
Microsoft Azure Analysis Services management client library for .NET

Microsoft Azure Analysis Services is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) that provides enterprise-grade data models in the cloud. Use advanced mashup and modeling features to combine data from multiple data sources, define metrics, and secure your data in a single, trusted tabular semantic data model. The data model provides an easier and faster way for users to perform ad hoc data analysis using tools like Power BI and Excel.

This library supports managing Microsoft Azure Analysis Services resources.

This library follows the new Azure SDK guidelines, and provides many core capabilities:

- Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET.
- Support [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) for distributed tracing.
- HTTP pipeline with custom policies.
- Better error-handling.
- Support uniform telemetry across all languages.

Getting started

Install the package

Install the Microsoft Azure Analysis Services management library for .NET with NuGet:

dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.AnalysisServices


Authenticate the Client

To create an authenticated client and start interacting with Microsoft Azure resources, see the quickstart guide here.

Key concepts

Key concepts of the Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET can be found here.


Documentation is available to help you learn how to use this package:


Code samples for using the management library for .NET can be found in the following locations


Next steps

For more information about Microsoft Azure SDK, see this website.


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