逐步解說:在 Windows Forms 應用程式中使用資料流程
本文示範如何建立資料流程區塊網路,以在Windows Forms應用程式中執行影像處理。
這個範例會從指定的資料夾載入映像檔案、建立複合映像,以及顯示結果。 這個範例會使用資料流程模型,透過網路路由映像。 在資料流程模型中,程式的獨立元件會透過傳送訊息,彼此進行通訊。 當元件收到訊息時,它會執行某些動作,然後將結果傳遞給另一個元件。 比較資料流程模型與控制流程模型,在其中應用程式會使用控制項結構,例如,條件陳述式、迴圈等等,來控制程式中作業的順序。
TPL 資料流程程式庫 (System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow 命名空間) 並未隨 .NET 散發。 若要在 Visual Studio 中安裝 System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow 命名空間,請開啟您的專案,從 [專案] 功能表中選擇 [管理 NuGet 套件],並於線上搜尋 System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
套件。 除此之外也可使用 .Net Core CLI (執行 dotnet add package System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow
) 加以安裝。
建立 Windows Forms 應用程式
本節描述如何建立基本 Windows Forms 應用程式,並且將控制項新增至主要表單。
若要建立 Windows Forms 應用程式
在 Visual Studio 中,建立 Visual C# 或 Visual Basic Windows Forms 應用程式專案。 在本文件中,專案命名為
。在主要表單 Form1.cs (在 Visual Basic 中為 Form1.vb) 的表單設計工具上,新增 ToolStrip 控制項。
將 ToolStripButton 控制項加入 ToolStrip 控制項。 將 DisplayStyle 屬性設為 Text,並將 Text 屬性設為 Choose Folder。
將第二個 ToolStripButton 控制項加入 ToolStrip 控制項。 將 DisplayStyle 屬性設為 Text,將 Text 屬性設為 Cancel,然後將 Enabled 屬性設為
。將 PictureBox 物件加入主要表單。 將 Dock 屬性設定為 Fill。
將 System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll 參考新增至您的專案。
確定 Form1.cs (在 Visual Basic 中為 Form1.vb) 包含下列
(在 Visual Basic 中為Using
) 陳述式:using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow; using System.Windows.Forms;
類別:// The head of the dataflow network. ITargetBlock<string> headBlock = null; // Enables the user interface to signal cancellation to the network. CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource;
類別。 這個方法會建立映像處理網路。// Creates the image processing dataflow network and returns the // head node of the network. ITargetBlock<string> CreateImageProcessingNetwork() { // // Create the dataflow blocks that form the network. // // Create a dataflow block that takes a folder path as input // and returns a collection of Bitmap objects. var loadBitmaps = new TransformBlock<string, IEnumerable<Bitmap>>(path => { try { return LoadBitmaps(path); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // Handle cancellation by passing the empty collection // to the next stage of the network. return Enumerable.Empty<Bitmap>(); } }); // Create a dataflow block that takes a collection of Bitmap objects // and returns a single composite bitmap. var createCompositeBitmap = new TransformBlock<IEnumerable<Bitmap>, Bitmap>(bitmaps => { try { return CreateCompositeBitmap(bitmaps); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { // Handle cancellation by passing null to the next stage // of the network. return null; } }); // Create a dataflow block that displays the provided bitmap on the form. var displayCompositeBitmap = new ActionBlock<Bitmap>(bitmap => { // Display the bitmap. pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; pictureBox1.Image = bitmap; // Enable the user to select another folder. toolStripButton1.Enabled = true; toolStripButton2.Enabled = false; Cursor = DefaultCursor; }, // Specify a task scheduler from the current synchronization context // so that the action runs on the UI thread. new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() }); // Create a dataflow block that responds to a cancellation request by // displaying an image to indicate that the operation is cancelled and // enables the user to select another folder. var operationCancelled = new ActionBlock<object>(delegate { // Display the error image to indicate that the operation // was cancelled. pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pictureBox1.Image = pictureBox1.ErrorImage; // Enable the user to select another folder. toolStripButton1.Enabled = true; toolStripButton2.Enabled = false; Cursor = DefaultCursor; }, // Specify a task scheduler from the current synchronization context // so that the action runs on the UI thread. new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() }); // // Connect the