
Type.GetInterfaceMap(Type) 方法



 virtual System::Reflection::InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type ^ interfaceType);
public virtual System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType);
public virtual System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(Type interfaceType);
abstract member GetInterfaceMap : Type -> System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping
override this.GetInterfaceMap : Type -> System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping
abstract member GetInterfaceMap : Type -> System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping
override this.GetInterfaceMap : Type -> System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping
Public Overridable Function GetInterfaceMap (interfaceType As Type) As InterfaceMapping





物件,表示 interfaceType 的介面對應。




interfaceType 不是否由目前的類型所實作。


interfaceType 引數未參考介面。


目前的執行個體或 interfaceType 引數是開放式泛型型別,也就是 ContainsGenericParameters 屬性會傳回 true


interfaceType 是泛型介面,且目前的類型是陣列類型。


目前 Type 代表泛型型別參數;也就是說, IsGenericParametertrue

基底類別不支援叫用的方法。 衍生類別必須提供實作。


下列範例會 GetInterfaceMap 呼叫 方法來判斷介面如何 IFormatProvider 對應至 CultureInfo 方法,以及介面如何 IAppDomainSetup 對應至 AppDomainSetup 屬性。 請注意,因為 IAppDomainSetup 介面會定義一組屬性,所以傳 InterfaceMapping 回的物件會包含屬性 get 和 set 存取子的個別 MethodInfo 物件。

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Type[] interf = { typeof(IFormatProvider), typeof(IAppDomainSetup) };
      Type[] impl = { typeof(CultureInfo), typeof(AppDomainSetup) };

      for (int ctr = 0; ctr < interf.Length; ctr++)
         ShowInterfaceMapping(interf[ctr], impl[ctr]);

   private static void ShowInterfaceMapping(Type intType, Type implType)
      InterfaceMapping map = implType.GetInterfaceMap(intType);
      Console.WriteLine("Mapping of {0} to {1}: ", map.InterfaceType, map.TargetType);
      for (int ctr = 0; ctr < map.InterfaceMethods.Length; ctr++) {
         MethodInfo im = map.InterfaceMethods[ctr];
         MethodInfo tm = map.TargetMethods[ctr];
         Console.WriteLine("   {0} --> {1}", im.Name,tm.Name);
// The example displays the following output:
//    Mapping of System.IFormatProvider to System.Globalization.CultureInfo:
//       GetFormat --> GetFormat
//    Mapping of System.IAppDomainSetup to System.AppDomainSetup:
//       get_ApplicationBase --> get_ApplicationBase
//       set_ApplicationBase --> set_ApplicationBase
//       get_ApplicationName --> get_ApplicationName
//       set_ApplicationName --> set_ApplicationName
//       get_CachePath --> get_CachePath
//       set_CachePath --> set_CachePath
//       get_ConfigurationFile --> get_ConfigurationFile
//       set_ConfigurationFile --> set_ConfigurationFile
//       get_DynamicBase --> get_DynamicBase
//       set_DynamicBase --> set_DynamicBase
//       get_LicenseFile --> get_LicenseFile
//       set_LicenseFile --> set_LicenseFile
//       get_PrivateBinPath --> get_PrivateBinPath
//       set_PrivateBinPath --> set_PrivateBinPath
//       get_PrivateBinPathProbe --> get_PrivateBinPathProbe
//       set_PrivateBinPathProbe --> set_PrivateBinPathProbe
//       get_ShadowCopyDirectories --> get_ShadowCopyDirectories
//       set_ShadowCopyDirectories --> set_ShadowCopyDirectories
//       get_ShadowCopyFiles --> get_ShadowCopyFiles
//       set_ShadowCopyFiles --> set_ShadowCopyFiles
open System
open System.Globalization

let showInterfaceMapping (intType: Type) (implType: Type) =
    let map = implType.GetInterfaceMap intType
    printfn $"Mapping of {map.InterfaceType} to {map.TargetType}: "
    for i = 0 to map.InterfaceMethods.Length - 1 do
        let im = map.InterfaceMethods[i]
        let tm = map.TargetMethods[i]
        printfn $"   {im.Name} --> {tm.Name}"
    printfn ""

let interf = [| typeof<IFormatProvider>; typeof<IAppDomainSetup> |]
let impl = [| typeof<CultureInfo>; typeof<AppDomainSetup> |]

for i = 0 to interf.Length - 1 do
    showInterfaceMapping interf[i] impl[i]

