FieldAttributes 列舉
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
public enum class FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
public enum FieldAttributes
type FieldAttributes =
type FieldAttributes =
type FieldAttributes =
Public Enum FieldAttributes
- 繼承
- 屬性
名稱 | 值 | Description |
Assembly | 3 | 指定在整個組件中欄位是可存取的。 |
FamANDAssem | 2 | 指定欄位只能由這個組件中的子型別存取。 |
Family | 4 | 指定欄位只能由型別和子型別存取。 |
FamORAssem | 5 | 指定欄位可以在任何地方和整個組件中由子型別存取。 |
FieldAccessMask | 7 | 指定特定欄位的存取層級。 |
HasDefault | 32768 | 指定此欄位含有預設值。 |
HasFieldMarshal | 4096 | 指定欄位含有封送處理 (Marshaling) 資訊。 |
HasFieldRVA | 256 | 指定欄位含有相對虛擬位址 (RVA)。 RVA 為目前影像中方法主體的位置,就像相對於影像檔所在位置的開始位址。 |
InitOnly | 32 | 指定欄位只初始化,而且只能在建構函式主體中設定。 |
Literal | 64 | 指定欄位的值為編譯時期常數 (靜態或早期繫結), 任何對其進行設定的嘗試都會擲回 FieldAccessException。 |
NotSerialized | 128 | 指定當型別為遠端時,欄位不必序列化。 |
PinvokeImpl | 8192 | 保留供未來使用。 |
Private | 1 | 指定欄位只能由父型別存取。 |
PrivateScope | 0 | 指定無法參考此欄位。 |
Public | 6 | 指定欄位可以讓能見到這個範圍的任何成員存取。 |
ReservedMask | 38144 | 保留的。 |
RTSpecialName | 1024 | 指定 Common Language Runtime (中繼資料內部 API) 應檢查名稱編碼方式。 |
SpecialName | 512 | 指定特殊方法,具有描述方法是如何特殊的名稱。 |
Static | 16 | 指定表示定義型別的欄位,不然它就是一個執行個體。 |
在此範例中,會建置三個字段,並 FieldAttributes
顯示值。 值 FieldAttributes
可以包含多個屬性,例如 Public
和 Literal
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
public ref class Demo
// Make three fields:
// The first field is private.
String^ m_field;
// The second field is public.
String^ Field;
// The third field is public and literal.
literal String^ FieldC = "String C";
Demo() { m_field = "String A"; Field = "String B"; }
static void DisplayField(Object^ obj, FieldInfo^ f)
// Display the field name, value, and attributes.
Console::WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}",
f->Name, f->GetValue(obj), f->Attributes);
void main()
Console::WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
Demo^ d = gcnew Demo();
// Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
// the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
// name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
Type^ myType = Demo::typeid;
FieldInfo^ fiPrivate = myType->GetField("m_field",
BindingFlags::NonPublic | BindingFlags::Instance);
DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);
FieldInfo^ fiPublic = myType->GetField("Field",
BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance);
DisplayField(d, fiPublic);
FieldInfo^ fiConstant = myType->GetField("FieldC",
BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static);
DisplayField(d, fiConstant);
/* This code example produces the following output:
m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class Demo
// Make three fields:
// The first field is private.
private string m_field = "String A";
// The second field is public.
public string Field = "String B";
// The third field is public const (hence also literal and static),
// with a default value.
public const string FieldC = "String C";
public class Myfieldattributes
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine ("\nReflection.FieldAttributes");
Demo d = new Demo();
// Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
// the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
// name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
Type myType = typeof(Demo);
FieldInfo fiPrivate = myType.GetField("m_field",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
DisplayField(d, fiPrivate);
FieldInfo fiPublic = myType.GetField("Field",
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
DisplayField(d, fiPublic);
FieldInfo fiConstant = myType.GetField("FieldC",
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
DisplayField(d, fiConstant);
static void DisplayField(Object obj, FieldInfo f)
// Display the field name, value, and attributes.
Console.WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"; attributes: {2}",
f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes);
/* This code example produces the following output:
m_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Demo
' Declare three fields.
' The first field is private.
Private m_field As String = "String A"
'The second field is public.
Public Field As String = "String B"
' The third field is public and const, hence also static
' and literal with a default value.
Public Const FieldC As String = "String C"
End Class
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Create an instance of the Demo class.
Dim d As New Demo()
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Reflection.FieldAttributes")
' Get a Type object for Demo, and a FieldInfo for each of
' the three fields. Use the FieldInfo to display field
' name, value for the Demo object in d, and attributes.
Dim myType As Type = GetType(Demo)
Dim fiPrivate As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("m_field", _
BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)
DisplayField(d, fiPrivate)
Dim fiPublic As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("Field", _
BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
DisplayField(d, fiPublic)
Dim fiConstant As FieldInfo = myType.GetField("FieldC", _
BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static)
DisplayField(d, fiConstant)
End Sub
Sub DisplayField(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal f As FieldInfo)
' Display the field name, value, and attributes.
Console.WriteLine("{0} = ""{1}""; attributes: {2}", _
f.Name, f.GetValue(obj), f.Attributes)
End Sub
End Module
' This code example produces the following output:
'm_field = "String A"; attributes: Private
'Field = "String B"; attributes: Public
'FieldC = "String C"; attributes: Public, Static, Literal, HasDefault
會使用 從 FieldAccessMask
遮罩的值,只遮罩與輔助功能相關的屬性值部分。 例如,下列程式代碼會判斷是否已 Attributes
FieldInfo^ fi = obj->GetType()->GetField("field1");
if ((fi->Attributes & FieldAttributes::FieldAccessMask) ==
Console::WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi->Name, fi->GetValue(obj));
FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetField("field1");
if ((fi.Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) ==
Console.WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi.Name, fi.GetValue(obj));
Dim fi As FieldInfo = obj.GetType().GetField("field1")
If (fi.Attributes And FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) = _
FieldAttributes.Public Then
Console.WriteLine("{0:s} is public. Value: {1:d}", fi.Name, fi.GetValue(obj))
End If
若要取得 FieldAttributes
,請先取得 類別 Type
。 從取得 Type
。 從取得 FieldInfo
列舉值是數位,代表欄位上實作之屬性的位 OR。