network. // // Link loadBitmaps to createCompositeBitmap. // The provided predicate ensures that createCompositeBitmap accepts the // collection of bitmaps only if that collection has at least one member. loadBitmaps.LinkTo(createCompositeBitmap, bitmaps => bitmaps.Count() > 0); // Also link loadBitmaps to operationCancelled. // When createCompositeBitmap rejects the message, loadBitmaps // offers the message to operationCancelled. // operationCancelled accepts all messages because we do not provide a // predicate. loadBitmaps.LinkTo(operationCancelled); // Link createCompositeBitmap to displayCompositeBitmap. // The provided predicate ensures that displayCompositeBitmap accepts the // bitmap only if it is non-null. createCompositeBitmap.LinkTo(displayCompositeBitmap, bitmap => bitmap != null); // Also link createCompositeBitmap to operationCancelled. // When displayCompositeBitmap rejects the message, createCompositeBitmap // offers the message to operationCancelled. // operationCancelled accepts all messages because we do not provide a // predicate. createCompositeBitmap.LinkTo(operationCancelled); // Return the head of the network. return loadBitmaps; }
方法。// Loads all bitmap files that exist at the provided path. IEnumerable<Bitmap> LoadBitmaps(string path) { List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>(); // Load a variety of image types. foreach (string bitmapType in new string[] { "*.bmp", "*.gif", "*.jpg", "*.png", "*.tif" }) { // Load each bitmap for the current extension. foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, bitmapType)) { // Throw OperationCanceledException if cancellation is requested. cancellationTokenSource.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { // Add the Bitmap object to the collection. bitmaps.Add(new Bitmap(fileName)); } catch (Exception) { // TODO: A complete application might handle the error. } } } return bitmaps; }
方法。// Creates a composite bitmap from the provided collection of Bitmap objects. // This method computes the average color of each pixel among all bitmaps // to create the composite image. Bitmap CreateCompositeBitmap(IEnumerable<Bitmap> bitmaps) { Bitmap[] bitmapArray = bitmaps.ToArray(); // Compute the maximum width and height components of all // bitmaps in the collection. Rectangle largest = new Rectangle(); foreach (var bitmap in bitmapArray) { if (bitmap.Width > largest.Width) largest.Width = bitmap.Width; if (bitmap.Height > largest.Height) largest.Height = bitmap.Height; } // Create a 32-bit Bitmap object with the greatest dimensions. Bitmap result = new Bitmap(largest.Width, largest.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // Lock the result Bitmap. var resultBitmapData = result.LockBits( new Rectangle(new Point(), result.Size), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, result.PixelFormat); // Lock each source bitmap to create a parallel list of BitmapData objects. var bitmapDataList = (from bitmap in bitmapArray select bitmap.LockBits( new Rectangle(new Point(), bitmap.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) .ToList(); // Compute each column in parallel. Parallel.For(0, largest.Width, new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token }, i => { // Compute each row. for (int j = 0; j < largest.Height; j++) { // Counts the number of bitmaps whose dimensions // contain the current location. int count = 0; // The sum of all alpha, red, green, and blue components. int a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; // For each bitmap, compute the sum of all color components. foreach (var bitmapData in bitmapDataList) { // Ensure that we stay within the bounds of the image. if (bitmapData.Width > i && bitmapData.Height > j) { unsafe { byte* row = (byte*)(bitmapData.Scan0 + (j * bitmapData.Stride)); byte* pix = (byte*)(row + (4 * i)); a += *pix; pix++; r += *pix; pix++; g += *pix; pix++; b += *pix; } count++; } } //prevent divide by