System.String.IsNullOrEmpty 方法
本文提供此 API 參考文件的補充備註。
IsNullOrEmpty 是一種方便的方法,可讓您同時測試 String 是 null
或其值為 String.Empty。 它相當於下列程式代碼:
bool TestForNullOrEmpty(string s)
bool result;
result = s == null || s == string.Empty;
return result;
string s1 = null;
string s2 = "";
// The example displays the following output:
// True
// True
result = s Is Nothing OrElse s = String.Empty
let testForNullOrEmpty (s: string): bool =
s = null || s = String.Empty
let s1 = null
let s2 = ""
printfn "%b" (testForNullOrEmpty s1)
printfn "%b" (testForNullOrEmpty s2)
// The example displays the following output:
// true
// true
您可以使用 IsNullOrWhiteSpace 方法來測試字串是 null
、其值為 String.Empty,或是只包含空格符。
什麼是 Null 字串?
如果字串尚未指派值(在 C++ 和 Visual Basic 中為 ),或已明確指派 的值null
,則為 。 雖然複合格式設定功能可以正常處理 Null 字串,如下列範例所示,如果其成員擲回 ,則嘗試呼叫一個 NullReferenceException。
String s = null;
Console.WriteLine("The value of the string is '{0}'", s);
Console.WriteLine("String length is {0}", s.Length);
catch (NullReferenceException e)
// The example displays the following output:
// The value of the string is ''
// Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
Dim s As String
Console.WriteLine("The value of the string is '{0}'", s)
Console.WriteLine("String length is {0}", s.Length)
Catch e As NullReferenceException
End Try
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' The value of the string is ''
' Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
let (s: string) = null
printfn "The value of the string is '%s'" s
printfn "String length is %d" s.Length
| :? NullReferenceException as ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message
// The example displays the following output:
// The value of the string is ''
// Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
如果字串明確指派空字串 (“”)或 String.Empty,則字串是空的。 空字串的 值為 Length 0。 下列範例會建立空字串,並顯示其值及其長度。
String s = "";
Console.WriteLine("The length of '{0}' is {1}.", s, s.Length);
// The example displays the following output:
// The length of '' is 0.
Dim s As String = ""
Console.WriteLine("The length of '{0}' is {1}.", s, s.Length)
' The example displays the following output:
' The length of '' is 0.
let s = ""
printfn "The length of '%s' is %d." s s.Length
// The example displays the following output:
// The length of '' is 0.