
TextRenderingHint 列舉



public enum class TextRenderingHint
public enum TextRenderingHint
type TextRenderingHint = 
Public Enum TextRenderingHint


名稱 Description
AntiAlias 4

不經提示,使用字元的反鋸齒補償圖像 (Glyph) 點陣圖繪製每個字元。 平滑化 (或稱反鋸齒補償) 可以產生較佳的品質。 縱線寬度的差異可能因為提示關閉而變得明顯。

AntiAliasGridFit 3

經由提示,使用字元的反鋸齒補償圖像點陣圖繪製每個字元。 平滑化 (反鋸齒補償) 可以產生較佳的品質,但卻會犧牲效能。

ClearTypeGridFit 5

經由提示,使用字元的圖像 ClearType 點陣圖繪製每個字元。 最高的品質設定。 用來利用 ClearType 字型的功能。

SingleBitPerPixel 2

使用字元的圖像點陣圖繪製每個字元。 不使用提示。

SingleBitPerPixelGridFit 1

使用字元的圖像點陣圖繪製每個字元。 提示是用來改善在縱線和彎曲上字元的外觀。

SystemDefault 0

經由系統預設呈現提示,使用字元的圖像點陣圖繪製每個字元。 使用任何使用者為系統所選取的字型平滑化設定來繪製文字。


下列程式代碼範例示範 如何使用 TextRenderingHintTextContrast 屬性和 TextRenderingHint 列舉。

此範例的設計目的是要與 Windows Forms 搭配使用。 將程式代碼貼到表單中,並在處理表單的事件時呼叫 ChangeTextRenderingHintAndTextContrast 方法,並e傳遞為 PaintEventArgsPaint

   void ChangeTextRenderingHintAndTextContrast( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Retrieve the graphics object.
      Graphics^ formGraphics = e->Graphics;

      // Declare a new font.
      System::Drawing::Font^ myFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericSansSerif,20,FontStyle::Regular );

      // Set the TextRenderingHint property.
      formGraphics->TextRenderingHint = System::Drawing::Text::TextRenderingHint::SingleBitPerPixel;

      // Draw the string.
      formGraphics->DrawString( "Hello World", myFont, Brushes::Firebrick, 20.0F, 20.0F );

      // Change the TextRenderingHint property.
      formGraphics->TextRenderingHint = System::Drawing::Text::TextRenderingHint::AntiAliasGridFit;

      // Draw the string again.
      formGraphics->DrawString( "Hello World", myFont, Brushes::Firebrick, 20.0F, 60.0F );

      // Set the text contrast to a high-contrast setting.
      formGraphics->TextContrast = 0;

      // Draw the string.
      formGraphics->DrawString( "Hello World", myFont, Brushes::DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 100.0F );

      // Set the text contrast to a low-contrast setting.
      formGraphics->TextContrast = 12;

      // Draw the string again.
      formGraphics->DrawString( "Hello World", myFont, Brushes::DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 140.0F );

      // Dispose of the font object.
      delete myFont;
private void ChangeTextRenderingHintAndTextContrast(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Retrieve the graphics object.
    Graphics formGraphics = e.Graphics;

    // Declare a new font.
    Font myFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 20, 

    // Set the TextRenderingHint property.
    formGraphics.TextRenderingHint = 

    // Draw the string.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, 
        Brushes.Firebrick, 20.0F, 20.0F);

    // Change the TextRenderingHint property.
    formGraphics.TextRenderingHint = 

    // Draw the string again.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, 
        Brushes.Firebrick, 20.0F, 60.0F);

    // Set the text contrast to a high-contrast setting.
    formGraphics.TextContrast = 0;

    // Draw the string.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, 
        Brushes.DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 100.0F);

    // Set the text contrast to a low-contrast setting.
    formGraphics.TextContrast = 12;

    // Draw the string again.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, 
        Brushes.DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 140.0F);

    // Dispose of the font object.
Private Sub ChangeTextRenderingHintAndTextContrast(ByVal e As _

    ' Retrieve the graphics object.
    Dim formGraphics As Graphics = e.Graphics

    ' Declare a new font.
    Dim myFont As Font = New Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, _
        20, FontStyle.Regular)

    ' Set the TextRenderingHint property.
    formGraphics.TextRenderingHint = _

    ' Draw the string.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, _
        Brushes.Firebrick, 20.0F, 20.0F)

    ' Change the TextRenderingHint property.
    formGraphics.TextRenderingHint = _

    ' Draw the string again.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, _
        Brushes.Firebrick, 20.0F, 60.0F)

    ' Set the text contrast to a high-contrast setting.
    formGraphics.TextContrast = 0

    ' Draw the string.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, _
        Brushes.DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 100.0F)

    ' Set the text contrast to a low-contrast setting.
    formGraphics.TextContrast = 12

    ' Draw the string again.
    formGraphics.DrawString("Hello World", myFont, _
        Brushes.DodgerBlue, 20.0F, 140.0F)

    ' Dispose of the font object.

End Sub


品質範圍從文字 (最快效能,但品質最低) 到反鋸齒文字 (品質較佳,但效能較慢,) 到 CLEARType 文字, (在) 上的最佳品質。
