
FiscalPrinterState Enum


Enumerates the possible printer operational states that can be reported for a fiscal printer.

public enum FiscalPrinterState
type FiscalPrinterState = 
Public Enum FiscalPrinterState


Name Value Description
Monitor 1

If the TrainingModeActive property is false, the printer is not in a specific operational mode. In this state, the printer accepts any of the Begin methods and the Set methods.

FiscalReceipt 2

If the TrainingModeActive property is false, the printer is processing a fiscal receipt. In this state, the printer accepts any of the PrintRec methods.

FiscalReceiptTotal 3

If the TrainingModeActive property is false, the printer has already accepted at least one payment. However, the total has not been completely paid. In this state, the printer accepts either the PrintRecTotal or PrintRecNotPaid method.

FiscalReceiptEnding 4

If the TrainingModeActive property is false, the printer has completed the receipt up to the total line. In this state, the printer accepts either the PrintRecMessage or EndFiscalReceipt method.

FiscalDocument 5

The printer is processing a fiscal slip. In this state, the printer accepts either the PrintFiscalDocumentLine or EndFiscalDocument method.

FixedOutput 6

The printer is processing fixed text output to one or more stations. In this state, the printer accepts either the PrintFixedOutput or EndFixedOutput method.

ItemList 7

The printer is processing an item list report. In this state, the printer accepts either the VerifyItem or EndItemList method.

Locked 8

The printer has encountered a non-recoverable hardware problem. An authorized printer technician must be contacted to exit this state.

NonFiscal 9

The printer is processing nonfiscal output to one or more stations. In this state, the printer accepts either the PrintNormal or EndNonFiscal method.

Report 10

The printer is processing a fiscal report. In this state, the printer does not accept any methods until the report has been completed.

Applies to