在非同步程式設計中,在非同步作業完成時叫用第二個作業很普遍。 接續允許子系作業取用第一個作業的結果。 傳統上,會使用回呼方法完成接續。 在工作平行程式庫 (TPL) 中,由 「接續工作」(continuation task) 提供相同的功能。 接續工作 (也只稱為接續) 是另一項稱為 「前項」(antecedent) 的工作所叫用的非同步工作,此時會完成前項。
接續相對容易使用,但卻非常強大且有彈性。 例如,您可以:
- 將資料從前項傳遞至接續。
- 指定叫用或不叫用接續的精確條件。
- 在接續開始之前或是在以合作方式執行時取消接續。
- 提供有關該如何排定接續的提示。
- 從相同前項叫用多個接續。
- 當所有或多個前項之任何一項完成時,請叫用一個接續。
- 鏈結接續可一個接著一個直到任意長度。
- 使用接續處理前項所擲回的例外狀況。
接續是在 WaitingForActivation 狀態建立的工作。 當其前項工作完成時,此工作便會自動啟動。 在使用者程式碼中的接續呼叫 Task.Start 會擲回 System.InvalidOperationException 例外狀況。
接續本身是 Task,啟動時並不會封鎖執行緒。 呼叫 Task.Wait 方法來封鎖,直到完成接續工作。
您可建立當前項藉由呼叫 Task.ContinueWith 方法完成時執行的接續。 下列範例顯示其基本模式 (為求清楚明瞭,省略例外狀況處理)。 它會執行前項工作 taskA
,這會傳回表示今天是星期幾之名稱的 DayOfWeek 物件。 taskA
完成時,表示 antecedent
在 ContinueWith
接續方法中的結果。 前項工作的結果會寫入主控台。
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class SimpleExample
public static async Task Main()
// Declare, assign, and start the antecedent task.
Task<DayOfWeek> taskA = Task.Run(() => DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek);
// Execute the continuation when the antecedent finishes.
await taskA.ContinueWith(antecedent => Console.WriteLine($"Today is {antecedent.Result}."));
// The example displays the following output:
// Today is Monday.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
' Execute the antecedent.
Dim taskA As Task(Of DayOfWeek) = Task.Run(Function() DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)
' Execute the continuation when the antecedent finishes.
Dim continuation As Task = taskA.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Today is {0}.", antecedent.Result)
End Sub)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following output:
' Today is Monday.
您也可以建立會在任何或所有群組工作完成時執行的接續。 當所有前項工作都完成後,若要執行接續,您可以呼叫靜態 Shared
方法 (在 Visual Basic 中為 Task.WhenAll) 或執行個體 TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll 方法。 當任意前項工作完成後,若要執行接續,您可以呼叫靜態 Shared
方法 (在 Visual Basic 中為 Task.WhenAny) 或執行個體 TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny 方法。
呼叫 Task.WhenAll 和 Task.WhenAny 多載並不會封鎖呼叫執行緒。 不過,一般都會呼叫 Task.WhenAll(IEnumerable<Task>) 和 Task.WhenAll(Task[]) 以外的所有方法,來擷取傳回的 Task<TResult>.Result 屬性,其會封鎖呼叫執行緒。
下列範例會呼叫 Task.WhenAll(IEnumerable<Task>) 方法來建立接續工作,這會反映其 10 個前項工作的結果。 每個前項工作計算介於 1 到 10 之間的索引值平方。 如果順利完成前項 (其 Task.Status 屬性是 TaskStatus.RanToCompletion),則接續的 Task<TResult>.Result 屬性是每個前項所傳回的 Task<TResult>.Result 值之陣列。 此範例會加入它們,以計算介於 1 到 10 之間所有數字的平方和:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class WhenAllExample
public static async Task Main()
var tasks = new List<Task<int>>();
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 10; ctr++)
int baseValue = ctr;
tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(b => (int)b! * (int)b, baseValue));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
int sum = 0;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr <= results.Length - 1; ctr++)
var result = results[ctr];
Console.Write($"{result} {((ctr == results.Length - 1) ? "=" : "+")} ");
sum += result;
// The example displays the similar output:
// 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 + 49 + 64 + 81 + 100 = 385
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task(Of Integer))()
For ctr As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim baseValue As Integer = ctr
Dim i As Integer = CInt(b)
Return i * i
End Function, baseValue))
Dim continuation = Task.WhenAll(tasks)
Dim sum As Long = 0
For ctr As Integer = 0 To continuation.Result.Length - 1
Console.Write("{0} {1} ", continuation.Result(ctr),
If(ctr = continuation.Result.Length - 1, "=", "+"))
sum += continuation.Result(ctr)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 + 49 + 64 + 81 + 100 = 385
當您建立單一工作接續時,您可以使用 ContinueWith 多載,這會採用 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions 列舉值,以指定啟動接續的條件。 例如,您可以指定只有當前項已順利完成,或只有當它在發生錯誤的狀態下完成時,才執行接續。 當前項已準備好叫用接續時,若此條件不成立,則此接續直接轉換至 TaskStatus.Canceled 狀態,並且不能在這之後啟動。
