
WebView2.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) Method


This is overridden from UIElement and called to allow us to handle key press input. WPF should never actually call this in response to keyboard events because we're hosting a non-WPF window. When our window has focus Windows will send the input directly to it rather than to WPF's top-level window and input system. This override should only be called when we're explicitly forwarding accelerator key input from the CoreWebView2 to WPF (in CoreWebView2Controller_AcceleratorKeyPressed). Even then, this KeyDownEvent is only triggered because our PreviewKeyDownEvent implementation explicitly triggers it, matching WPF's usual system. So the process is:

  1. CoreWebView2Controller_AcceleratorKeyPressed
  2. PreviewKeyDownEvent
  3. KeyDownEvent
  4. OnKeyDown
protected override void OnKeyDown (System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e);
override this.OnKeyDown : System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs -> unit
Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown (e As KeyEventArgs)


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