併入或匯入 XML 結構描述
XML 結構描述可包含 <xs:import />
, <xs:include />
及 <xs:redefine />
項目。 這些結構描述項目會參考其他 XML 結構描述,其可用於補充併入或匯入它們之結構描述的結構。 XmlSchemaImport、XmlSchemaInclude 及 XmlSchemaRedefine 類別會對應至結構描述物件模型 (SOM) API 中的這些項目。
併入或匯入 XML 結構描述
下列程式碼範例會為建置 XML 結構描述主題中建立的客戶結構描述補充位址結構描述。 為客戶結構描述補充位址結構描述,可讓位址型別在客戶結構描述中使用。
您可使用 <xs:include />
或 <xs:import />
項目加入位址結構描述,以按原樣使用位址結構描述的元件,或使用 <xs:redefine />
項目,修改其中任何元件以滿足客戶結構描述需要。 因為位址結構描述與客戶結構描述的 targetNamespace
不同,所以會使用 <xs:import />
將客戶結構描述及位址結構描述加入至新的 XmlSchemaSet 物件,然後對它們進行編譯。 讀取或編譯結構描述時遇到的任何結構描述驗證警告及錯誤,都會由 ValidationEventHandler 委派處理。
透過重複處理 XmlSchema 屬性,從 XmlSchemaSet 中為客戶及位址結構描述擷取已編譯的 Schemas 物件。 因為已編譯結構描述,因此可存取後結構描述編譯資訊集 (PSCI) 屬性。
建立 XmlSchemaImport 物件、將 import 的 Namespace 屬性設為位址結構描述的命名空間、將 import 的 Schema 屬性設為位址結構描述的 XmlSchema 物件,並將 import 加入客戶結構描述的 Includes 屬性中。
使用 XmlSchema 類別的 Reprocess 及 Compile 方法,重新處理並編譯客戶結構描述之已修改的 XmlSchemaSet 物件,並將其寫入主控台。
最後,使用客戶結構描述的 Includes 屬性,將匯入至客戶結構描述的所有結構描述遞迴寫入主控台。 Includes 屬性對所有加入至結構描述的 include、import 或 redefine 提供存取權。
#using <System.Xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Schema;
ref class XmlSchemaImportExample
static void Main()
// Add the customer and address schemas to a new XmlSchemaSet and compile them.
// Any schema validation warnings and errors encountered reading or
// compiling the schemas are handled by the ValidationEventHandler delegate.
XmlSchemaSet^ schemaSet = gcnew XmlSchemaSet();
schemaSet->ValidationEventHandler += gcnew ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallback);
schemaSet->Add("http://www.tempuri.org", "customer.xsd");
schemaSet->Add("http://www.example.com/IPO", "address.xsd");
// Retrieve the compiled XmlSchema objects for the customer and
// address schema from the XmlSchemaSet by iterating over
// the Schemas property.
XmlSchema^ customerSchema = nullptr;
XmlSchema^ addressSchema = nullptr;
for each (XmlSchema^ schema in schemaSet->Schemas())
if (schema->TargetNamespace == "http://www.tempuri.org")
customerSchema = schema;
else if (schema->TargetNamespace == "http://www.example.com/IPO")
addressSchema = schema;
// Create an XmlSchemaImport object, set the Namespace property
// to the namespace of the address schema, the Schema property
// to the address schema, and add it to the Includes property
// of the customer schema.
XmlSchemaImport^ import = gcnew XmlSchemaImport();
import->Namespace = "http://www.example.com/IPO";
import->Schema = addressSchema;
// Reprocess and compile the modified XmlSchema object
// of the customer schema and write it to the console.
// Recursively write all of the schemas imported into the
// customer schema to the console using the Includes
// property of the customer schema.
static void RecurseExternals(XmlSchema^ schema)
for each (XmlSchemaExternal^ external in schema->Includes)
if (external->SchemaLocation != nullptr)
Console::WriteLine("External SchemaLocation: {0}", external->SchemaLocation);
if (external::typeid == XmlSchemaImport::typeid)
XmlSchemaImport^ import = dynamic_cast<XmlSchemaImport^>(external);
Console::WriteLine("Imported namespace: {0}", import->Namespace);
if (external->Schema != nullptr)
static void ValidationCallback(Object^ sender, ValidationEventArgs^ args)
if (args->Severity == XmlSeverityType::Warning)
Console::Write("WARNING: ");
else if (args->Severity == XmlSeverityType::Error)
Console::Write("ERROR: ");
int main()
return 0;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
class XmlSchemaImportExample
static void Main(string[] args)
// Add the customer and address schemas to a new XmlSchemaSet and compile them.
// Any schema validation warnings and errors encountered reading or
// compiling the schemas are handled by the ValidationEventHandler delegate.
XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();
schemaSet.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallback);
schemaSet.Add("http://www.tempuri.org", "customer.xsd");
schemaSet.Add("http://www.example.com/IPO", "address.xsd");
// Retrieve the compiled XmlSchema objects for the customer and
// address schema from the XmlSchemaSet by iterating over
// the Schemas property.