許多多工接續方法,例如 TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll 方法的多載,也包含 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions 參數。 不過,只有所有 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions 列舉類型成員的子集有效。 您可以指定 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions 值,該值具有 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions 列舉程式中的對應項目,例如 TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent、 TaskContinuationOptions.LongRunning和 TaskContinuationOptions.PreferFairness。 如果您指定具有多工接續的任何 NotOn
或 OnlyOn
選項,則會在執行階段擲回 ArgumentOutOfRangeException 例外狀況。
如需有關工作接續選項的詳細資訊,請參閱 TaskContinuationOptions 一文。
Task.ContinueWith 方法將做為引數傳遞前項的參考至接續的使用者委派。 如果前項是 System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult> 物件,且工作執行直到它已完成,則接續可以存取 Task<TResult>.Result 工作的屬性。
Task<TResult>.Result 屬性會封鎖,直到完成工作。 不過,如果工作已取消,或發生錯誤,則嘗試存取 Result 屬性則會擲回 AggregateException 例外狀況。 請使用 OnlyOnRanToCompletion 選項來避免這個問題,如下列範例所示:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ResultExample
public static async Task Main()
var task = Task.Run(
() =>
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
return date.Hour > 17
? "evening"
: date.Hour > 12
? "afternoon"
: "morning";
await task.ContinueWith(
antecedent =>
Console.WriteLine($"Good {antecedent.Result}!");
Console.WriteLine($"And how are you this fine {antecedent.Result}?");
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
// The example displays the similar output:
// Good afternoon!
// And how are you this fine afternoon?
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim t = Task.Run(Function()
Dim dat As DateTime = DateTime.Now
If dat = DateTime.MinValue Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The clock is not working.")
End If
If dat.Hour > 17 Then
Return "evening"
Else If dat.Hour > 12 Then
Return "afternoon"
Return "morning"
End If
End Function)
Dim c = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Good {0}!",
Console.WriteLine("And how are you this fine {0}?",
End Sub, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
' Good afternoon!
' And how are you this fine afternoon?
如果您想執行接續,即使前項並未執行到順利完成,您也必須防範例外狀況。 其中一個方法是測試前項的 Task.Status 屬性,而且只嘗試存取 Result 屬性 (若狀態不是 Faulted 或 Canceled)。 您也可以檢查前項的 Exception 屬性。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱例外狀況處理。 下列範例會修改上述範例來存取前項的 Task<TResult>.Result 屬性 (僅在當其狀態為 TaskStatus.RanToCompletion 之時):
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ResultTwoExample
public static async Task Main() =>
await Task.Run(
() =>
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
return date.Hour > 17
? "evening"
: date.Hour > 12
? "afternoon"
: "morning";
antecedent =>
if (antecedent.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
Console.WriteLine($"Good {antecedent.Result}!");
Console.WriteLine($"And how are you this fine {antecedent.Result}?");
else if (antecedent.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted)
// The example displays output like the following:
// Good afternoon!
// And how are you this fine afternoon?
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim t = Task.Run(Function()
Dim dat As DateTime = DateTime.Now
If dat = DateTime.MinValue Then
Throw New ArgumentException("The clock is not working.")
End If
If dat.Hour > 17 Then
Return "evening"
Else If dat.Hour > 12 Then
Return "afternoon"
Return "morning"
End If
End Function)
Dim c = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
If t.Status = TaskStatus.RanToCompletion Then
Console.WriteLine("Good {0}!",
Console.WriteLine("And how are you this fine {0}?",
Else If t.Status = TaskStatus.Faulted Then
End If
End Sub)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
' Good afternoon!
' And how are you this fine afternoon?