zero in bottom right pixelless corner if (count == 0) break; unsafe { // Compute the average of each color component. a /= count; r /= count; g /= count; b /= count; // Set the result pixel. byte* row = (byte*)(resultBitmapData.Scan0 + (j * resultBitmapData.Stride)); byte* pix = (byte*)(row + (4 * i)); *pix = (byte)a; pix++; *pix = (byte)r; pix++; *pix = (byte)g; pix++; *pix = (byte)b; } } }); // Unlock the source bitmaps. for (int i = 0; i < bitmapArray.Length; i++) { bitmapArray[i].UnlockBits(bitmapDataList[i]); } // Unlock the result bitmap. result.UnlockBits(resultBitmapData); // Return the result. return result; }
C# 版本的
方法會使用指標,以便有效處理 System.Drawing.Bitmap 物件。 因此,您必須在專案中啟用 [容許 Unsafe 程式碼] 選項,以便使用 unsafe 關鍵字。 如需如何在 Visual C# 專案中啟用不安全程式碼的詳細資訊,請參閱專案設計工具、建置頁 (C#)。
member | 類型 | 描述 |
loadBitmaps |
TransformBlock<TInput,TOutput> | 採用資料夾路徑做為輸入,並且產生 Bitmap 物件的集合作為輸出。 |
createCompositeBitmap |
TransformBlock<TInput,TOutput> | 採用 Bitmap 物件的集合做為輸入,並且產生複合點陣圖做為輸出。 |
displayCompositeBitmap |
ActionBlock<TInput> | 在表單上顯示複合點陣圖。 |
operationCancelled |
ActionBlock<TInput> | 顯示映像以表示作業已取消,讓使用者選取另一個資料夾。 |
為了連線資料流程區塊以形成網路,此範例會使用 LinkTo 方法。 LinkTo 方法包含採用 Predicate<T> 物件的多載版本,該物件會判斷目標區塊是否接受或拒絕訊息。 這個篩選機制可讓訊息區塊僅接收特定的值。 在此範例中,網路可以使用兩種方式之一進行分支。 主要分支會從磁碟載入映像、建立複合映像,以及在表單上顯示該映像。 替代分支會取消目前的作業。 Predicate<T> 物件會啟用主要分支上的資料流程區塊,以藉由拒絕特定訊息來切換至替代分支。 例如,如果使用者取消作業,資料流程區塊 createCompositeBitmap
會產生 null
(在 Visual Basic 中為 Nothing
) 作為其輸出。 資料流程區塊 displayCompositeBitmap
會拒絕 null
輸入值,因此,訊息會提供給 operationCancelled
。 資料流程區塊 operationCancelled
由於 displayCompositeBitmap
和 operationCancelled
資料流程區塊會在使用者介面上進行處理,因此這個動作一定要在使用者介面執行緒上發生。 為了要完成這項作業,這些物件在建構時會提供 ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions 物件,而且其 TaskScheduler 屬性會設定為 TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext。 TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext 方法會建立 TaskScheduler 物件,該物件會在目前的同步處理內容上執行工作。 因為 CreateImageProcessingNetwork
方法是從 [選擇資料夾] 按鈕的處理常式呼叫,它會在使用者介面執行緒上執行,displayCompositeBitmap
和 operationCancelled
此範例使用共用取消權杖,而非設定 CancellationToken 屬性,因為 CancellationToken 屬性會永久取消資料流程區塊的執行。 取消語彙基元可讓此範例重複使用相同的資料流程網路多次,即使使用者取消一或多個作業。 如需使用 CancellationToken 以永久取消資料流程區塊執行的範例,請參閱如何:取消資料流程區塊。
本節描述如何連接資料流程網路與使用者介面。 建立複合映像和取消作業是從 [選擇資料夾] 和 [取消] 按鈕起始。 當使用者選擇任一個按鈕時,會以非同步方式起始適當的動作。
在主要表單的表單設計工具上,為 Choose Folder 按鈕的 Click 事件建立事件處理常式。
實作 Choose Folder 按鈕的 Click 事件。
// Event handler for the Choose Folder button. private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a FolderBrowserDialog object to enable the user to // select a folder. FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog { ShowNewFolderButton = false }; // Set the selected path to the common Sample Pictures folder // if it exists. string initialDirectory = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonPictures), "Sample Pictures"); if (Directory.Exists(initialDirectory)) { dlg.SelectedPath = initialDirectory; } // Show the dialog and process the dataflow network. if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // Create a new CancellationTokenSource object to enable // cancellation. cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Create the image processing network if needed. headBlock ??= CreateImageProcessingNetwork(); // Post the selected path to the network. headBlock.Post(dlg.SelectedPath); // Enable the Cancel button and disable the Choose Folder button. toolStripButton1.Enabled = false; toolStripButton2.Enabled = true; // Show a wait cursor. Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; } }
在主要表單的表單設計工具上,為 Cancel 按鈕的 Click 事件建立事件處理常式。
實作 Cancel 按鈕的 Click 事件。
// Event handler for the Cancel button. private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Signal the request for cancellation. The current component of // the dataflow network will respond to the cancellation request. cancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CompositeImages
public partial class Form1 : Form
// The head of the dataflow network.
ITargetBlock<string> headBlock = null;
// Enables the user interface to signal cancellation to the network.
CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource;
public Form1()
// Creates the image processing dataflow network and returns the
// head node of the network.
ITargetBlock<string> CreateImageProcessingNetwork()
// Create the dataflow blocks that form the network.
// Create a dataflow block that takes a folder path as input
// and returns a collection of Bitmap objects.
var loadBitmaps = new TransformBlock<string, IEnumerable<Bitmap>>(path =>
return LoadBitmaps(path);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// Handle cancellation by passing the empty collection
// to the next stage of the network.
return Enumerable.Empty<Bitmap>();
// Create a dataflow block that takes a collection of Bitmap objects
// and returns a single composite bitmap.
var createCompositeBitmap = new TransformBlock<IEnumerable<Bitmap>, Bitmap>(bitmaps =>
return CreateCompositeBitmap(bitmaps);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// Handle cancellation by passing null to the next stage
// of the network.
return null;
// Create a dataflow block that displays the provided bitmap on the form.
var displayCompositeBitmap = new ActionBlock<Bitmap>(bitmap =>
// Display the bitmap.
pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pictureBox1.Image = bitmap;
// Enable the user to select another folder.
toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;
toolStripButton2.Enabled = false;
Cursor = DefaultCursor;
// Specify a task scheduler from the current synchronization context
// so that the action runs on the UI thread.
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
// Create a dataflow block that responds to a cancellation request by
// displaying an image to indicate that the operation is cancelled and
// enables the user to select another folder.
var operationCancelled = new ActionBlock<object>(delegate
// Display the error image to indicate that the operation
// was cancelled.
pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
pictureBox1.Image = pictureBox1.ErrorImage;
// Enable the user to select another folder.
toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;
toolStripButton2.Enabled = false;
Cursor = DefaultCursor;
// Specify a task scheduler from the current synchronization context
// so that the action runs on the UI thread.
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
TaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
// Connect the network.
// Link loadBitmaps to createCompositeBitmap.
// The provided predicate ensures that createCompositeBitmap accepts the
// collection of bitmaps only if that collection has at least one member.
loadBitmaps.LinkTo(createCompositeBitmap, bitmaps => bitmaps.Count() > 0);
// Also link loadBitmaps to operationCancelled.
// When createCompositeBitmap rejects the message, loadBitmaps
// offers the message to operationCancelled.
// operationCancelled accepts all messages because we do not provide a
// predicate.
// Link createCompositeBitmap to displayCompositeBitmap.
// The provided predicate ensures that displayCompositeBitmap accepts the
// bitmap only if it is non-null.
createCompositeBitmap.LinkTo(displayCompositeBitmap, bitmap => bitmap != null);
// Also link createCompositeBitmap to operationCancelled.
// When displayCompositeBitmap rejects the message, createCompositeBitmap
// offers the message to operationCancelled.
// operationCancelled accepts all messages because we do not provide a
// predicate.
// Return the head of the network.
return loadBitmaps;
// Loads all bitmap files that exist at the provided path.
