
如何合併 LINQ 查詢與規則運算式 (Visual Basic)

此範例會示範如何使用 Regex 類別來建立規則運算式,以在文字字串中進行更複雜的比對。 LINQ 查詢讓您輕鬆地準確篩選出您想要用規則運算式搜尋的檔案,並調整結果。


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Class LinqRegExVB

    Shared Sub Main()

        ' Root folder to query, along with all subfolders.
        ' Modify this path as necessary so that it accesses your Visual Studio folder.
        Dim startFolder As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\"
        ' One of the following paths may be more appropriate on your computer.
        'Dim startFolder As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\"

        ' Take a snapshot of the file system.
        Dim fileList As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo) = GetFiles(startFolder)

        ' Create a regular expression to find all things "Visual".
        Dim searchTerm As New Regex("Visual (Basic|C#|C\+\+|Studio)")

        ' Search the contents of each .htm file.
        ' Remove the where clause to find even more matches!
        ' This query produces a list of files where a match
        ' was found, and a list of the matches in that file.
        ' Note: Explicit typing of "Match" in select clause.
        ' This is required because MatchCollection is not a
        ' generic IEnumerable collection.
        Dim queryMatchingFiles = From afile In fileList
                                Where afile.Extension = ".htm"
                                Let fileText = File.ReadAllText(afile.FullName)
                                Let matches = searchTerm.Matches(fileText)
                                Where (matches.Count > 0)
                                Select Name = afile.FullName,
                                       Matches = From match As Match In matches
                                                 Select match.Value

        ' Execute the query.
        Console.WriteLine("The term " & searchTerm.ToString() & " was found in:")

        For Each fileMatches In queryMatchingFiles
            ' Trim the path a bit, then write
            ' the file name in which a match was found.
            Dim s = fileMatches.Name.Substring(startFolder.Length - 1)

            ' For this file, write out all the matching strings
            For Each match In fileMatches.Matches
                Console.WriteLine("  " + match)

        ' Keep the console window open in debug mode
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit")
    End Sub

    ' Function to retrieve a list of files. Note that this is a copy
    ' of the file information.
    Shared Function GetFiles(root As String) As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo)
        Return From file In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(
                   root, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.*")
               Select New FileInfo(file)
    End Function

End Class

請注意,您也可以對由 Regex 搜尋所傳回的 MatchCollection 物件進行查詢。 在本例中,結果只會產生每個相符項目的值。 不過,它也可以使用 LINQ 對該集合執行所有種類的篩選、排序及群組。 因為 MatchCollection 為非泛型 IEnumerable 集合,所以您必須在查詢中明確地陳述範圍變數的類型。


建立 Visual Basic 主控台應用程式專案、複製並貼上程式碼範例,以及調整專案屬性中的 Startup 物件值。