在下列情況中,接續的 Task.Status 屬性會被設定為 TaskStatus.Canceled :
它會擲回 OperationCanceledException 例外狀況以回應取消要求。 如同任何工作,如果例外狀況包含傳遞給接續的相同語彙基元,則會將其視為合作式取消的認可。
接續傳遞 System.Threading.CancellationToken ,其 IsCancellationRequested 屬性是
。 在此案例中,接續未啟動,而且會轉換為 TaskStatus.Canceled 狀態。此接續絕不會執行,因為不符合 TaskContinuationOptions 引數設定的條件。 例如,如果前項進入 TaskStatus.Faulted 狀態,則不會執行其已傳遞 TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnFaulted 選項的接續,但會轉換成 Canceled 狀態。
如果工作及其接續代表相同的邏輯作業的兩個部分,則您可傳遞相同的取消語彙基元給這兩項工作,如下列範例所示。 這包含會產生可由 33 整除的整數清單之前項,這會傳遞給接續。 接續會輪流顯示此清單。 前項和接續會定期暫停隨機一段時間。 此外,在 5 秒的逾時時間間隔後, System.Threading.Timer 物件會用來執行 Elapsed
方法。 此範例會呼叫 CancellationTokenSource.Cancel 方法,導致目前正在執行的工作去呼叫 CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested 方法。 當前項或其接續執行時,是否呼叫 CancellationTokenSource.Cancel 方法取決於隨機產生的暫停持續期間。 如果取消前項,將不會啟動接續。 如果未取消前項,則語彙基元仍可用於取消接續。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class CancellationExample
static readonly Random s_random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
public static async Task Main()
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = cts.Token;
var timer = new Timer(Elapsed, cts, 5000, Timeout.Infinite);
var task = Task.Run(
async () =>
var product33 = new List<int>();
for (int index = 1; index < short.MaxValue; index++)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
Console.WriteLine("\nCancellation requested in antecedent...\n");
if (index % 2000 == 0)
int delay = s_random.Next(16, 501);
await Task.Delay(delay);
if (index % 33 == 0)
return product33.ToArray();
}, token);
Task<double> continuation = task.ContinueWith(
async antecedent =>
Console.WriteLine("Multiples of 33:\n");
int[] array = antecedent.Result;
for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index++)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
Console.WriteLine("\nCancellation requested in continuation...\n");
if (index % 100 == 0)
int delay = s_random.Next(16, 251);
await Task.Delay(delay);
Console.Write($"{array[index]:N0}{(index != array.Length - 1 ? ", " : "")}");
if (Console.CursorLeft >= 74)
return array.Average();
}, token).Unwrap();
await task;
double result = await continuation;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("\nAntecedent Status: {0}", task.Status);
Console.WriteLine("Continuation Status: {0}", continuation.Status);
static void Elapsed(object? state)
if (state is CancellationTokenSource cts)
Console.WriteLine("\nCancellation request issued...\n");
// The example displays the similar output:
// Multiples of 33:
// 33, 66, 99, 132, 165, 198, 231, 264, 297, 330, 363, 396, 429, 462, 495, 528,
// 561, 594, 627, 660, 693, 726, 759, 792, 825, 858, 891, 924, 957, 990, 1,023,
// 1,056, 1,089, 1,122, 1,155, 1,188, 1,221, 1,254, 1,287, 1,320, 1,353, 1,386,
// 1,419, 1,452, 1,485, 1,518, 1,551, 1,584, 1,617, 1,650, 1,683, 1,716, 1,749,
// 1,782, 1,815, 1,848, 1,881, 1,914, 1,947, 1,980, 2,013, 2,046, 2,079, 2,112,
// 2,145, 2,178, 2,211, 2,244, 2,277, 2,310, 2,343, 2,376, 2,409, 2,442, 2,475,
// 2,508, 2,541, 2,574, 2,607, 2,640, 2,673, 2,706, 2,739, 2,772, 2,805, 2,838,
// 2,871, 2,904, 2,937, 2,970, 3,003, 3,036, 3,069, 3,102, 3,135, 3,168, 3,201,
// 3,234, 3,267, 3,300, 3,333, 3,366, 3,399, 3,432, 3,465, 3,498, 3,531, 3,564,
// 3,597, 3,630, 3,663, 3,696, 3,729, 3,762, 3,795, 3,828, 3,861, 3,894, 3,927,
// 3,960, 3,993, 4,026, 4,059, 4,092, 4,125, 4,158, 4,191, 4,224, 4,257, 4,290,
// 4,323, 4,356, 4,389, 4,422, 4,455, 4,488, 4,521, 4,554, 4,587, 4,620, 4,653,
// 4,686, 4,719, 4,752, 4,785, 4,818, 4,851, 4,884, 4,917, 4,950, 4,983, 5,016,
// 5,049, 5,082, 5,115, 5,148, 5,181, 5,214, 5,247, 5,280, 5,313, 5,346, 5,379,
// 5,412, 5,445, 5,478, 5,511, 5,544, 5,577, 5,610, 5,643, 5,676, 5,709, 5,742,
// Cancellation request issued...
