System.FlagsAttribute 類別
本文提供此 API 參考文件的補充備註。
屬性 FlagsAttribute 表示列舉可以視為位字段,也就是一組旗標。
位欄位通常用於可能結合的元素清單,而列舉常數通常用於互斥元素的清單。 因此,位欄位的設計目的是要與位 OR
運算結合,以產生未命名的值,而列舉常數則不是。 相較於列舉常數,語言在使用位字段時會有所不同。
FlagsAttribute 的屬性
AttributeUsageAttribute 會套用至這個類別,而其 Inherited 屬性會 false
指定 。 此屬性只能套用至列舉。
FlagsAttribute 和列舉的指導方針
FlagsAttribute只有在要對數值執行位運算(AND、OR、EXCLUSIVE OR)時,才使用列舉的自定義屬性。
定義兩個乘冪的列舉常數,也就是 1、2、4、8 等等。 這表示合並列舉常數中的個別旗標不會重疊。
請考慮為常用的旗標組合建立列舉常數。 例如,如果您有用於包含列舉常數和
Write = 2
的檔案 I/O 作業的列舉,請考慮建立列舉常數Read = 1
ReadWrite = Read OR Write
旗標。 此外,在某些情況下,用來結合旗標的位 OR 作業可能會被視為一個進階概念,而不需要簡單的工作。如果您將負數定義為旗標列舉常數,請小心,因為許多旗標位置可能設定為 1,這可能會導致程式代碼混淆並鼓勵編碼錯誤。
測試數值中是否設定旗標的便利方式,是在數值與旗標列舉常數之間執行位 AND 運算,這會將數值中的所有位設定為零,但不會對應至旗標,然後測試該作業的結果是否等於旗標列舉常數。
做為旗標列舉常數的名稱,其值為零。 您無法在None
位 AND 作業中使用列舉常數來測試旗標,因為結果一律為零。 不過,您可以執行數值與None
列舉常數。 原因是,根據預設,用於列舉的記憶體會由 Common Language Runtime 初始化為零。 因此,如果您未定義值為零的常數,列舉會在建立時包含不合法的值。如果應用程式需要表示的明顯預設案例,請考慮使用列舉常數,其值為零來表示預設值。 如果沒有預設案例,請考慮使用列舉常數,其值為零,表示任何其他列舉常數未表示的案例。
請勿只定義列舉值,以鏡像列舉本身的狀態。 例如,請勿定義只標記列舉結尾的列舉常數。 如果您需要判斷列舉的最後一個值,請明確檢查該值。 此外,如果範圍內的所有值都有效,您可以針對第一個和最後一個列舉常數執行範圍檢查。
當您定義接受列舉常數做為值的方法或屬性時,請考慮驗證值。 原因是即使列舉中未定義數值,您也可以將數值轉換成列舉類型。
下列範例說明 屬性的使用方式,FlagsAttribute
並顯示 對宣告使用 FlagsAttribute
Enum 方法的影響ToString。
using System;
class Example
// Define an Enum without FlagsAttribute.
enum SingleHue : short
None = 0,
Black = 1,
Red = 2,
Green = 4,
Blue = 8
// Define an Enum with FlagsAttribute.
enum MultiHue : short
None = 0,
Black = 1,
Red = 2,
Green = 4,
Blue = 8
static void Main()
// Display all possible combinations of values.
"All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:");
for (int val = 0; val <= 16; val++)
Console.WriteLine("{0,3} - {1:G}", val, (SingleHue)val);
// Display all combinations of values, and invalid values.
"\nAll possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:");
for (int val = 0; val <= 16; val++)
Console.WriteLine("{0,3} - {1:G}", val, (MultiHue)val);
// The example displays the following output:
// All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:
// 0 - None
// 1 - Black
// 2 - Red
// 3 - 3
// 4 - Green
// 5 - 5
// 6 - 6
// 7 - 7
// 8 - Blue
// 9 - 9
// 10 - 10
// 11 - 11
// 12 - 12
// 13 - 13
// 14 - 14
// 15 - 15
// 16 - 16
// All possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:
// 0 - None
// 1 - Black
// 2 - Red
// 3 - Black, Red
// 4 - Green
// 5 - Black, Green
// 6 - Red, Green
// 7 - Black, Red, Green
// 8 - Blue
// 9 - Black, Blue
// 10 - Red, Blue
// 11 - Black, Red, Blue
// 12 - Green, Blue
// 13 - Black, Green, Blue
// 14 - Red, Green, Blue
// 15 - Black, Red, Green, Blue
// 16 - 16
open System
// Define an Enum without FlagsAttribute.
type SingleHue =
| None = 0
| Black = 1
| Red = 2
| Green = 4
| Blue = 8
// Define an Enum with FlagsAttribute.
type MultiHue =
| None = 0
| Black = 1
| Red = 2
| Green = 4
| Blue = 8
// Display all possible combinations of values.
printfn "All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:"
for i = 0 to 16 do
printfn $"{i,3} - {enum<SingleHue> i:G}"
// Display all combinations of values, and invalid values.
printfn "\nAll possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:"
for i = 0 to 16 do
printfn $"{i,3} - {enum<MultiHue> i:G}"
// The example displays the following output:
// All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:
// 0 - None
// 1 - Black
// 2 - Red
// 3 - 3
// 4 - Green
// 5 - 5
// 6 - 6
// 7 - 7
// 8 - Blue
// 9 - 9
// 10 - 10
// 11 - 11
// 12 - 12
// 13 - 13
// 14 - 14
// 15 - 15
// 16 - 16
// All possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:
// 0 - None
// 1 - Black
// 2 - Red
// 3 - Black, Red
// 4 - Green
// 5 - Black, Green
// 6 - Red, Green
// 7 - Black, Red, Green
// 8 - Blue
// 9 - Black, Blue
// 10 - Red, Blue
// 11 - Black, Red, Blue
// 12 - Green, Blue
// 13 - Black, Green, Blue
// 14 - Red, Green, Blue
// 15 - Black, Red, Green, Blue
// 16 - 16
Module Example
' Define an Enum without FlagsAttribute.
Enum SingleHue As Short
None = 0
Black = 1
Red = 2
Green = 4
Blue = 8
End Enum
' Define an Enum with FlagsAttribute.
Enum MultiHue As Short
None = 0
Black = 1
Red = 2
Green = 4
Blue = 8
End Enum
Sub Main()
' Display all possible combinations of values.
"All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:")
For val As Integer = 0 To 16
Console.WriteLine("{0,3} - {1:G}", val, CType(val, SingleHue))
' Display all combinations of values, and invalid values.
"All possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:")
For val As Integer = 0 To 16
Console.WriteLine( "{0,3} - {1:G}", val, CType(val, MultiHue))
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' All possible combinations of values without FlagsAttribute:
' 0 - None
' 1 - Black
' 2 - Red
' 3 - 3
' 4 - Green
' 5 - 5
' 6 - 6
' 7 - 7
' 8 - Blue
' 9 - 9
' 10 - 10
' 11 - 11
' 12 - 12
' 13 - 13
' 14 - 14
' 15 - 15
' 16 - 16
' All possible combinations of values with FlagsAttribute:
' 0 - None
' 1 - Black
' 2 - Red
' 3 - Black, Red
' 4 - Green
' 5 - Black, Green
' 6 - Red, Green
' 7 - Black, Red, Green
' 8 - Blue
' 9 - Black, Blue
' 10 - Red, Blue
' 11 - Black, Red, Blue
' 12 - Green, Blue
' 13 - Black, Green, Blue
' 14 - Red, Green, Blue
' 15 - Black, Red, Green, Blue
' 16 - 16
此範例會定義兩個色彩相關的列舉和 SingleHue
。 後者具有 FlagsAttribute
屬性;前者則不會。 當整數範圍,包括不代表列舉型別基礎值的整數,轉換成列舉型別及其字串表示法時,此範例會顯示行為的差異。 例如,請注意,3 無法表示為 SingleHue
值,因為 3 不是任何 SingleHue
成員的基礎值,而 FlagsAttribute
屬性則可讓您將 3 表示為 MultiHue
的值 Black, Red
下列範例使用 屬性定義另一個列舉, FlagsAttribute
並示範如何使用位邏輯和相等運算符來判斷列舉值中是否設定一或多個位字段。 您也可以使用 Enum.HasFlag 方法來執行此動作,但此範例中未顯示。
using System;
public enum PhoneService
None = 0,
LandLine = 1,
Cell = 2,
Fax = 4,
Internet = 8,
Other = 16
public class Example1
public static void Main()
// Define three variables representing the types of phone service
// in three households.
var household1 = PhoneService.LandLine | PhoneService.Cell |
var household2 = PhoneService.None;
var household3 = PhoneService.Cell | PhoneService.Internet;
// Store the variables in an array for ease of access.
PhoneService[] households = { household1, household2, household3 };
// Which households have no service?
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < households.Length; ctr++)
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has phone service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
households[ctr] == PhoneService.None ?
"No" : "Yes");
// Which households have cell phone service?
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < households.Length; ctr++)
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has cell phone service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
(households[ctr] & PhoneService.Cell) == PhoneService.Cell ?
