

Edit Posted Documents

Sometimes you have to update a posted document because information that is relevant to the document has changed. On a posted sales document, this can be the shipping agent's package tracking number, for example. On a posted purchase document, this can be a payment reference text.

You perform the change on an editable version of the original document, indicated by "- Update" in the page title. The page contains a subset of the fields on the original document, of which some are non-editable fields that are shown for information only.

The functionality is available for the following documents across all supported markets:

  • Posted Sales Shipment
  • Posted Purchase Invoice
  • Posted Return Shipment
  • Posted Return Receipt

The following additional documents can be edited in the specified countries or regions:

  • ES: Posted Sales Invoice, Posted Sales Credit Memo, Posted Purchase Credit Memo
  • APAC: Posted Sales Credit Memo, Posted Purchase Credit Memo
  • RU: Posted Sales Credit Memo
  • IT: Posted Transfer Shipment, Posted Service Shipment

To edit a posted sales shipment

The following explains how to edit a posted sales shipment. The steps are similar for the other supported documents.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Posted Sales Shipments, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the document that you want to edit, and then choose the Update Document action. Alternatively, open the document and then choose the action.
  3. On the Posted Sales Shipment - Update page, edit the Package Tracking No. field, for example.
  4. Choose the OK button.

The posted sales shipment is updated.

See also

Posting Documents and Journals
Find Related Entries for Documents
General Business Functionality
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