屬性 | 值 |
規則識別碼 | CA2246 |
職稱 | 請勿在相同的陳述式中指派符號及其成員 |
類別 | 使用方式 |
修正程式是中斷或非中斷 | 不中斷 |
預設在 .NET 9 中啟用 | 建議 |
符號及其成員是在相同的語句中指派的。 例如:
// 'a' and 'a.Field' are assigned in the same statement
a.Field = a = b;
不建議在相同的陳述式中指派符號及其成員,也就是欄位或屬性。 目前不清楚成員存取是在要使用在指派之前的符號舊值,還是在此陳述式中指派的新值。 為了清楚起見,多重指派語句必須分割成兩個以上的簡單指派語句。
若要修正違規,請將多重指派語句分割成兩個以上的簡單指派語句。 例如,下列代碼段顯示違反規則,以及根據使用者意圖修正規則的幾種方式:
public class C
public C Field;
public class Test
public void M(C a, C b)
// Let us assume 'a' points to 'Instance1' and 'b' points to 'Instance2' at the start of the method.
// It is not clear if the user intent in the below statement is to assign to 'Instance1.Field' or 'Instance2.Field'.
// CA2246: Symbol 'a' and its member 'Field' are both assigned in the same statement. You are at risk of assigning the member of an unintended object.
a.Field = a = b;
public class C
public C Field;
public class Test
public void M(C a, C b)
// Let us assume 'a' points to 'Instance1' and 'b' points to 'Instance2' at the start of the method.
// 'Instance1.Field' is intended to be assigned.
var instance1 = a;
a = b;
instance1.Field = a;
public class C
public C Field;
public class Test
public void M(C a, C b)
// Let us assume 'a' points to 'Instance1' and 'b' points to 'Instance2' at the start of the method.
// 'Instance2.Field' is intended to be assigned.
a = b;
b.Field = a; // or 'a.Field = a;'