"Yes" : "No");
// Which households have cell phones and land lines?
var cellAndLand = PhoneService.Cell | PhoneService.LandLine;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < households.Length; ctr++)
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has cell and land line service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
(households[ctr] & cellAndLand) == cellAndLand ?
"Yes" : "No");
// List all types of service of each household?//
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < households.Length; ctr++)
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has: {1:G}",
ctr + 1, households[ctr]);
// The example displays the following output:
// Household 1 has phone service: Yes
// Household 2 has phone service: No
// Household 3 has phone service: Yes
// Household 1 has cell phone service: Yes
// Household 2 has cell phone service: No
// Household 3 has cell phone service: Yes
// Household 1 has cell and land line service: Yes
// Household 2 has cell and land line service: No
// Household 3 has cell and land line service: No
// Household 1 has: LandLine, Cell, Internet
// Household 2 has: None
// Household 3 has: Cell, Internet
open System
type PhoneService =
| None = 0
| LandLine = 1
| Cell = 2
| Fax = 4
| Internet = 8
| Other = 16
// Define three variables representing the types of phone service
// in three households.
let household1 =
PhoneService.LandLine ||| PhoneService.Cell ||| PhoneService.Internet
let household2 =
let household3 =
PhoneService.Cell ||| PhoneService.Internet
// Store the variables in a list for ease of access.
let households =
[ household1; household2; household3 ]
// Which households have no service?
for i = 0 to households.Length - 1 do
printfn $"""Household {i + 1} has phone service: {if households[i] = PhoneService.None then "No" else "Yes"}"""
printfn ""
// Which households have cell phone service?
for i = 0 to households.Length - 1 do
printfn $"""Household {i + 1} has cell phone service: {if households[i] &&& PhoneService.Cell = PhoneService.Cell then "Yes" else "No"}"""
printfn ""
// Which households have cell phones and land lines?
let cellAndLand =
PhoneService.Cell ||| PhoneService.LandLine
for i = 0 to households.Length - 1 do
printfn $"""Household {i + 1} has cell and land line service: {if households[i] &&& cellAndLand = cellAndLand then "Yes" else "No"}"""
printfn ""
// List all types of service of each household?//
for i = 0 to households.Length - 1 do
printfn $"Household {i + 1} has: {households[i]:G}"
// The example displays the following output:
// Household 1 has phone service: Yes
// Household 2 has phone service: No
// Household 3 has phone service: Yes
// Household 1 has cell phone service: Yes
// Household 2 has cell phone service: No
// Household 3 has cell phone service: Yes
// Household 1 has cell and land line service: Yes
// Household 2 has cell and land line service: No
// Household 3 has cell and land line service: No
// Household 1 has: LandLine, Cell, Internet
// Household 2 has: None
// Household 3 has: Cell, Internet
Public Enum PhoneService As Integer
None = 0
LandLine = 1
Cell = 2
Fax = 4
Internet = 8
Other = 16
End Enum
Module Example1
Public Sub Main()
' Define three variables representing the types of phone service
' in three households.
Dim household1 As PhoneService = PhoneService.LandLine Or
PhoneService.Cell Or
Dim household2 As PhoneService = PhoneService.None
Dim household3 As PhoneService = PhoneService.Cell Or
' Store the variables in an array for ease of access.
Dim households() As PhoneService = { household1, household2,
household3 }
' Which households have no service?
For ctr As Integer = 0 To households.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has phone service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
If(households(ctr) = PhoneService.None,
"No", "Yes"))
' Which households have cell phone service?
For ctr As Integer = 0 To households.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has cell phone service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
If((households(ctr) And PhoneService.Cell) = PhoneService.Cell,
"Yes", "No"))
' Which households have cell phones and land lines?
Dim cellAndLand As PhoneService = PhoneService.Cell Or PhoneService.LandLine
For ctr As Integer = 0 To households.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has cell and land line service: {1}",
ctr + 1,
If((households(ctr) And cellAndLand) = cellAndLand,
"Yes", "No"))
' List all types of service of each household?'
For ctr As Integer = 0 To households.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("Household {0} has: {1:G}",
ctr + 1, households(ctr))
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
' Household 1 has phone service: Yes
' Household 2 has phone service: No
' Household 3 has phone service: Yes
' Household 1 has cell phone service: Yes
' Household 2 has cell phone service: No
' Household 3 has cell phone service: Yes
' Household 1 has cell and land line service: Yes
' Household 2 has cell and land line service: No
' Household 3 has cell and land line service: No
' Household 1 has: LandLine, Cell, Internet
' Household 2 has: None
' Household 3 has: Cell, Internet