IEnumerable<Bitmap> LoadBitmaps(string path)
List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>();
// Load a variety of image types.
foreach (string bitmapType in
new string[] { "*.bmp", "*.gif", "*.jpg", "*.png", "*.tif" })
// Load each bitmap for the current extension.
foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, bitmapType))
// Throw OperationCanceledException if cancellation is requested.
// Add the Bitmap object to the collection.
bitmaps.Add(new Bitmap(fileName));
catch (Exception)
// TODO: A complete application might handle the error.
return bitmaps;
// Creates a composite bitmap from the provided collection of Bitmap objects.
// This method computes the average color of each pixel among all bitmaps
// to create the composite image.
Bitmap CreateCompositeBitmap(IEnumerable<Bitmap> bitmaps)
Bitmap[] bitmapArray = bitmaps.ToArray();
// Compute the maximum width and height components of all
// bitmaps in the collection.
Rectangle largest = new Rectangle();
foreach (var bitmap in bitmapArray)
if (bitmap.Width > largest.Width)
largest.Width = bitmap.Width;
if (bitmap.Height > largest.Height)
largest.Height = bitmap.Height;
// Create a 32-bit Bitmap object with the greatest dimensions.
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(largest.Width, largest.Height,
// Lock the result Bitmap.
var resultBitmapData = result.LockBits(
new Rectangle(new Point(), result.Size), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly,
// Lock each source bitmap to create a parallel list of BitmapData objects.
var bitmapDataList = (from bitmap in bitmapArray
select bitmap.LockBits(
new Rectangle(new Point(), bitmap.Size),
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
// Compute each column in parallel.
Parallel.For(0, largest.Width, new ParallelOptions
CancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token
i =>
// Compute each row.
for (int j = 0; j < largest.Height; j++)
// Counts the number of bitmaps whose dimensions
// contain the current location.
int count = 0;
// The sum of all alpha, red, green, and blue components.
int a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
// For each bitmap, compute the sum of all color components.
foreach (var bitmapData in bitmapDataList)
// Ensure that we stay within the bounds of the image.
if (bitmapData.Width > i && bitmapData.Height > j)
byte* row = (byte*)(bitmapData.Scan0 + (j * bitmapData.Stride));
byte* pix = (byte*)(row + (4 * i));
a += *pix; pix++;
r += *pix; pix++;
g += *pix; pix++;
b += *pix;
//prevent divide by zero in bottom right pixelless corner
if (count == 0)
// Compute the average of each color component.
a /= count;
r /= count;
g /= count;
b /= count;
// Set the result pixel.
byte* row = (byte*)(resultBitmapData.Scan0 + (j * resultBitmapData.Stride));
byte* pix = (byte*)(row + (4 * i));
*pix = (byte)a; pix++;
*pix = (byte)r; pix++;
*pix = (byte)g; pix++;
*pix = (byte)b;
// Unlock the source bitmaps.
for (int i = 0; i < bitmapArray.Length; i++)
// Unlock the result bitmap.
// Return the result.
return result;
// Event handler for the Choose Folder button.
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create a FolderBrowserDialog object to enable the user to
// select a folder.
FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog
ShowNewFolderButton = false
// Set the selected path to the common Sample Pictures folder
// if it exists.
string initialDirectory = Path.Combine(
"Sample Pictures");
if (Directory.Exists(initialDirectory))
dlg.SelectedPath = initialDirectory;
// Show the dialog and process the dataflow network.
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// Create a new CancellationTokenSource object to enable
// cancellation.
cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Create the image processing network if needed.
headBlock ??= CreateImageProcessingNetwork();
// Post the selected path to the network.
// Enable the Cancel button and disable the Choose Folder button.
toolStripButton1.Enabled = false;
toolStripButton2.Enabled = true;
// Show a wait cursor.
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
// Event handler for the Cancel button.
private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Signal the request for cancellation. The current component of
// the dataflow network will respond to the cancellation request.
下圖顯示通用 \Sample Pictures\ 資料夾的一般輸出。