// 5,775,
// Cancellation requested in continuation...
// The operation was canceled.
// Antecedent Status: RanToCompletion
// Continuation Status: Canceled
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim lockObj As New Object()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()
Dim token As CancellationToken = cts.Token
Dim timer As New Timer(AddressOf Elapsed, cts, 5000, Timeout.Infinite)
Dim t = Task.Run(Function()
Dim product33 As New List(Of Integer)()
For ctr As Integer = 1 To Int16.MaxValue
' Check for cancellation.
If token.IsCancellationRequested Then
Console.WriteLine("\nCancellation requested in antecedent...\n")
End If
' Introduce a delay.
If ctr Mod 2000 = 0 Then
Dim delay As Integer
SyncLock lockObj
delay = rnd.Next(16, 501)
End SyncLock
End If
' Determine if this is a multiple of 33.
If ctr Mod 33 = 0 Then product33.Add(ctr)
Return product33.ToArray()
End Function, token)
Dim continuation = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Multiples of 33:" + vbCrLf)
Dim arr = antecedent.Result
For ctr As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
If token.IsCancellationRequested Then
Console.WriteLine("{0}Cancellation requested in continuation...{0}",
End If
If ctr Mod 100 = 0 Then
Dim delay As Integer
SyncLock lockObj
delay = rnd.Next(16, 251)
End SyncLock
End If
Console.Write("{0:N0}{1}", arr(ctr),
If(ctr <> arr.Length - 1, ", ", ""))
If Console.CursorLeft >= 74 Then Console.WriteLine()
End Sub, token)
Catch e As AggregateException
For Each ie In e.InnerExceptions
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ie.GetType().Name,
End Try
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Antecedent Status: {0}", t.Status)
Console.WriteLine("Continuation Status: {0}", continuation.Status)
End Sub
Private Sub Elapsed(state As Object)
Dim cts As CancellationTokenSource = TryCast(state, CancellationTokenSource)
If cts Is Nothing Then return
Console.WriteLine("{0}Cancellation request issued...{0}", vbCrLf)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
' Multiples of 33:
' 33, 66, 99, 132, 165, 198, 231, 264, 297, 330, 363, 396, 429, 462, 495, 528,
' 561, 594, 627, 660, 693, 726, 759, 792, 825, 858, 891, 924, 957, 990, 1,023,
' 1,056, 1,089, 1,122, 1,155, 1,188, 1,221, 1,254, 1,287, 1,320, 1,353, 1,386,
' 1,419, 1,452, 1,485, 1,518, 1,551, 1,584, 1,617, 1,650, 1,683, 1,716, 1,749,
' 1,782, 1,815, 1,848, 1,881, 1,914, 1,947, 1,980, 2,013, 2,046, 2,079, 2,112,
' 2,145, 2,178, 2,211, 2,244, 2,277, 2,310, 2,343, 2,376, 2,409, 2,442, 2,475,
' 2,508, 2,541, 2,574, 2,607, 2,640, 2,673, 2,706, 2,739, 2,772, 2,805, 2,838,
' 2,871, 2,904, 2,937, 2,970, 3,003, 3,036, 3,069, 3,102, 3,135, 3,168, 3,201,
' 3,234, 3,267, 3,300, 3,333, 3,366, 3,399, 3,432, 3,465, 3,498, 3,531, 3,564,
' 3,597, 3,630, 3,663, 3,696, 3,729, 3,762, 3,795, 3,828, 3,861, 3,894, 3,927,
' 3,960, 3,993, 4,026, 4,059, 4,092, 4,125, 4,158, 4,191, 4,224, 4,257, 4,290,
' 4,323, 4,356, 4,389, 4,422, 4,455, 4,488, 4,521, 4,554, 4,587, 4,620, 4,653,
' 4,686, 4,719, 4,752, 4,785, 4,818, 4,851, 4,884, 4,917, 4,950, 4,983, 5,016,
' 5,049, 5,082, 5,115, 5,148, 5,181, 5,214, 5,247, 5,280, 5,313, 5,346, 5,379,