// The example displays the following output:
//    Mapping of System.IFormatProvider to System.Globalization.CultureInfo:
//       GetFormat --> GetFormat
//    Mapping of System.IAppDomainSetup to System.AppDomainSetup:
//       get_ApplicationBase --> get_ApplicationBase
//       set_ApplicationBase --> set_ApplicationBase
//       get_ApplicationName --> get_ApplicationName
//       set_ApplicationName --> set_ApplicationName
//       get_CachePath --> get_CachePath
//       set_CachePath --> set_CachePath
//       get_ConfigurationFile --> get_ConfigurationFile
//       set_ConfigurationFile --> set_ConfigurationFile
//       get_DynamicBase --> get_DynamicBase
//       set_DynamicBase --> set_DynamicBase
//       get_LicenseFile --> get_LicenseFile
//       set_LicenseFile --> set_LicenseFile
//       get_PrivateBinPath --> get_PrivateBinPath
//       set_PrivateBinPath --> set_PrivateBinPath
//       get_PrivateBinPathProbe --> get_PrivateBinPathProbe
//       set_PrivateBinPathProbe --> set_PrivateBinPathProbe
//       get_ShadowCopyDirectories --> get_ShadowCopyDirectories
//       set_ShadowCopyDirectories --> set_ShadowCopyDirectories
//       get_ShadowCopyFiles --> get_ShadowCopyFiles
//       set_ShadowCopyFiles --> set_ShadowCopyFiles
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Reflection

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim int() As Type = { GetType(IFormatProvider), GetType(IAppDomainSetup) }
      Dim impl() As Type = { GetType(CultureInfo), GetType(AppDomainSetup) }
      For ctr As Integer = 0 To int.Length - 1
         ShowInterfaceMapping(int(ctr), impl(ctr))
   End Sub
   Private Sub ShowInterfaceMapping(intType As Type, implType As Type)
      Dim map As InterfaceMapping = implType.GetInterfaceMap(intType)
      Console.WriteLine("Mapping of {0} to {1}: ", map.InterfaceType, map.TargetType)
      For ctr As Integer = 0 To map.InterfaceMethods.Length - 1
         Dim im As MethodInfo = map.InterfaceMethods(ctr)
         Dim tm As MethodInfo = map.TargetMethods(ctr)
         Console.WriteLine("   {0} --> {1}", im.Name,tm.Name)
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    Mapping of System.IFormatProvider to System.Globalization.CultureInfo:
'       GetFormat --> GetFormat
'    Mapping of System.IAppDomainSetup to System.AppDomainSetup:
'       get_ApplicationBase --> get_ApplicationBase
'       set_ApplicationBase --> set_ApplicationBase
'       get_ApplicationName --> get_ApplicationName
'       set_ApplicationName --> set_ApplicationName
'       get_CachePath --> get_CachePath
'       set_CachePath --> set_CachePath
'       get_ConfigurationFile --> get_ConfigurationFile
'       set_ConfigurationFile --> set_ConfigurationFile
'       get_DynamicBase --> get_DynamicBase
'       set_DynamicBase --> set_DynamicBase
'       get_LicenseFile --> get_LicenseFile
'       set_LicenseFile --> set_LicenseFile
'       get_PrivateBinPath --> get_PrivateBinPath
'       set_PrivateBinPath --> set_PrivateBinPath
'       get_PrivateBinPathProbe --> get_PrivateBinPathProbe
'       set_PrivateBinPathProbe --> set_PrivateBinPathProbe
'       get_ShadowCopyDirectories --> get_ShadowCopyDirectories
'       set_ShadowCopyDirectories --> set_ShadowCopyDirectories
'       get_ShadowCopyFiles --> get_ShadowCopyFiles
'       set_ShadowCopyFiles --> set_ShadowCopyFiles



如果目前的 Type 代表建構的泛型型別,則型別參數會由此方法所傳回之 InterfaceMapping 元素中的適當型別引數取代。

