is finalized. This approach is an alternative to the Add customer information operation.

To activate the inquiry for customer information in Commerce headquarters, on the POS functionality profiles page, on the Functions FastTab, in the Tax parameters section, set the Enable inquiry of customer information in sales transactions option to Yes.

Set up receipt formats

You can configure receipt formats so that the customer's fiscal code and lottery code are printed on receipts.


The default company of the user who creates the receipt setup should be the same legal entity where the language text setup is created. Alternatively, the same language texts should be created in both the user's default company and the legal entity of the store that the setup is created for.

On the Language text page, on the POS tab, add the following records for the labels of the custom fields for receipt formats. Note that the Language ID, Text ID, and Text values that are shown in the following table are just examples. You can change them to meet your requirements. However, the Text ID values that you use must be unique, and they must be equal to or more than 900001.

Language ID Text ID Text
en-US 900001 Lottery code
en-US 900002 Fiscal code

On the Custom fields page, add the following records for the custom fields for receipt formats. Note that the Caption text ID values must correspond to the Text ID values that you specified on the Language text page.

Name Type Caption text ID

In the Receipt format designer, add the custom fields to the appropriate receipt section for every receipt format that is required. For more information about how to work with receipt formats, see Receipt templates and printing.

Add a customer search criterion

You can add a customer search criterion so that customers can be searched for in POS by their fiscal codes.

On the Commerce parameters page, on the POS search criteria tab, add a new customer search criterion. In the Customer search criteria field, select Tax registration number. Select the Display as shortcut check box, but leave the Can be refined check box cleared. Then, on the Distribution schedules page, run the 1110 job.

Configure channel components


You should implement the steps that are described in this section only if you're using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce version 10.0.28 or earlier. As of version 10.0.29, all required Commerce channel components for Italy are enabled out of the box. If you're using Commerce version 10.0.28 or earlier and are migrating to Commerce version 10.0.29 or later, you must follow the steps in Migrate to version 10.0.29 or later.

To make the functionality that is specific to Italy available, you must configure extensions for commerce channel components. For more information, see the Deployment guidelines section later in this article.

Example scenarios

The following example scenarios show how to work with customer information in POS for Italy.

Scenario 1: Make a sale to an anonymous customer

  1. Sign in to POS.
  2. Add items to the cart.
  3. Select Add customer information, and then select Enter manually.
  4. Enter the customer's lottery code, and then select OK.
  5. Register payments for the transaction, and then finalize the transaction.
  6. Verify that the printed receipt contains the customer's lottery code.

Scenario 2: Make a sale to a new named customer

  1. Sign in to POS.
  2. Add items to the cart.
  3. Select Add customer, and then select New.
  4. Specify the new customer's attributes. In the Fiscal code field, enter the customer's fiscal code.
  5. Select Create a new address. Then specify the new customer's contact information and an address.
  6. In the Lottery code field, enter the customer's lottery code.
  7. Save the customer record and the customer address record, and add the customer to the transaction.
  8. Register payments for the transaction, and then finalize the transaction.
  9. Because the inquiry for customer information has been activated, but customer information hasn't been added to the transaction, the Enter customer information dialog box is opened. Select Yes, and then select Copy from transaction customer.
  10. Verify the customer's lottery code, and then select OK.
  11. Verify that the printed receipt contains the customer's lottery code.


If you must specify a different customer for the transaction, you must clear the customer information and then copy it again after the new customer is added.

Scenario 3: Change the customer information for a sale to a named customer

  1. Sign in to POS.
  2. Add items to the cart.
  3. Select Add customer, and then select a customer account to add it to the transaction.
  4. Select Add customer information, and then select Copy from transaction customer.
  5. Verify the customer's lottery code, and then select OK.
  6. Select Add customer information, and then select Clear to clear the customer information from the transaction.
  7. Select Add customer information, and then select Enter manually.
  8. Specify the customer's lottery code, and then select OK.
  9. Register payments for the transaction, and then finalize the transaction.
  10. Verify that the printed receipt contains the customer's lottery code.

Deployment guidelines


You should implement the steps that are described in this section only if you're using Commerce version 10.0.28 or earlier. As of version 10.0.29, all required Commerce channel components for Italy are enabled out of the box. If you're using Commerce version 10.0.28 or earlier and are migrating to Commerce version 10.0.29 or later, you must follow the steps in Migrate to version 10.0.29 or later.

This section provides deployment guidance for enabling customer information management in the localization of Commerce for Italy.


If you want to enable the integration of POS with fiscal printers for Italy, and specifically if you want to print customer lottery codes on fiscal receipts, you must deploy the fiscal printer integration sample for Italy.

Update customizations

If your customizations have references to the TaxRegistrationIdFiscalCustomerService service, they must be removed.

Update a development environment

Follow these steps to update a development environment.

CRT extension components

  1. Find the extension configuration file for the Commerce runtime (CRT):

    • Commerce Scale Unit: Find the CommerceRuntime.Ext.config file in the bin\ext folder under the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Commerce Scale Unit site location.
    • Local CRT on Modern POS: Find the CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.Ext.config file under the local CRT client broker location.
  2. Register the CRT extension in the extension configuration file.

    <add source="assembly" value="Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.TaxRegistrationIdItaly" />


    Do not edit the CommerceRuntime.config and CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.config files. These files aren't intended for any customizations.

Modern POS extension components

Follow these steps to make the TaxRegistrationId.IT extension available.

  1. Open the solution at RetailSdk\POS\ModernPOS.sln.

  2. In the POS.Extensions\extensions.json file, turn on the extension.

        "extensionPackages": [
                "baseUrl": "Microsoft/TaxRegistrationId.IT"
  3. Build the solution.

  4. Open Modern POS, and test the functionality.

Cloud POS extension components

Follow these steps to make the TaxRegistrationId.IT extension available.

  1. Open the solution at RetailSdk\POS\CloudPOS.sln.

  2. In the POS.Extensions\extensions.json file, turn on the extension.

        "extensionPackages": [
                "baseUrl": "Microsoft/TaxRegistrationId.IT"
  3. Build the solution.

  4. Open Cloud POS, and test the functionality.

Update a production environment

Follow these steps to create deployable packages that contain Commerce components, and to apply the packages in a production environment.

  1. In the CommerceRuntime.Ext.config and CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.Ext.config configuration files under the RetailSdk\Assets folder, add the following lines to the composition section.

    <add source="assembly" value="Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.TaxRegistrationIdItaly" />
  2. Turn on the TaxRegistrationId.IT POS extension.

        "extensionPackages": [
                "baseUrl": "Microsoft/TaxRegistrationId.IT"
  3. Run msbuild for the whole Retail software development kit (SDK) to create deployable packages.

  4. Apply the packages via Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) or manually. For more information, see Retail SDK packaging.

Migrate to version 10.0.29 or later

The steps that are described in this section are required if you're using Commerce version 10.0.28 or earlier and are migrating to Commerce version 10.0.29 or later. You must follow these steps to correctly update your Commerce environment.

  1. Update Commerce headquarters.

  2. For Commerce version 10.0.38 and earlier, you must enable the (Italy) Customer information management in Retail POS feature in the Commerce headquarters Feature management workspace and distribute the changes to channels.

  3. Update CRT, Cloud POS, and Modern POS, and exclude the following legacy Italy-specific extensions:

    1. In the commerceruntime.ext.config and CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.Ext.config files, exclude the Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.TaxRegistrationIdItaly CRT extension.
    2. In the extensions.json file, exclude the Microsoft/TaxRegistrationId.IT POS extension.