' 5,412, 5,445, 5,478, 5,511, 5,544, 5,577, 5,610, 5,643, 5,676, 5,709, 5,742,
' 5,775, 5,808, 5,841, 5,874, 5,907, 5,940, 5,973, 6,006, 6,039, 6,072, 6,105,
' 6,138, 6,171, 6,204, 6,237, 6,270, 6,303, 6,336, 6,369, 6,402, 6,435, 6,468,
' 6,501, 6,534, 6,567, 6,600, 6,633, 6,666, 6,699, 6,732, 6,765, 6,798, 6,831,
' 6,864, 6,897, 6,930, 6,963, 6,996, 7,029, 7,062, 7,095, 7,128, 7,161, 7,194,
' 7,227, 7,260, 7,293, 7,326, 7,359, 7,392, 7,425, 7,458, 7,491, 7,524, 7,557,
' 7,590, 7,623, 7,656, 7,689, 7,722, 7,755, 7,788, 7,821, 7,854, 7,887, 7,920,
' 7,953, 7,986, 8,019, 8,052, 8,085, 8,118, 8,151, 8,184, 8,217, 8,250, 8,283,
' 8,316, 8,349, 8,382, 8,415, 8,448, 8,481, 8,514, 8,547, 8,580, 8,613, 8,646,
' 8,679, 8,712, 8,745, 8,778, 8,811, 8,844, 8,877, 8,910, 8,943, 8,976, 9,009,
' 9,042, 9,075, 9,108, 9,141, 9,174, 9,207, 9,240, 9,273, 9,306, 9,339, 9,372,
' 9,405, 9,438, 9,471, 9,504, 9,537, 9,570, 9,603, 9,636, 9,669, 9,702, 9,735,
' 9,768, 9,801, 9,834, 9,867, 9,900, 9,933, 9,966, 9,999, 10,032, 10,065, 10,098,
' 10,131, 10,164, 10,197, 10,230, 10,263, 10,296, 10,329, 10,362, 10,395, 10,428,
' 10,461, 10,494, 10,527, 10,560, 10,593, 10,626, 10,659, 10,692, 10,725, 10,758,
' 10,791, 10,824, 10,857, 10,890, 10,923, 10,956, 10,989, 11,022, 11,055, 11,088,
' 11,121, 11,154, 11,187, 11,220, 11,253, 11,286, 11,319, 11,352, 11,385, 11,418,
' 11,451, 11,484, 11,517, 11,550, 11,583, 11,616, 11,649, 11,682, 11,715, 11,748,
' 11,781, 11,814, 11,847, 11,880, 11,913, 11,946, 11,979, 12,012, 12,045, 12,078,
' 12,111, 12,144, 12,177, 12,210, 12,243, 12,276, 12,309, 12,342, 12,375, 12,408,
' 12,441, 12,474, 12,507, 12,540, 12,573, 12,606, 12,639, 12,672, 12,705, 12,738,
' 12,771, 12,804, 12,837, 12,870, 12,903, 12,936, 12,969, 13,002, 13,035, 13,068,
' 13,101, 13,134, 13,167, 13,200, 13,233, 13,266,
' Cancellation requested in continuation...
' Cancellation request issued...
' TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
' Antecedent Status: RanToCompletion
' Continuation Status: Canceled
若在不需要提供接續的取消語彙基元情況下取消前項,則您也可以防止接續執行。 您建立接續時指定 TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled 的選項來語彙機元,如下列範例所示:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class CancellationTwoExample
public static async Task Main()
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = cts.Token;
var task = Task.FromCanceled(token);
Task continuation =
antecedent => Console.WriteLine("The continuation is running."),
await task;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"{ex.GetType().Name}: {ex.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"Task {task.Id}: {task.Status:G}");
Console.WriteLine($"Task {continuation.Id}: {continuation.Status:G}");
// The example displays the similar output:
// TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
// Task 1: Canceled
// Task 2: Canceled
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()
Dim token As CancellationToken = cts.Token
Dim t As Task = Task.FromCanceled(token)
Dim continuation As Task = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("The continuation is running.")
