

Compensation localization for Czech (extension)

The Compensation solution helps companies for offsetting receivables and payables. Compensations are used when the company's customer is also its supplier.
Entries to be counted can be entered manually or automatically from the Compensation Card. In addition, there are functions to mark entries to count and recalculating the balance.
There's also a print-out of the Agreement on Mutual Settlement of Receivables and Payables under Czech legislation.

Key features

  • View Balance as Vendor/Balance as Customer – to view the balance as vendor on a customer card and the balance as customer on a vendor card, users must set a customer and vendor business relation with a contact to indicate to the system that even though particular company is registered as a vendor and as a customer, it is in fact the same company.
  • Compensation Setup – Compensation Nos., Compensation Bal. Account No., etc.,
  • Compensation Card – lines for compensation,
  • Function - Suggest lines for compensation, Release,
  • Agreement on Mutual Settlement of Receivables and Payables printout,
  • Compensation posting – posted Compensation is created, entries application is posted.

See also

Czech Local Functionality

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