

預存程序表示用以覆寫預設行為的常見方法。 本主題中的範例顯示如何使用針對預存程序產生的方法包裝函式,以及如何才能直接呼叫預存程序。

如果您使用的是 Visual Studio,就可以使用物件關聯式設計工具來指定預存程序,以執行插入、更新和刪除。


若要讀回資料庫產生的值,請在預存程序中使用輸出參數。 如果您無法使用輸出參數,請撰寫部分方法實作 (Implementation),而不要依賴物件關聯式設計工具產生的覆寫作業。 在順利完成 INSERTUPDATE 作業之後,對應至資料庫產生值的成員必須設為適當的值。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱開發人員覆寫預設行為的責任

範例 1

在下列範例中,假設 Northwind 類別有兩種方法可以呼叫用於在衍生類別 (Derived Class) 中覆寫的預存程序。

public IEnumerable<Order> CustomerOrders(
    [Parameter(Name = "CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]
    string customerID)
    IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,
    return ((IEnumerable<Order>)(result.ReturnValue));

public IEnumerable<Customer> CustomerById(
    [Parameter(Name = "CustomerID", DbType = "NChar(5)")]
    string customerID)
    IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this,
    return (IEnumerable<Customer>)(result.ReturnValue);
<[Function]()> _
Public Function CustomerOrders( _
    <Parameter(Name:="CustomerID", DbType:="NChar(5)")> ByVal _
    customerID As String) As IEnumerable(Of Order)

    Dim result As IExecuteResult = Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, _
        (CType(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(), MethodInfo)), _
    Return CType(result.ReturnValue, IEnumerable(Of Order))
End Function

<[Function]()> _
Public Function CustomerById( _
    <Parameter(Name:="CustomerID", DbType:="NChar(5)")> ByVal _
        customerID As String) As IEnumerable(Of Customer)

    Dim result As IExecuteResult = Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, _
        CType(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(), MethodInfo), _

    Return CType(result.ReturnValue, IEnumerable(Of Customer))
End Function

範例 2


public class NorthwindThroughSprocs : Northwind

    public NorthwindThroughSprocs(string connection) :

    // Override loading of Customer.Orders by using method wrapper.
    private IEnumerable<Order> LoadOrders(Customer customer)
        return this.CustomerOrders(customer.CustomerID);
    // Override loading of Order.Customer by using method wrapper.
    private Customer LoadCustomer(Order order)
        return this.CustomerById(order.CustomerID).Single();
    // Override INSERT operation on Customer by calling the
    // stored procedure directly.
    private void InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
        // Call the INSERT stored procedure directly.
        this.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_insert_customer …");
    // The UPDATE override works similarly, that is, by
    // calling the stored procedure directly.
    private void UpdateCustomer(Customer original, Customer current)
        // Call the UPDATE stored procedure by using current
        // and original values.
        this.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_update_customer …");
    // The DELETE override works similarly.
    private void DeleteCustomer(Customer customer)
        // Call the DELETE stored procedure directly.
        this.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_delete_customer …");
Public Class NorthwindThroughSprocs : Inherits Northwind
    Sub New()
    End Sub
    ' Override loading of Customer.Orders by using method wrapper.
    Private Function LoadOrders(ByVal customer As Customer) As  _
        IEnumerable(Of Order)
        Return Me.CustomerOrders(customer.CustomerID)
    End Function

    ' Override loading of Order.Customer by using method wrapper.
    Private Function LoadCustomer(ByVal order As Order) As Customer
        Return Me.CustomerById(order.CustomerID).Single()
    End Function

    ' Override INSERT operation on Customer by calling the
    ' stored procedure directly.
    Private Sub InsertCustomer(ByVal customer As Customer)
        ' Call the INSERT stored procedure directly.
        Me.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_insert_customer …")
    End Sub

    ' The UPDATE override works similarly, that is, by
    ' calling the stored procedure directly.
    Private Sub UpdateCustomer(ByVal original As Customer, ByVal _
        current As Customer)
        ' Call the UPDATE stored procedure by using current
        ' and original values.
        Me.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_update_customer …")
    End Sub

    ' The DELETE override works similarly.
    Private Sub DeleteCustomer(ByVal customer As Customer)
        ' Call the DELETE stored procedure directly.
        Me.ExecuteCommand("exec sp_delete_customer …")
    End Sub
End Class

範例 3

您使用 NorthwindThroughSprocs 的方式完全與使用 Northwnd 相同。

NorthwindThroughSprocs db = new NorthwindThroughSprocs("");
var custQuery =
    from cust in db.Customers
    where cust.City == "London"
    select cust;

foreach (Customer custObj in custQuery)
    // deferred loading of cust.Orders uses the override LoadOrders.
    foreach (Order ord in custObj.Orders)
        // ...
        // Make some changes to customers/orders.
        // Overrides for Customer are called during the execution of the
        // following:
Dim db As New NorthwindThroughSprocs()
Dim custQuery = From cust In db.Customers _
                Where cust.City = "London" _
                Select cust

For Each custObj In custQuery
    ' Deferred loading of cust.Orders uses the override LoadOrders.
    For Each ord In custObj.Orders
        ' ...
        ' Make some changes to customers/orders.
        ' Overrides for Customer are called during the execution 
        ' of the following:
