Socket 建構函式
部分資訊涉及發行前產品,在發行之前可能會有大幅修改。 Microsoft 對此處提供的資訊,不做任何明確或隱含的瑕疵擔保。
初始化 Socket 類別的新執行個體。
Socket(SafeSocketHandle) |
針對指定的通訊端控制代碼,將 Socket 類別的新執行個體初始化。 |
Socket(SocketInformation) |
使用從 Socket 傳回的指定值,初始化 DuplicateAndClose(Int32) 類別的新執行個體。 |
Socket(SocketType, ProtocolType) |
使用指定的通訊端類型和通訊協定,初始化 Socket 類別的新執行個體。 如果操作系統支援 IPv6,此建構函式會建立雙模式套接字;否則,它會建立 IPv4 套接字。 |
Socket(AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType) |
使用指定的通訊協定家族 (Family)、通訊端類型和通訊協定,初始化 Socket 類別的新執行個體。 |
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
針對指定的通訊端控制代碼,將 Socket 類別的新執行個體初始化。
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::SafeSocketHandle ^ handle);
public Socket(System.Net.Sockets.SafeSocketHandle handle);
new System.Net.Sockets.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.SafeSocketHandle -> System.Net.Sockets.Socket
Public Sub New (handle As SafeSocketHandle)
- handle
- SafeSocketHandle
Socket 物件將封裝之通訊端的通訊端控制代碼。
為 null
這個方法會 Socket 以從提供 SafeSocketHandle的數據填入 實例。 不同的操作系統提供不同層級的支援,可查詢套接字句柄或檔案描述項,以取得其屬性和組態。 結果 Socket 實例上的某些公用 API 可能會根據作業系統而有所不同,例如 ProtocolType 和 Blocking。
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
使用從 Socket 傳回的指定值,初始化 DuplicateAndClose(Int32) 類別的新執行個體。
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::SocketInformation socketInformation);
public Socket(System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation socketInformation);
public Socket(System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation socketInformation);
new System.Net.Sockets.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation -> System.Net.Sockets.Socket
new System.Net.Sockets.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation -> System.Net.Sockets.Socket
Public Sub New (socketInformation As SocketInformation)
- socketInformation
- SocketInformation
DuplicateAndClose(Int32) 傳回的通訊端資訊。
- 屬性
如果您使用與每個呼叫自變數相同的位元組陣列多次呼叫 Socket 建構函式,您將使用相同的基礎套接字建立多個 Managed Socket。 強烈建議您不要這樣做。
Socket(SocketType, ProtocolType)
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
使用指定的通訊端類型和通訊協定,初始化 Socket 類別的新執行個體。 如果操作系統支援 IPv6,此建構函式會建立雙模式套接字;否則,它會建立 IPv4 套接字。
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::SocketType socketType, System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType protocolType);
public Socket(System.Net.Sockets.SocketType socketType, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocolType);
new System.Net.Sockets.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.SocketType * System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType -> System.Net.Sockets.Socket
Public Sub New (socketType As SocketType, protocolType As ProtocolType)
- socketType
- SocketType
其中一個 SocketType 值。
- protocolType
- ProtocolType
其中一個 ProtocolType 值。
和 protocolType
參數 socketType
會指定 類別的類型 Socket ,而 protocolType
參數會指定 所使用的 Socket通訊協定。 這兩個參數不獨立。 類型 Socket 通常隱含於通訊協定中。 如果型別和通訊協定型別的組合 Socket 導致無效 Socket,這個建構函式會 SocketException擲回 。
如果這個建構函式擲回 SocketException,請使用 SocketException.ErrorCode 屬性來取得特定的錯誤碼。 取得此程式代碼之後,請參閱 Windows Sockets 第 2 版 API 錯誤碼 檔,以取得錯誤的詳細描述。
在應用程式中啟用網路追蹤時,這個成員會輸出追蹤資訊。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 .NET Framework 中的網路追蹤。
Socket(AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType)
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
- 來源:
- Socket.cs
使用指定的通訊協定家族 (Family)、通訊端類型和通訊協定,初始化 Socket 類別的新執行個體。
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::AddressFamily addressFamily, System::Net::Sockets::SocketType socketType, System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType protocolType);
public Socket(System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily addressFamily, System.Net.Sockets.SocketType socketType, System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType protocolType);
new System.Net.Sockets.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily * System.Net.Sockets.SocketType * System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType -> System.Net.Sockets.Socket
Public Sub New (addressFamily As AddressFamily, socketType As SocketType, protocolType As ProtocolType)
- addressFamily
- AddressFamily
其中一個 AddressFamily 值。
- socketType
- SocketType
其中一個 SocketType 值。
- protocolType
- ProtocolType
其中一個 ProtocolType 值。
和 protocolType
下列程式代碼範例示範如何建立 類別的 Socket 實例。
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;
String^ DoSocketGet( String^ server )
//Set up variables and String to write to the server.
Encoding^ ASCII = Encoding::ASCII;
String^ Get = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ";
Get->Concat( server, "\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n" );
array<Byte>^ByteGet = ASCII->GetBytes( Get );
array<Byte>^RecvBytes = gcnew array<Byte>(256);
String^ strRetPage = nullptr;
// IPAddress and IPEndPoint represent the endpoint that will
// receive the request.
// Get first IPAddress in list return by DNS.
// Define those variables to be evaluated in the next for loop and
// then used to connect to the server. These variables are defined
// outside the for loop to make them accessible there after.
Socket^ s = nullptr;
IPEndPoint^ hostEndPoint;
IPAddress^ hostAddress = nullptr;
int conPort = 80;
// Get DNS host information.
IPHostEntry^ hostInfo = Dns::Resolve( server );
// Get the DNS IP addresses associated with the host.
array<IPAddress^>^IPaddresses = hostInfo->AddressList;
// Evaluate the socket and receiving host IPAddress and IPEndPoint.
for ( int index = 0; index < IPaddresses->Length; index++ )
hostAddress = IPaddresses[ index ];
hostEndPoint = gcnew IPEndPoint( hostAddress,conPort );
// Creates the Socket to send data over a TCP connection.
s = gcnew Socket( AddressFamily::InterNetwork,SocketType::Stream,ProtocolType::Tcp );
// Connect to the host using its IPEndPoint.
s->Connect( hostEndPoint );
if ( !s->Connected )
// Connection failed, try next IPaddress.
strRetPage = "Unable to connect to host";
s = nullptr;
// Sent the GET request to the host.
s->Send( ByteGet, ByteGet->Length, SocketFlags::None );
// Receive the host home page content and loop until all the data is received.
Int32 bytes = s->Receive( RecvBytes, RecvBytes->Length, SocketFlags::None );
strRetPage = "Default HTML page on ";
strRetPage->Concat( server, ":\r\n", ASCII->GetString( RecvBytes, 0, bytes ) );
while ( bytes > 0 )
bytes = s->Receive( RecvBytes, RecvBytes->Length, SocketFlags::None );
strRetPage->Concat( ASCII->GetString( RecvBytes, 0, bytes ) );
catch ( SocketException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "SocketException caught!!!" );
Console::Write( "Source : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Source );
Console::Write( "Message : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
catch ( ArgumentNullException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentNULLException caught!!!" );
Console::Write( "Source : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Source );
Console::Write( "Message : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
catch ( NullReferenceException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "NULLReferenceException caught!!!" );
Console::Write( "Source : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Source );
Console::Write( "Message : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "Exception caught!!!" );
Console::Write( "Source : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Source );
Console::Write( "Message : " );
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
return strRetPage;
int main()
Console::WriteLine( DoSocketGet( "localhost" ) );
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
public class Sample
public static string DoSocketGet(string server)
//Set up variables and String to write to the server.
Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;
string Get = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + server +
"\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n";
Byte[] ByteGet = ASCII.GetBytes(Get);
Byte[] RecvBytes = new Byte[256];
String strRetPage = null;
// IPAddress and IPEndPoint represent the endpoint that will
// receive the request.
// Get first IPAddress in list return by DNS.
// Define those variables to be evaluated in the next for loop and
// then used to connect to the server. These variables are defined
// outside the for loop to make them accessible there after.
Socket s = null;
IPEndPoint hostEndPoint;
IPAddress hostAddress = null;
int conPort = 80;
// Get DNS host information.
IPHostEntry hostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(server);
// Get the DNS IP addresses associated with the host.
IPAddress[] IPaddresses = hostInfo.AddressList;
// Evaluate the socket and receiving host IPAddress and IPEndPoint.
for (int index=0; index<IPaddresses.Length; index++)
hostAddress = IPaddresses[index];
hostEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(hostAddress, conPort);
// Creates the Socket to send data over a TCP connection.
s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp );
// Connect to the host using its IPEndPoint.
if (!s.Connected)
// Connection failed, try next IPaddress.
strRetPage = "Unable to connect to host";
s = null;
// Sent the GET request to the host.
s.Send(ByteGet, ByteGet.Length, 0);
} // End of the for loop.
// Receive the host home page content and loop until all the data is received.
Int32 bytes = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);
strRetPage = "Default HTML page on " + server + ":\r\n";
strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);
while (bytes > 0)
bytes = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0);
strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes);
} // End of the try block.
catch(SocketException e)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException caught!!!");
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
catch(ArgumentNullException e)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException caught!!!");
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
catch(NullReferenceException e)
Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException caught!!!");
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!");
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
return strRetPage;
public static void Main()
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Class Sample
Public Shared Function DoSocketGet(server As String) As String
'Set up variables and String to write to the server.
Dim ASCII As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII
Dim [Get] As String = "GET / HTTP/1.1" + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.NewLine + "Host: " + server + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.NewLine + "Connection: Close" + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.NewLine + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.NewLine
Dim ByteGet As [Byte]() = ASCII.GetBytes([Get])
Dim RecvBytes(256) As [Byte]
Dim strRetPage As [String] = Nothing
' IPAddress and IPEndPoint represent the endpoint that will
' receive the request.
' Get first IPAddress in list return by DNS.
' Define those variables to be evaluated in the next for loop and
' then used to connect to the server. These variables are defined
' outside the for loop to make them accessible there after.
Dim s As Socket = Nothing
Dim hostEndPoint As IPEndPoint
Dim hostAddress As IPAddress = Nothing
Dim conPort As Integer = 80
' Get DNS host information.
Dim hostInfo As IPHostEntry = Dns.Resolve(server)
' Get the DNS IP addresses associated with the host.
Dim IPaddresses As IPAddress() = hostInfo.AddressList
' Evaluate the socket and receiving host IPAddress and IPEndPoint.
Dim index As Integer = 0
For index = 0 To IPaddresses.Length - 1
hostAddress = IPaddresses(index)
hostEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(hostAddress, conPort)
' Creates the Socket to send data over a TCP connection.
s = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
' Connect to the host using its IPEndPoint.
If Not s.Connected Then
' Connection failed, try next IPaddress.
strRetPage = "Unable to connect to host"
s = Nothing
GoTo ContinueFor1
End If
' Sent the GET request to the host.
s.Send(ByteGet, ByteGet.Length, 0)
Next index ' End of the for loop.
' Receive the host home page content and loop until all the data is received.
'Dim bytes As Int32 = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0)
Dim bytes As Int32 = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0)
strRetPage = "Default HTML page on " + server + ":\r\n"
strRetPage = "Default HTML page on " + server + ":" + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.NewLine
Dim i As Integer
While bytes > 0
bytes = s.Receive(RecvBytes, RecvBytes.Length, 0)
strRetPage = strRetPage + ASCII.GetString(RecvBytes, 0, bytes)
End While
' End of the try block.
Catch e As SocketException
Console.WriteLine("SocketException caught!!!")
Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As ArgumentNullException
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException caught!!!")
Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine("NullReferenceException caught!!!")
Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!")
Console.WriteLine(("Source : " + e.Source))
Console.WriteLine(("Message : " + e.Message))
End Try
Return strRetPage
End Function 'DoSocketGet
Public Shared Sub Main()
End Sub
End Class
參數 addressFamily
會指定類別所使用的尋址配置 Socket 、 socketType
參數指定類別的類型 Socket ,而 protocolType
參數則指定 所使用的 Socket通訊協定。 這三個參數不獨立。 某些位址系列會限制哪些通訊協定可以搭配它們使用,而且類型 Socket 通常隱含在通訊協定中。 如果位址系列、 Socket 類型和通訊協定類型的組合導致無效 Socket,這個建構函式會 SocketException擲回 。
如果這個建構函式擲回 SocketException,請使用 SocketException.ErrorCode 屬性來取得特定的錯誤碼。 取得此程式代碼之後,請參閱 Windows Sockets 第 2 版 API 錯誤碼 檔,以取得錯誤的詳細描述。
在應用程式中啟用網路追蹤時,這個成員會輸出追蹤資訊。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 .NET Framework 中的網路追蹤。