XmlSchema customerSchema = null;
XmlSchema addressSchema = null;
foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemaSet.Schemas())
if (schema.TargetNamespace == "http://www.tempuri.org")
customerSchema = schema;
else if (schema.TargetNamespace == "http://www.example.com/IPO")
addressSchema = schema;
// Create an XmlSchemaImport object, set the Namespace property
// to the namespace of the address schema, the Schema property
// to the address schema, and add it to the Includes property
// of the customer schema.
XmlSchemaImport import = new XmlSchemaImport();
import.Namespace = "http://www.example.com/IPO";
import.Schema = addressSchema;
// Reprocess and compile the modified XmlSchema object
// of the customer schema and write it to the console.
// Recursively write all of the schemas imported into the
// customer schema to the console using the Includes
// property of the customer schema.
static void RecurseExternals(XmlSchema schema)
foreach (XmlSchemaExternal external in schema.Includes)
if (external.SchemaLocation != null)
Console.WriteLine("External SchemaLocation: {0}", external.SchemaLocation);
if (external is XmlSchemaImport)
XmlSchemaImport import = external as XmlSchemaImport;
Console.WriteLine("Imported namespace: {0}", import.Namespace);
if (external.Schema != null)
static void ValidationCallback(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)
if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning)
Console.Write("WARNING: ");
else if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error)
Console.Write("ERROR: ");
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Schema
Class XmlSchemaImportExample
Shared Sub Main()
' Add the customer and address schemas to a new XmlSchemaSet and compile them.
' Any schema validation warnings and errors encountered reading or
' compiling the schemas are handled by the ValidationEventHandler delegate.
Dim schemaSet As XmlSchemaSet = New XmlSchemaSet()
AddHandler schemaSet.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf ValidationCallback
schemaSet.Add("http://www.tempuri.org", "customer.xsd")
schemaSet.Add("http://www.example.com/IPO", "address.xsd")
' Retrieve the compiled XmlSchema objects for the customer and
' address schema from the XmlSchemaSet by iterating over
' the Schemas property.
Dim customerSchema As XmlSchema = Nothing
Dim addressSchema As XmlSchema = Nothing
For Each schema As XmlSchema In schemaSet.Schemas()
If schema.TargetNamespace = "http://www.tempuri.org" Then
customerSchema = schema
ElseIf schema.TargetNamespace = "http://www.example.com/IPO" Then
addressSchema = schema
End If
' Create an XmlSchemaImport object, set the Namespace property
' to the namespace of the address schema, the Schema property
' to the address schema, and add it to the Includes property
' of the customer schema.
Dim import As XmlSchemaImport = New XmlSchemaImport()
import.Namespace = "http://www.example.com/IPO"
import.Schema = addressSchema
' Reprocess and compile the modified XmlSchema object
' of the customer schema and write it to the console.
' Recursively write all of the schemas imported into the
' customer schema to the console using the Includes
' property of the customer schema.
End Sub
Shared Sub RecurseExternals(ByVal schema As XmlSchema)
For Each external As XmlSchemaExternal In Schema.Includes
If Not external.SchemaLocation = Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("External SchemaLocation: {0}", external.SchemaLocation)
End If
If external.GetType() Is GetType(XmlSchemaImport) Then
Dim import As XmlSchemaImport = CType(external, XmlSchemaImport)
Console.WriteLine("Imported namespace: {0}", import.Namespace)
End If
If Not external.Schema Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Shared Sub ValidationCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As ValidationEventArgs)
If args.Severity = XmlSeverityType.Warning Then
Console.Write("WARNING: ")
If args.Severity = XmlSeverityType.Error Then
Console.Write("ERROR: ")
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns="http://www.tempuri.org" targetNamespace="http://www.tempuri.org" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:import namespace="http://www.example.com/IPO" />
<xs:element name="Customer">
<xs:element name="FirstName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="LastName" type="tns:LastNameType" />
<xs:attribute name="CustomerId" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required" />
<xs:simpleType name="LastNameType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="20" />
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.example.com/IPO" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ipo="http://www.example.com/IPO">
<documentation xml:lang="en">
Addresses for International Purchase order schema
Copyright 2000 Example.com. All rights reserved.
<complexType name="Address">
<element name="name" type="string"/>
<element name="street" type="string"/>
<element name="city" type="string"/>
<complexType name="USAddress">
<extension base="ipo:Address">
<element name="state" type="ipo:USState"/>
<element name="zip" type="positiveInteger"/>
<!-- other Address derivations for more countries or regions -->
<simpleType name="USState">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="AK"/>
<enumeration value="AL"/>
<enumeration value="AR"/>
<!-- and so on ... -->
如需 <xs:import />
、<xs:include />
及 <xs:redefine />
項目與 XmlSchemaImport、XmlSchemaInclude 和 XmlSchemaRedefine 類別的詳細資訊,請參閱 W3C XML 結構描述 (英文) 及 System.Xml.Schema 命名空間類別參考文件。