如何聯結兩個集合 (LINQ to XML)
XSD 檔案可以在 XML 檔案中建立關聯性,進而聯結元素,以建立新類型的元素。 本文提供聯結元素建立新 XML 檔案的 C# 和 Visual Basic 範例。
XML 文件中的項目或屬性有時候會參考其他項目或屬性。 例如 XML 文件 範例 XML 檔案:客戶和訂單包含客戶清單與訂單清單。 每個 Customer
元素都有屬性 CustomerID
,而每個 Order
元素都包含 CustomerID
元素。 Order
元素中的 CustomerID
元素值是指具有相符 CustomerID
屬性值的 Customer
範例 XSD 檔案:客戶和訂單一文主題包含可用於驗證 Customers and orders
文件的 XSD。 其使用 XSD 的 xs:key
和 xs:keyref
功能,將 CustomerID
元素的 Customer
屬性建立為索引鍵,然後建立索引鍵與 Order
之 CustomerID
您可以在 LINQ to XML 中使用 join
如需 join
的詳細資訊,請參閱聯結作業 (C#) 和聯結作業 (Visual Basic)。
聯結透過線性搜尋完成。 沒有索引可以提升搜尋效能。
範例:建立聯結了 Customer
和 Order
兩項元素的新 XML 檔案
下列範例產生的新 XML 檔案,會將範例 XML 檔案:客戶和訂單的 Customer
元素聯結到 Order
元素,並加入訂單中的 CompanyName
此範例會在執行查詢之前,驗證文件是否符合 範例 XSD 檔案:客戶和訂單中的結構描述。 這可確保聯結子句如實運作。
查詢只會選取 CustomerID
大於 "K" 之客戶的訂單。 其會規劃新的 Order
XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
schemas.Add("", "CustomersOrders.xsd");
Console.Write("Attempting to validate, ");
XDocument custOrdDoc = XDocument.Load("CustomersOrders.xml");
bool errors = false;
custOrdDoc.Validate(schemas, (o, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("{0}", e.Message);
errors = true;
Console.WriteLine("custOrdDoc {0}", errors ? "did not validate" : "validated");
if (!errors)
// Join customers and orders, and create a new XML document with
// a different shape.
// The new document contains orders only for customers with a
// CustomerID > 'K'
XElement custOrd = custOrdDoc.Element("Root");
XElement newCustOrd = new XElement("Root",
from c in custOrd.Element("Customers").Elements("Customer")
join o in custOrd.Element("Orders").Elements("Order")
on (string)c.Attribute("CustomerID") equals
where ((string)c.Attribute("CustomerID")).CompareTo("K") > 0
select new XElement("Order",
new XElement("CustomerID", (string)c.Attribute("CustomerID")),
new XElement("CompanyName", (string)c.Element("CompanyName")),
new XElement("ContactName", (string)c.Element("ContactName")),
new XElement("EmployeeID", (string)o.Element("EmployeeID")),
new XElement("OrderDate", (DateTime)o.Element("OrderDate"))
Public Class Program
Public Shared errors As Boolean = False
Public Shared Function LamValidEvent(ByVal o As Object, _
ByVal e As ValidationEventArgs) As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("{0}", e.Message)
errors = True
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim schemas As New XmlSchemaSet()
schemas.Add("", "CustomersOrders.xsd")
Console.Write("Attempting to validate, ")
Dim custOrdDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("CustomersOrders.xml")
custOrdDoc.Validate(schemas, Function(o, e) LamValidEvent(0, e))
If errors Then
Console.WriteLine("custOrdDoc did not validate")
Console.WriteLine("custOrdDoc validated")
End If
If Not errors Then
'Join customers and orders, and create a new XML document with
' a different shape.
'The new document contains orders only for customers with a
' CustomerID > 'K'.
Dim custOrd As XElement = custOrdDoc.<Root>.FirstOrDefault
Dim newCustOrd As XElement = _
<%= From c In custOrd.<Customers>.<Customer> _
Join o In custOrd.<Orders>.<Order> _
On c.@CustomerID Equals o.<CustomerID>.Value _
Where c.@CustomerID.CompareTo("K") > 0 _
Select _
<CustomerID><%= c.@CustomerID %></CustomerID>
<%= c.<CompanyName> %>
<%= c.<ContactName> %>
<%= o.<EmployeeID> %>
<%= o.<OrderDate> %>
</Order> _
End If
End Sub
End Class
Attempting to validate, custOrdDoc validated
<CompanyName>Lazy K Kountry Store</CompanyName>
<ContactName>John Steel</ContactName>
<CompanyName>Lazy K Kountry Store</CompanyName>
<ContactName>John Steel</ContactName>
<CompanyName>Let's Stop N Shop</CompanyName>
<ContactName>Jaime Yorres</ContactName>
<CompanyName>Let's Stop N Shop</CompanyName>
<ContactName>Jaime Yorres</ContactName>
<CompanyName>Let's Stop N Shop</CompanyName>
<ContactName>Jaime Yorres</ContactName>
<CompanyName>Let's Stop N Shop</CompanyName>
<ContactName>Jaime Yorres</ContactName>