End Sub, TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled)
Catch e As AggregateException
For Each ie In e.InnerExceptions
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ie.GetType().Name, ie.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: {1:G}", t.Id, t.Status)
Console.WriteLine("Task {0}: {1:G}", continuation.Id,
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
' Task 1: Canceled
' Task 2: Canceled
在接續進入 Canceled 狀態之後,可能會影響後續的接續,這取決於為了接續而指定的 TaskContinuationOptions。
直到接續和所有附加的子工作完成後,前項才會執行。 接續不會等候中斷連結的子工作完成。 下列兩個範例說明會附加和卸離建立接續之前項的子工作。 在下列範例中,僅在所有子工作都已完成後,才會執行接續,且多次執行範例程序都會產生相同的輸出。 因為根據預設,Task.Run 方法會建立父工作,其預設工作建立選項是 TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach,所以此範例會藉由呼叫 TaskFactory.StartNew 方法來啟動前項。
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class AttachedExample
public static async Task Main()
await Task.Factory
() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Running antecedent task {Task.CurrentId}...");
Console.WriteLine("Launching attached child tasks...");
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 5; ctr++)
int index = ctr;
Task.Factory.StartNew(async value =>
Console.WriteLine($" Attached child task #{value} running");
await Task.Delay(1000);
}, index, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);
Console.WriteLine("Finished launching attached child tasks...");
antecedent =>
Console.WriteLine($"Executing continuation of Task {antecedent.Id}"));
// The example displays the similar output:
// Running antecedent task 1...
// Launching attached child tasks...
// Finished launching attached child tasks...
// Attached child task #1 running
// Attached child task #5 running
// Attached child task #3 running
// Attached child task #2 running
// Attached child task #4 running
// Executing continuation of Task 1
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim t = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
Console.WriteLine("Running antecedent task {0}...",
Console.WriteLine("Launching attached child tasks...")
For ctr As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim index As Integer = ctr
Console.WriteLine(" Attached child task #{0} running",
End Sub, index, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent)
Console.WriteLine("Finished launching attached child tasks...")
End Sub)
Dim continuation = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Executing continuation of Task {0}",
End Sub)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Running antecedent task 1...
' Launching attached child tasks...
' Finished launching attached child tasks...
' Attached child task #5 running
' Attached child task #1 running
' Attached child task #2 running
' Attached child task #3 running
' Attached child task #4 running
' Executing continuation of Task 1
如果子工作從前項中斷,但只要前項已經終止,接續就會執行,不論子工作的狀態為何。 因此,下列範例中的多個回合會產生變數輸出,這些會取決於工作排程器如何處理每項子工作:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class DetachedExample
public static async Task Main()
Task task =
() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Running antecedent task {Task.CurrentId}...");
Console.WriteLine("Launching attached child tasks...");
for (int ctr = 1; ctr <= 5; ctr++)
int index = ctr;
async value =>
Console.WriteLine($" Attached child task #{value} running");
await Task.Delay(1000);
}, index);
Console.WriteLine("Finished launching detached child tasks...");
}, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach);
Task continuation =
antecedent =>
Console.WriteLine($"Executing continuation of Task {antecedent.Id}"));
await continuation;
// The example displays the similar output:
// Running antecedent task 1...
// Launching attached child tasks...
// Finished launching detached child tasks...
// Executing continuation of Task 1
// Attached child task #1 running
// Attached child task #5 running
// Attached child task #2 running
// Attached child task #3 running
// Attached child task #4 running
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim t = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
Console.WriteLine("Running antecedent task {0}...",
Console.WriteLine("Launching attached child tasks...")
For ctr As Integer = 1 To 5
Dim index As Integer = ctr
Console.WriteLine(" Attached child task #{0} running",
End Sub, index)
Console.WriteLine("Finished launching detached child tasks...")
End Sub, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach)
Dim continuation = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Executing continuation of Task {0}",
End Sub)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
' Running antecedent task 1...
' Launching attached child tasks...
' Finished launching detached child tasks...
