

因為未等候此呼叫,所以在呼叫完成之前會繼續執行目前的方法。 請考慮將 Await 運算子套用至呼叫的結果。

目前的方法會呼叫傳回 TaskTask<TResult> 且不會將 Await 運算子套用至結果的非同步方法。 非同步方法的呼叫會啟動非同步工作。 不過,由於不會套用任何 Await 運算子,因此程式會繼續執行,而不等候工作完成。 在大部分情況下,不應該有此行為。 通常呼叫方法的其他方面取決於呼叫的結果,或至少被呼叫的方法必須完成,才能從包含呼叫的方法傳回。

同樣重要的問題是,在呼叫的非同步方法中引發的例外狀況會發生什麼情形。 在傳回 TaskTask<TResult> 的方法中引發的例外狀況會儲存到傳回的工作中。 如果您未等候工作,也未明確檢查例外狀況,例外狀況就會遺失。 如果您等候工作,則其例外狀況會再次擲回。


根據預設,這個訊息是一個警告。 如需隱藏警告或將警告視為錯誤的詳細資訊,請參閱 Configuring Warnings in Visual Basic

錯誤 ID︰ BC42358


只有在您確定不要等候非同步呼叫完成,而且被呼叫的方法不會引發任何例外狀況時,才應考慮隱藏警告。 在這種情況下,您可以藉由將呼叫的工作結果指定至變數來隱藏警告。


Async Function CallingMethodAsync() As Task

    ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "  Entering calling method."

    ' Variable delay is used to slow down the called method so that you
    ' can distinguish between awaiting and not awaiting in the program's output.
    ' You can adjust the value to produce the output that this topic shows
    ' after the code.
    Dim delay = 5000

    ' Call #1.
    ' Call an async method. Because you don't await it, its completion isn't
    ' coordinated with the current method, CallingMethodAsync.
    ' The following line causes the warning.

    ' Call #2.
    ' To suppress the warning without awaiting, you can assign the
    ' returned task to a variable. The assignment doesn't change how
    ' the program runs. However, the recommended practice is always to
    ' await a call to an async method.
    ' Replace Call #1 with the following line.
    'Task delayTask = CalledMethodAsync(delay)

    ' Call #3
    ' To contrast with an awaited call, replace the unawaited call
    ' (Call #1 or Call #2) with the following awaited call. The best
    ' practice is to await the call.

    'Await CalledMethodAsync(delay)

    ' If the call to CalledMethodAsync isn't awaited, CallingMethodAsync
    ' continues to run and, in this example, finishes its work and returns
    ' to its caller.
    ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "  Returning from calling method."
End Function

Async Function CalledMethodAsync(howLong As Integer) As Task

    ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "    Entering called method, starting and awaiting Task.Delay."
    ' Slow the process down a little so you can distinguish between awaiting
    ' and not awaiting. Adjust the value for howLong if necessary.
    Await Task.Delay(howLong)
    ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "    Task.Delay is finished--returning from called method."
End Function

在此範例中,如果您選擇呼叫 #1 或呼叫 #2,則未等候的非同步方法 (CalledMethodAsync) 會在其呼叫端 (CallingMethodAsync) 和呼叫端的呼叫端 (StartButton_Click) 都完成之後才完成。 下列輸出的最後一行將顯示被呼叫的方法完成的時間。 輸入中會標記在完整範例中進入和結束呼叫 CallingMethodAsync 的事件處理常式。

Entering the Click event handler.
  Entering calling method.
    Entering called method, starting and awaiting Task.Delay.
  Returning from calling method.
Exiting the Click event handler.
    Task.Delay is finished--returning from called method.


下列 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 應用程式包含了前述範例的方法。 下列步驟將會設定應用程式:

  1. 建立 WPF 應用程式,並將其命名為 AsyncWarning

  2. 在 Visual Studio 程式碼編輯器中,選擇 [ MainWindow.xaml ] 索引標籤。

    如果未顯示索引標籤,請在 [ 方案總管] 中開啟 MainWindow.xaml 的捷徑功能表,然後選擇 [ 檢視程式碼]。

  3. 在 MainWindow.xaml 的 [ XAML ] 檢視中,將程式碼取代為下列程式碼:

    <Window x:Class="MainWindow"
            Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
            <Button x:Name="StartButton" Content="Start" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="214,28,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" FontWeight="Bold" FontFamily="Aharoni" Click="StartButton_Click" />
            <TextBox x:Name="ResultsTextBox" Margin="0,80,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" FontFamily="Lucida Console"/>

    包含按鈕和文字方塊的簡單視窗會出現在 MainWindow.xaml 的 [ 設計 ] 檢視中。

    如需 XAML 設計工具的詳細資訊,請參閱使用 XAML 設計工具建立 UI。 如需如何建置您自己的簡單 UI 的資訊,請參閱逐步解說:使用 Async 和 Await 存取 Web的<建立 WPF 應用程式>和<設計簡單的 WPF MainWindow>章節。

  4. 以下列程式碼取代 MainWindow.xaml.vb 中的程式碼。

    Class MainWindow
        Private Async Sub StartButton_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "Entering the Click event handler."
            Await CallingMethodAsync()
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "Exiting the Click event handler."
        End Sub
        Async Function CallingMethodAsync() As Task
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "  Entering calling method."
            ' Variable delay is used to slow down the called method so that you
            ' can distinguish between awaiting and not awaiting in the program's output.
            ' You can adjust the value to produce the output that this topic shows
            ' after the code.
            Dim delay = 5000
            ' Call #1.
            ' Call an async method. Because you don't await it, its completion isn't
            ' coordinated with the current method, CallingMethodAsync.
            ' The following line causes the warning.
            ' Call #2.
            ' To suppress the warning without awaiting, you can assign the
            ' returned task to a variable. The assignment doesn't change how
            ' the program runs. However, the recommended practice is always to
            ' await a call to an async method.
            ' Replace Call #1 with the following line.
            'Task delayTask = CalledMethodAsync(delay)
            ' Call #3
            ' To contrast with an awaited call, replace the unawaited call
            ' (Call #1 or Call #2) with the following awaited call. The best
            ' practice is to await the call.
            'Await CalledMethodAsync(delay)
            ' If the call to CalledMethodAsync isn't awaited, CallingMethodAsync
            ' continues to run and, in this example, finishes its work and returns
            ' to its caller.
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "  Returning from calling method."
        End Function
        Async Function CalledMethodAsync(howLong As Integer) As Task
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "    Entering called method, starting and awaiting Task.Delay."
            ' Slow the process down a little so you can distinguish between awaiting
            ' and not awaiting. Adjust the value for howLong if necessary.
            Await Task.Delay(howLong)
            ResultsTextBox.Text &= vbCrLf & "    Task.Delay is finished--returning from called method."
        End Function
    End Class
    ' Output
    ' Entering the Click event handler.
    '   Entering calling method.
    '     Entering called method, starting and awaiting Task.Delay.
    '   Returning from calling method.
    ' Exiting the Click event handler.
    '     Task.Delay is finished--returning from called method.
    ' Output
    ' Entering the Click event handler.
    '   Entering calling method.
    '     Entering called method, starting and awaiting Task.Delay.
    '     Task.Delay is finished--returning from called method.
    '   Returning from calling method.
    ' Exiting the Click event handler.
  5. 選擇 F5 鍵以執行程式,然後選擇 [ 開始 ] 按鈕。