' Attached child task #1 running
' Attached child task #2 running
' Attached child task #5 running
' Attached child task #3 running
' Executing continuation of Task 1
' Attached child task #4 running
前項工作的最終狀態取決於任何附加子工作的最終狀態。 中斷連結的子工作狀態不會影響父代。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱附加與中斷連結的子工作。
您可以將任意的狀態與工作接續相關聯。 ContinueWith 方法提供多載的版本,每個都會擷取代表接續狀態的 Object 值。 稍後您可以使用 Task.AsyncState 屬性來存取這個狀態物件。 如果您未提供值,則此狀態物件為 null
當您為使用 TPL 而轉換現有之使用 非同步程式設計模型 (APM) 的程式碼時,接續狀態會很有用。 在 APM 中,您會在 BeginMethod 方法中提供物件狀態,稍後您即可使用 IAsyncResult.AsyncState 屬性來存取該狀態。 當您轉換使用 APM 的程式碼為使用 TPL 時,若要保留此狀態,可使用 ContinueWith 方法,
當您使用 Visual Studio 偵錯工具中的 Task 物件時,接續狀態也相當有用。 例如,在 [平行工作] 視窗中,[工作] 資料行會顯示每項工作之狀態物件的字串表示。 如需 [平行工作] 視窗的詳細資訊,請參閱使用工作視窗。
下列範例示範如何使用接續狀態。 它會建立接續工作的鏈結。 每個工作會為 DateTime 方法的 state
參數提供目前的時間,此為 ContinueWith 物件。 每個 DateTime 物件代表建立接續工作時的時間。 做為其結果,每一項工作會產生第二個 DateTime 物件,表示工作完成時的時間。 所有工作都完成之後,此範例會顯示建立時間,以及顯示每個接續工作完成的時間。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class ContinuationStateExample
static DateTime DoWork()
return DateTime.Now;
static async Task Main()
Task<DateTime> task = Task.Run(() => DoWork());
var continuations = new List<Task<DateTime>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
task = task.ContinueWith((antecedent, _) => DoWork(), DateTime.Now);
await task;
foreach (Task<DateTime> continuation in continuations)
DateTime start = (DateTime)continuation.AsyncState!;
DateTime end = continuation.Result;
Console.WriteLine($"Task was created at {start.TimeOfDay} and finished at {end.TimeOfDay}.");
// The example displays the similar output:
// Task was created at 10:56:21.1561762 and finished at 10:56:25.1672062.
// Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:27.1707646.
// Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:29.1743230.
// Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:31.1779883.
// Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:33.1837083.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
' Demonstrates how to associate state with task continuations.
Public Module ContinuationState
' Simulates a lengthy operation and returns the time at which
' the operation completed.
Public Function DoWork() As Date
' Simulate work by suspending the current thread
' for two seconds.
' Return the current time.
Return Date.Now
End Function
Public Sub Main()
' Start a root task that performs work.
Dim t As Task(Of Date) = Task(Of Date).Run(Function() DoWork())
' Create a chain of continuation tasks, where each task is
' followed by another task that performs work.
Dim continuations As New List(Of Task(Of DateTime))()
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
' Provide the current time as the state of the continuation.
t = t.ContinueWith(Function(antecedent, state) DoWork(), DateTime.Now)
' Wait for the last task in the chain to complete.
' Display the creation time of each continuation (the state object)
' and the completion time (the result of that task) to the console.
For Each continuation In continuations
Dim start As DateTime = CDate(continuation.AsyncState)
Dim [end] As DateTime = continuation.Result
Console.WriteLine("Task was created at {0} and finished at {1}.",
start.TimeOfDay, [end].TimeOfDay)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
' Task was created at 10:56:21.1561762 and finished at 10:56:25.1672062.
' Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:27.1707646.
' Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:29.1743230.
' Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:31.1779883.
' Task was created at 10:56:21.1610677 and finished at 10:56:33.1837083.
有時候您可能需要鏈結傳回 Task 類型的接續。 這些工作稱為巢狀工作。 當父工作呼叫 Task<TResult>.ContinueWith 並提供傳回工作的 continuationFunction
時,您可以呼叫 Unwrap 來建立 Proxy 工作,此 Proxy 工作代表 <Task<Task<T>>>
或 Task(Of Task(Of T))
(Visual Basic) 的非同步作業。
下列範例示範如何使用包裝其他工作傳回函式的接續。 每個接續都可以解除包裝,並公開已包裝的內部工作。
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class UnwrapExample
public static async Task Main()
Task<int> taskOne = RemoteIncrement(0);
Console.WriteLine("Started RemoteIncrement(0)");
Task<int> taskTwo = RemoteIncrement(4)
.ContinueWith(t => RemoteIncrement(t.Result))
.Unwrap().ContinueWith(t => RemoteIncrement(t.Result))
.Unwrap().ContinueWith(t => RemoteIncrement(t.Result))
Console.WriteLine("Started RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)");
await taskOne;
Console.WriteLine("Finished RemoteIncrement(0)");
await taskTwo;
Console.WriteLine("Finished RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"A task has thrown the following (unexpected) exception:\n{e}");
static Task<int> RemoteIncrement(int number) =>
obj =>
int x = (int)(obj!);
Console.WriteLine("Thread={0}, Next={1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, ++x);
return x;
// The example displays the similar output:
// Started RemoteIncrement(0)
// Started RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)
// Thread=4, Next=1
// Finished RemoteIncrement(0)
// Thread=5, Next=5
// Thread=6, Next=6
// Thread=6, Next=7
// Thread=6, Next=8
// Finished RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)
Imports System.Threading
Module UnwrapExample
Sub Main()
Dim taskOne As Task(Of Integer) = RemoteIncrement(0)
Console.WriteLine("Started RemoteIncrement(0)")
Dim taskTwo As Task(Of Integer) = RemoteIncrement(4).
ContinueWith(Function(t) RemoteIncrement(t.Result)).
Unwrap().ContinueWith(Function(t) RemoteIncrement(t.Result)).
Unwrap().ContinueWith(Function(t) RemoteIncrement(t.Result)).
Console.WriteLine("Started RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)")
Console.WriteLine("Finished RemoteIncrement(0)")
Console.WriteLine("Finished RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)")
Catch e As AggregateException
Console.WriteLine($"A task has thrown the following (unexpected) exception:{vbLf}{e}")
End Try
End Sub
Function RemoteIncrement(ByVal number As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Task(Of Integer).Factory.StartNew(
Dim x As Integer = CInt(obj)
Console.WriteLine("Thread={0}, Next={1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Interlocked.Increment(x))
Return x
End Function, number)
End Function
End Module
' The example displays the similar output:
' Started RemoteIncrement(0)
' Started RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)
' Thread=4, Next=1
' Finished RemoteIncrement(0)
' Thread=5, Next=5
' Thread=6, Next=6
' Thread=6, Next=7
' Thread=6, Next=8
' Finished RemoteIncrement(...(RemoteIncrement(RemoteIncrement(4))...)
如需使用 Unwrap 的詳細資訊,請參閱操作說明:解除包裝巢狀工作。
前項與接續的關聯性並非父子式關聯性。 接續擲回的例外狀況並不會傳播至前項。 因此,就如同您在其他工作中一樣地處理接續所擲回的例外狀況,如下所示:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ExceptionExample
public static async Task Main()
Task<int> task = Task.Run(
() =>
Console.WriteLine($"Executing task {Task.CurrentId}");
return 54;
var continuation = task.ContinueWith(
antecedent =>
Console.WriteLine($"Executing continuation task {Task.CurrentId}");
Console.WriteLine($"Value from antecedent: {antecedent.Result}");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
await task;
await continuation;
catch (Exception ex)
// The example displays the similar output:
// Executing task 1
// Executing continuation task 2
// Value from antecedent: 54
// Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim task1 = Task(Of Integer).Run(Function()
Console.WriteLine("Executing task {0}",
Return 54
End Function)
Dim continuation = task1.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
Console.WriteLine("Executing continuation task {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Value from antecedent: {0}",
Throw New InvalidOperationException()
End Sub)
Catch ae As AggregateException
For Each ex In ae.InnerExceptions
End Try
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Executing task 1
' Executing continuation task 2
' Value from antecedent: 54
' Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
- 您可以使用第二個接續來觀察第一個接續的 Exception 屬性。 在下列範例中,工作會嘗試讀取不存在的檔案。 然後接續會顯示有關前項工作中例外狀況的資訊。
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ExceptionTwoExample
public static async Task Main()
var task = Task.Run(
() =>
string fileText = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\NonexistentFile.txt");
return fileText;
Task continuation = task.ContinueWith(
antecedent =>
var fileNotFound =
?.FirstOrDefault(e => e is FileNotFoundException) as FileNotFoundException;
if (fileNotFound != null)
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
await continuation;
// The example displays the following output:
// Could not find file 'C:\NonexistentFile.txt'.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim t = Task.Run(Function()
Dim s As String = File.ReadAllText("C:\NonexistentFile.txt")
Return s
End Function)
Dim c = t.ContinueWith(Sub(antecedent)
' Get the antecedent's exception information.
For Each ex In antecedent.Exception.InnerExceptions
If TypeOf ex Is FileNotFoundException
End If
End Sub, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted)
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Could not find file 'C:\NonexistentFile.txt'.
因為它以 TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted 選項執行,所以僅當前項中發生例外狀況時,接續才會執行。 因此可以假設前項的 Exception 屬性不是 null
。 如果不論前項中是否擲回例外狀況都執行接續,則必須檢查是否前項的 Exception 屬性不是 null
var fileNotFound =
?.FirstOrDefault(e => e is FileNotFoundException) as FileNotFoundException;
if (fileNotFound != null)
' Determine whether an exception occurred.
If antecedent.Exception IsNot Nothing Then
' Get the antecedent's exception information.
For Each ex In antecedent.Exception.InnerExceptions
If TypeOf ex Is FileNotFoundException
End If
End If
- 如果接續是使用 TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent 選項建立的附加子工作,則其父代會將例外狀況傳播回到呼叫的執行緒,如同任何附加之子系的情況。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱附加與中斷連結的子工作。